You have no true understanding of God, Jesus or the Holy Sprite

From Janice S

I came across your Website by accident, read your comments. My heart goes out to you. You have no true understanding of God, Jesus or the Holy Sprite.

I was amazed that you would ask for a donation in an attempt to prove your case. In asking Christains for a donation, to support your anit-God beliefs, you are asking Christains to further the work that Satan is doing thru you. (You can not sever two masters, either hate the one and love the other or love the one and hate the other)

Also in your sad attempt to get money to support your views, you are suggesting to us the same arguement that Satan purposed to Jesus in the widlerness. Jesus's reply as is my own (Thou shalt not temp the Lord they God.)

We do not have to prove anything to you or anyone else, we know in our hearts that we are saved by the shed blood of Jesus and that the Sprite of God is living and dwelling in us. It is a long and painful process but daily we are being renewed. And yes, we make mistakes and yes there have been Leader's and Pastor who have made mistakes, that is why Paul said to be on guard always and to not cease from praying. These are the last days, and there are many false prophets in the world claiming to be of God, but aren't. But he who is born of the Sprite is able to recongize what is of God and what is not.

You obvisiously are not. Oh, and just because I felt compelled to response to your claims does not mean that I want to recieve any other communication's with you. I say this in love, for we are told to speak the truth in love.


Dave Van Allen said…

In case you decide to stop by and read the responses to your letter, let it be known that I prefer the Holy Rootbeer.

Also, the article you are so upset about has nothing to do with getting your money. It's an illustration that some of the clear commands of the Christian's supposed man-god are retarded.
Anonymous said…
Dear Janice

Do not run away now that you have netered the den of lions, good lady! May I suggest the following, please:

1. You enrol at a university to complete a course in logic.
2. You enrol in a university to complete a course in history, archeology and science and keep your Bible next to you.
3. You face yourself and ask how on earth you can lay cliam to this Jesus and Holy Spirit about whom you write when all those who are in the same camp as you are tell us so many different things? For example the Pentecostals versus the Reformed Christians and the Dispensationalists versus the Covenant theologians!
Anonymous said…
Er, that would be Holy "Spirit". A sprite is a fictional fairy creature.

That so-called request for money wasn't meant as a temptation or threat, but a statement to shed light on the instruction that one should give to anyone who asks (and that means ANYONE). I suggest you spend a bit more time exploring possible underlying meanings to things.
TheJaytheist said…
I had no idea sprite was the holy thirst quencher of god.

I figured him for a blood of virgins kinda guy.

Learn somethin' new every day.
Unknown said…
I just happened up on this site as well. I happen to be a ex-xian, actually I was never an xian but like religion usually is, it was forced upon me at an early age. I can't help but to feel sorry for people like Janice who believe whole heartedly there is a god and she thinks she will see her family again after she dies. It saddes me to think people out there take this life for granted with the expectations there will be another one.

I do have one question for Janice... you say you are saved by the shed blood of christ. One simple question. Why did he have to die.. what was the reason, what was he saving us from? Himself? Hrmm? Does it make any sense at all for someone to be bled dry.. how does this absolve our sins? I mean why? Look at the bible and the stuff in a logical view and really ask yourself these questions. Don't accept just because everyone says its right. Every religion in history has at some point turned into myth. What happened to the norse when they died? Did they go to hell because they believed in Odin? Xianity wasn't even around then... or do they just go to limbo with the all the unbaptized babies?
Anonymous said…
JAnice are you in Ireland? I understand they have holy sprites and faeries there, and these are not compatible with Christianity.

I once went to church and had no food at all. The entire congregation prayed that God would send food for my daughter and myself. If God is working through people, and so is Satan, I think God is lazier!
Anonymous said…
Janice S is NOT a christian; she's a Christain (sic), which is why she believes in the Holy Sprite instead of the Holy Spirit. But she is wrong about not be able to sever (sic) two masters; I've severed them all with no regrets!
pekingjohn said…
A very amusing little ruse. The intentional misspellings are a dead give away.
Nevertheless, just for the record, I believe this site has been established as a forum for people, like me, who Christianity has caused a great deal of misery and who have decided to leave the faith. People like us need mutual support as we are recovering from our harrowing experience.
Furthermore, no amount of preaching from anybody is going to change our minds because we've already had a belly full of it.
I have been an ex-Christian for 27 years, and I am ashamed to admit that I was ever a Christian. I must say that my conversion to atheism is the best thing that ever happened to me.
Finally, no one should ever be critcized for donating money for the work of spreading the good news that Christianity is false. This personal realization is perhaps the most liberating experience a person could ever have.
PS If by chance your letter is not a ruse, I suggest that you not only enroll in courses in logic, history, archeology, and science, but also take a course in remedial reading and writing. Your English is appalling.
Spirula said…
These are the last days, and there are many false prophets in the world claiming to be of God, but aren't.

I wonder if Janice and all the other God-gobblers are aware of how many generations have made this exact claim. After 2,000 years you would think they would have gotten a clue.

Oh well, I guess it makes them feel special to be in the SuperSpecialImaginaryFriend's club.
Anonymous said…
Holy Sprite???

Holy Shite!!!
Anonymous said…
"Paul said to be on guard always and to not cease from praying."

When did you find the time to stop praying long enough to type that heap of horse squeezings?

Oh ye hypocrite, ye shall be consumed by the hell fire.
Anonymous said…
LMFAO!!! I always thought the Holy Farter preferred Mountain Dew, or perhaps Vault in a pinch. Glory!

We actually have a very clear understanding of the Holy Farter, Jesus Kryasst, and the Holy Spook (the Spook of Kryasst who is also somehow magically Him) - and his supposed "word" - which is in large part why we are no longer believers. Once you start thinking clearly and using your brain, it's damned hard to continue believing in that shit. Come on, your Book of Myths starts out with two contradictory and absurd creation myths and then it continues with a laughably ridiculous story involving two obviously mythical people and a talking snake, and it just goes downhill from there... WAKE THE FUCK UP!!!

But thanks for the laugh. I'm in the library at school right now, so I had to somehow manage not to laugh too loud, but if I had been at home I would still be probably literally rolling on the floor. "Holy Sprite". LMAO.
pekingjohn said…
Brother Jeff,
Thank you for your comment. I wish I had written it. I am still rolling on the floor in laughter.
Anonymous said…
Then old Nobodaddy aloft
Farted and belched and coughed,
And said,
'I love hanging and drawing and quartering
Every bit as well as war and slaughtering.'

-- William Blake
Anonymous said…

Is this for real? It reads like comic relief.

What can I say? I always suspected that I was adopted. It turns out that I didn't come from my mother, I came from a Sprite bottle after all.

"But he who is born of the Sprite"

Since, unfortunately, at some point I was born again.
Anonymous said…
Thackerie said...

But she is wrong about not be able to sever (sic) two masters; I've severed them all with no regrets!

That is so funny...I can't stop laughing. I am pretty sure I will still be laughing tonight before I go to sleep.

No, I don't have a life, as you can probably tell.
Anonymous said…
I am a nonbeliever and a former Christian and I am discouraged by the lack of civility toward this woman. The word "retarded" is very offensive and belittling her intelligence and spelling appears rude and mean-spirited. I'm sure most of you guys don't mean to be like this but think about it: Our goal is to advance civilization — to use reason and common sense — not to forsake good ethics and civil dialogue. Ad hominem, or personal, attacks, do not advance our cause.

I have struggled to control my temper all of my life and have often failed, resulting in a trail of bitter and profane diatribes aimed at the objects of my scorn. In other words, I have to cut you a lot of slack because I often lapse into the same emotionally-charged — and sometimes profanity-laced — behavior. Just think about what I said and forgive me if I have offended you.
Anonymous said…
Did anyone stop to think, maybe, just maybe...Janice is right?
Dave Van Allen said…
"Our goal is to advance civilization — to use reason and common sense..."

Our purpose? Who is our? Please read the site disclaimer for the purpose of this site. While I agree that common courtesy is preferred in most human interaction, the express purpose of this site is to allow deprogramming ex-Christians the freedom to express themselves in any way they see fit, even if that expression isn't always pretty. It is the opinion of the creators of this site that it is more healthy to let allow former cultists to freely let off steam in cyberspace so as to avert off-color verbal venting in meatspace. And no one (NO ONE) is obligated to hang out on this site.

Let me ask you something, anonymous. If any of us were to post something as poorly expressed as this woman's letter on a Christian site, except against Christianity, what do you think would happen? Hmm?

Discussions on religion and politics are typically filled with emotion. There is no changing that. Further, the only unifying aspect to this site is that the regulars who frequent the site no longer believe in Christianity.

As soon as you or I or anyone else starts strictly dictating the tone of the rhetoric, we risk falling right back into a fundamentalist mindset.

You are disappointed? Who cares!
Dave Van Allen said…
"Did anyone stop to think, maybe, just maybe...Janice is right?"

Not me.
Anonymous said…
"I have struggled to control my temper all of my life and have often failed,"

No, you are not a EX-christian. You are very much a Christian. You can remove the boy from church but you can't remove the church from the boy.

People say things like what offended you because they know well that, if Janice is for real, she is NEVER going to comeback here to read the posts.

Or, are you Janice? You sound a lot like her. I think you are Janice.
Anonymous said…
I think this is a ruse, too. Other than the typos (strategically placed) this is far too well-written to be the rubbish it appears to be on the surface.

Real or not, it IS much more comical than insulting.

For the lurking christians out there that insist we have no sense of humor, what do you say now? haha.
Anonymous said…
Webmaster said:
Not me

Yeah, me neither. I just like to give these Christians some false hope, since they are addicted to it.
Aspentroll said…
Anony said:

"The word "retarded" is very offensive and belittling her intelligence......."

I think the word retarded is an upgrade to this person's
intelligence. It takes her from being a complete basket case, fruit cake up to some one who might be able to tie her own shoe laces or chew gum and walk at the same time.
No, I think "retarded" is a compliment to her.
liniasmax said…
Janice - my favorite is not Holy Sprite, it's Master Pibb...
but I want to thank you for your kindness and goodwill. You are well on your way to deconverting yourself. This is one of the first steps. You should be commended for venturing out of your fold and dabbling in this forbidden stuff. Stick around - you may like it - it hooked me and now I'm free - I bet you'll be back, because the allure is powerful, the taste of freedom is intoxicating, the chains being let loose is invigorating... kind of like the sensation you get when you eat a Peppermint Patty...

... and zero trans-fat....that's a plus...

Nekkid Atheist said…
The word "retarded" is very offensive . . . May I be as so bold as to suggest Fucktarded instead?
Anonymous said…
Haven't you ever heard the one that goes:
"You may be momma's precious angel, but you're daddy's little Squirt."

I suppose in areas of the country where Squirt is not available, one COULD use Sprite....
ExFundie said…
I think Lorena might be right. Janice and Anony are the same person.
Anonymous said…
"I suppose in areas of the country where Squirt is not available, one COULD use"

No wonder I am such a nut case, my momma is Sprite and my pappa is a Squirt
Anonymous said…
Dee de dee...

Yoo didnit now jesas cuase if yuo new jesas than yuo wooden bee sow angery, butt jesas is reel ann sew is gohd end all the one's whom donit baleve it is gone to bern in hail.

Why can't you all just get together and solve the petty fucking differences in your own doctrines and practices? You know, all those deadly-important little details that make every last one of you idiots SO SURE that YOURS is the 'real' xtianity. Before you come yell at anyone else (and then get huffy when we call you a fucking retard), try getting your own fucking Book figured out, sweetie. The ONE thing you might be good for isn't decent conversation for a forum like this.

Seriously, now, I mean it. Shut the fuck up.
Astreja said…
Janice: "You can not [serve] two masters, either hate the one and love the other or love the one and hate the other."

Putting aside the Biblical origin of the above statement, I'd like to point out that it presents a false dichotomy and raises a few other questions as well.

- First of all, are there actually any "masters" in the god/anti-god sense? This is an unproven assertion.

- Why two? Why not three, or five thousand?

- And, if one chooses to follow one particular entity, it is not in the least bit necessary to hate its competitor(s).

Oh, and Janice: You have a lot of nerve to say "I say this in love". I see no "love" in your post, just the bafflement and outrage and impotence of an under-educated believer whose world has been unexpectedly turned on its side by our dissenting voices.
Anonymous said…
I was amazed that you would ask for a donation in an attempt to prove your case. In asking Christains for a donation, to support your anit-God beliefs, you are asking Christains to further the work that Satan is doing thru you.

The WM doesn't have any trouble making his case against your ridiculous religion, and neither do any of us. Shit! What's so hard about debunking a Book of Myths that treats Magical Beings, Invisible Magically Undead Sky Folks, invisible evil and friendly spooks, talking animals, mythical animals, mythical people, flying people, etc. as if they are actually real? Christians have the MUCH harder task of convincing rational, thinking people like us that all of that ridiculous but hilarious bullshit is actually for real! Glory!

The Spook of Kryasst who is also somehow magically Him just magically inspired me to donate $25.00 to this glorious site. It's always a pleasure to further the work of the Talking Snake! Glory!
Anonymous said…
So, you're "born of the Sprite"... Well, that only proves what we already knew: you're living in a fairy tale :-D
Anonymous said…
Im with you all the way Janice! THE FOOL IN HIS HEART SAYS THEIR IS NO GOD!!!!! These fools try and try to prove evelution!!!! Thats like trying to clime a fence when the gate is unlocked!!!!!!!!!! SUCH FOOLISHNESS! For the morons out their: JESUS in all his glory is the unlocked gate!!!! Its all their in his book!!! Can you even reed ATHEIST SATAN WORHSHIPPERS??
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said...

Im with you all the way Janice! THE FOOL IN HIS HEART SAYS THEIR IS NO GOD!!!!!

CHristianity has exited for 2000 milleniums!!! 2007 to be exact. THINK ABOUT IT! WHY DO WE HAVE CHRISTMAS...THANKSGIVING???!!! Do these holidays exist for nothing?!
Anonymous said…
ur owl jus made tat wes kryptans isa gon' ta' heeben wind wes dye gawt dun gate yaull @ chains ind yaull isa gon' to heel price hint
Anonymous said…
Normally, posts like these get my blood going and the adrenaline pumping. I love a good argument early in the morning to get my day off to a good start. But this post really disappointed me. I did get a good laugh, though, so it's not a complete waste.

I have heard of the holy spirit being referred to as the holy ghost, but never the holy sprite:) At first, I thought it was a typo but when you kept on calling it that, I wonder if you are either a child, a poorly educated adult or one who has never even perused your own holy book. I wonder what the holy sprite looks like? Whatever she looks like, I'll bet she's very cute:) Somehow, it's very hard to take a 6 inch tall fairy-like creature telling me to convert or die seriously. I'm strange that way.

And, by the way, it is possible to sever two masters. (Sever means "to separate" and its meaning is infinite. I can sever as many people as I like.) It is possible to love two individuals and it's even more possible (probable, even) to hate two individuals.

By the way, I've read of the experiment to which you refer. The point wasn't to get money to do "Satan's" work (that statement actually surprised me...I was expecting you to accuse him of doing "Stan's" work) The point was to prove that if Christians truly follow the bible, they will practice what they preach. The Bible does clearly state that if someone asks something of a Christian and they love god, they have to give it. Even if the person asking is of another idealogy. Which is absolutely ridiculous. I thought it was a brilliant experiment, but I did expect it to be lost on people such as yourself.

My heart goes out to you. You have no true understanding of logic, reason or proper spelling. A pity.

Huey said…
Annony(s) said:

“Im with you all the way Janice! THE FOOL IN HIS HEART SAYS THEIR IS NO GOD!!!!! These fools try and try to prove evelution!!!! Thats like trying to clime a fence when the gate is unlocked!!!!!!!!!! SUCH FOOLISHNESS! For the morons out their: JESUS in all his glory is the unlocked gate!!!! Its all their in his book!!! Can you even reed ATHEIST SATAN WORHSHIPPERS??”

This sort of rant just reinforces the prevalent attitude the xtians are for the most part, uneducated ignoramuses. This individual cannot even spell much less use the proper verbiage.

For one, “their” is not the same word as “there”. Learn the difference.

"Reed" is spelled read. And to answer your question: yes we can read. Unlike you, we can also write.

"Clime" is spelled climb.

“Evelution” is spelled evolution.

“Worhshippers” (I thought this one to be amusing but being an atheist my mind of course, is in the gutter) is spelled worshippers. I am not even going to address the epitaph “Satan Worshippers” (sic).

“Im” and “thats”? Do you know what an apostrophe is?

“CHristianity has exited for 2000 milleniums!!! 2007 to be exact. THINK ABOUT IT! WHY DO WE HAVE CHRISTMAS...THANKSGIVING???!!! Do these holidays exist for nothing?!”

CHristianity (sic) has NOT been around for 2000 milleniums (sic). Maybe 2000 years. (A millennium is a thousand years. Look it up.) Hinduism has been around for over 4000 years. Does that make it even more valid than christianity? And what do holidays have to do with anything? The fact that xtians have created holidays is somehow proof for their religion’s validity? Does that existence of Halloween provide proof for the existence of Jack Skelington, The Pumpkin King? All religions have holidays. Do they exist for something as well? Or just yours?

I would tell you both to “think about it” but it seems to me that you two lack the education to come up with reasoned answers on your own, much less comprehend the questions.
Anonymous said…
I lol'd.
Anonymous said…
"WHY DO WE HAVE CHRISTMAS...THANKSGIVING???!!! Do these holidays exist for nothing?!"

Okay, christmas i'll float you, but since when did Jeebus have anything to do with thanksgiving?
TheJaytheist said…
(clime, reed)

I thought MY spelling was horrible, 'till I saw these!
Anonymous said…
Lorena said; I'm pretty sure i'll still be laughing when I go to bed tonight....I have no life...

redtail says;LOL, Don't feel bad Lorena, I can recall at least one occasion when I was kept awake laughing my ass off over one of Boomslangs posts....that guy is
Cousin Ricky said…
Ellytoad wrote: “Er, that would be Holy 'Spirit'. A sprite is a fictional fairy creature.”

So is the Holy Spirit. ;-)
Cousin Ricky said…
Janice S wrote: “I came across your Website by accident, read your comments. My heart goes out to you. You have no true understanding of God, Jesus or the Holy Sprite.”

I think i understand them very well. Look up “reify” when you get the chance.

Janice S wrote: “I was amazed that you would ask for a donation in an attempt to prove your case. In asking Christains for a donation, to support your anit-God beliefs, you are asking Christains to further the work that Satan is doing thru you. (You can not sever two masters, either hate the one and love the other or love the one and hate the other)”

1. You missed the whole point of the exercise. (See other comments, above.)

2. We are not necessary anit-God. Or anti-God.

3. Satan is imaginary. We don’t ask “Christains” to do anything for imaginary bogeymen.

4. You (mis)quoted the Bible, like it’s supposed to mean something to us. Ex-Christians do not believe the Bible.

Janice S wrote: “Also in your sad attempt to get money to support your views, you are suggesting to us the same arguement that Satan purposed to Jesus in the widlerness. Jesus's reply as is my own (Thou shalt not temp the Lord they God.)”

Again, you argue from a book of fairy tales—this time, about a fictional character trying to bribe another fictional character to hire the mother of all fictional characters for a short-term job. What are we supposed to make of this???

Janice S wrote: “We do not have to prove anything to you or anyone else, [SNIP]”

Excellent! Careful of the screen door. Thanks for the entertainment!
Anonymous said…
stronger now wrote:
"I thought MY spelling was horrible, 'till I saw these"
I think I figured out why we see all these mis-spellings from xtian posters.

They probably have poor typing skills, so they use one of those Voice Recognition Systems, where they just speak into the computer microphone and the computer tries to decode their "words of god" into common English text.

Alas, the computer understands these glorious god mumblings at about the same accuracy that their god does; when they pray in this way to their god.

Some examples might help in order to see the problem of their unique form of praying:

Example #1

Xtian Prays--Via Computer Interface:

Dear god, Please convince all these heathens that your son Jesus is the real god, by showing them your great holy spirit.

Printed Memo handed to God Reads:

Deer god, Pweeze Con Vince all deese heetheans that yur sun jebus is the reel gawd, bye Shoe in them yur grate holly sprite.


The god of all four legged 'deer', 'Jebus', orders his little 'heethean sprite'--"Con Vince", all dressed up in xmas holly, to fit the deer with 'reel shoes', while the 'sun' is shining through the 'grate' of his firmament.


Somewhere in the deep forest is a lone deer wearing god-provided shoes as a show of god's great presence on earth, but until we find that special deer, we all are doomed to remain heathens.

Example #2

Xtian Prays--Via Computer Interface:

Dear God, Please ask your son Jesus to pay another visit to earth, so that all non-believers will know you are the one and only true God and will repent their evil ways and avoid going to hell.

Printed Memo handed to God Reads:

Deer god, Pweeze axe yur sun jebus to pay an-udder visit to earth, sew dat awl non-bee Levers will no U R the won and only true gawd and will repent there ebil ways and a void going to hell.


God takes an axe to a yellow sun, he named jebus. He then sends a sacred cow he 'won' down to earth, but void of any udders. This cow then uses a special awl to sew up all non-bee made Bars of 'Lever' Soap, that have repented their evil ways. God then repents his evil war-making ways so he won't send himself to roast in hell.


Our sun is now surely in several pieces; but only on it's far side. We have a cow that can't give milk, for lack of any udders. All former sinning bars of Lever soap on your grocery shelf, have been made whole again. God has stopped making war amongst humans, so he's much less worried about the devil having him for company. God is pleased and smiles into 'a' 'void' of space, but no one see's him.

As you can see by these examples, something gets lost in the translation of their prayers, much as their storybook bible lost a lot in translation when transferred from god to ancient human hands.

I have NO DOUBT that all xtian prayers get answered now, just not exactly in the way they expected god to answer them, is all.

ATF (who thinks if god was real, we'd all speak the same holy, god-sanctioned, language on this earth)
Anonymous said…
ATF said:

"ATF (who thinks if god was real, we'd all speak the same holy, god-sanctioned, language on this earth)"

Funny. I just returned from a 'conference' where people lamented the difficulty of trying to translate the bible into various minor foreign languages for distinctly disadvantaged people groups. Why is it, again, that YHWHXYZ123 (or whatever) is the one who confused the people at Babel and gave them all confused tongues? Why, when he knew that one day, people were going to have to read and believe his infallible holy book and all the unambiguous truths in it so that they might be 'saved'? Why don't at least the TRUE CHRISTIANS (tm) get the power to read and understand the language God intends to make his word clear and understandable? Is it Hebrew? Aramaic? Greek? English?

AaaaaanyWAY, it's all just smoke and mirror tricks. Those who want to believe in something are bound to read and read until they pick out the parts that make and keep them happy. You'll never get the mouth-breathing idiots who defend xtianity with poor English and non-existent rhetorical and logical skills to abandon their delusionary fucking fairy tales.
Anonymous said…
Here We Go Again... sigh... wrote:
"I just returned from a 'conference' where people lamented the difficulty of trying to translate the bible into various minor foreign languages for distinctly disadvantaged people groups"
Hey-- Here We Go Again,
I must say I'm quite curious as to how someone who is obviously this much a non-xtian, would get roped into going to such a xtian conference?

If you had no choice, how do you fake being a xtian while in such devoted xtian company?
How do you control yourself into not speaking your mind to such folks that they are all deluded?

ATF (who's also been roped into attending such things, but not by choice)
TheJaytheist said…

ROFLMHAO!!! That was fantastic!
Anonymous said…
Please, Janice, come back and tell us your post was in the "spirit" of Landover Baptist Church and that you were just pulling our leg. Nobody can really be that stoooopid can they? Oh yes, I know they can be.....and I'm so weary of all the stoooopid people.

Anonymous said…
Folks, we can't be setting a good example if we are ridiculing the retarded..Please, welcome Sister Janice into our midst...maybe she will actually learn something...incidentally, I don't believe in the Holy Sprite...I am more a Holy Coca Cola type myself...Heimdall
Anonymous said…
I want you people to know how deeply I am offended by your comments.

Don't you people know that it is a sin to drink Sprite, and other soft drinks since they are full of carbonation, and they are bad for your body.

Plus our bodies is the temple that the Holy Spirit lives in, and we don't need all of those harmful calories and that carbonation damaging Jesus' liver.
Anonymous said…
Caleb: I think Lorena might be right. Janice and Anony are the same person.

No Caleb, I am actually Dan Marvin's mother who he still lives with because Dan can't get a job or a girlfriend because he is too busy staying in his room making up signs on cardboard with bible scripture on them, and sticking them on Youtube.
Anonymous said…
Who needs the "Holy Sprite" for healing when you have:

Chuck Darwin said…
anonymous said: THINK ABOUT IT! WHY DO WE HAVE
CHRISTMAS...THANKSGIVING???!!! Do these holidays exist for nothing?!

Me: Nope. They exist for me to earn triple time at work, spend time with my family and have a damned good meal.Since you are so offended by this site, perhaps this will be even more offensive:

Heretic Zero said…
Not a bad rant, Janice. You should add a few 'may god smite you dickless' or some other admonition that sounds real doomy.

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