
Showing posts from April, 2004

Leave no man behind

I have been reading through your website off and on during the last few months now - it's a fascinating place. I have a question you may wish to put to your forum. It is one specifically for those who seriously question the very foundation of Christianity. Before I ask, a brief synopsis; Philosophers from Kant to Wittgenstein, Descartes to Russell, have all added their perspectives of religion, some damning others less so. There is a distinctive line in modern philosophy of religion between those who outwardly denounce the plausibility of Christianity or deities at all, and those who occupy themselves with defining the thought processes that lead to this type of conclusion rather than actually concluding. Although not a philosopher, Thomas Paine's literary brilliance culminated in The Age of Reason - a truly masterful piece of writing and argumentation - in which he repeatedly states his respect for those whose opinion may differ from his (a not too surprising fact comin

Hey Preacher, Leave those kids alone!

Joel Atkinson I have a right to write this. You see, I am an eye-witness. Critics will say that this is an attack and they will be found correct. For that is precisely what it is. However, it is also a defense. It is indeed both of these things, and, frankly speaking, I do not see a way that the two can be separate, at least not in this instance. Any attack is in truth the most aggressive defense of something very important to you. So let the critics try and try to separate the two. In these writings, at least, the two will be one and the same. An attack on the so-called Church of Christ and a defense of the so-called Lost in the world, for whom the Church of Christ constantly seeks their conversion or destruction, whichever comes first. Let them lie and say they do not seek this. If this is truly what they are saying, then they disavow the very sacred and most perfect book they claim to obey. For throughout that book, the writers instill in the read


I was never a Christian. My father was raised Catholic and my mom Baptist. They got married in a Methodist church and I went to a Lutheran congregation a few times as a child. Even as young as 4, the atmosphere bothered me; The abstract sermons, the rudeness of some children during youth group. The tight dress clothes seemed out of place, why dress up to find out what makes us human? I asked my mother if I could stop going when I was ab out 5, because it was boring and I just had an odd feeling about it. The only other time I went into a church was a week-long Bible study at the same chruch building when I was probably 9. The arts and crafts annoyed me and seemed like busy work. I couldn't grasp the attitudes of the other children. I dropped out after 2 days. My brother conintued to attend, and I got phone calls, postcards and letters from the Pastor for 4 months afterwards. I got very angry at him for not leaving me alone. I never professed Jesus, and always had an interest

Why can't we Think?

Due to problems with the server, this is the only way I could get a comment in. First, let me say that I am and as far as I can tell always will be a follower of Jesus. I dislike the lable "Christian" because of the stigmas most people in my culture attach to it. In addition to being a Jesus-follower, I am also an adherant of the Gothic subculture, a subculture that does not smile on blind faith. I just wanted to thank the webmaster for his stunning commentary on the lack of intellectual life in the Christian community. Only among Goths, thier sympathizers, a few select Bible college professors have I found total acceptance for my somewhat unorthodox approach and my insistance on good, logical reasons to back beliefs. I may disagree with your conclusions, Dave, but I totally understand the thought process that led you to them. You and your work have as much if my full support as I can give without denying the things I myself believe. -Melanie Fellion, 24,

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