
Showing posts from March, 2005

Calling all Ex-christians!

sent in by Tim : elpoeta at dmailman dot com Calling all Ex-christians! I thought this might be a fun thing to share with all of you. I would like your input. I was going to do this myself, but I thought it would be rather fun to include all of you, too. You all are also very good at expressing yourselves (I'm ok at it), and have made many convincing arguments that cannot be refuted using the bible. Here we go! I travel a lot for my job, and in my travels I have met a few believers. Some fundies, some not. There is one in particular who works for a company that we buy from. I was talking to him about the errors and such in the bible. He was surprised at my de-conversion, and has (arrogantly)offered to help clear up any "misconceptions" I may have. He said he could "blow any of them out of the water". I believe that this man has nowhere near the bible knowledge and understanding that all of us posess. Let's give this guy a wake-up call in the name

Evolution has no scientific grounds - May God open your eyes

Dear Sir, I came across your website just by chance and was suprised to say the least. To say that God does not is exist is to make a ill thought out assumption so let me give you a few things to maybe consider, if there is no God then how did we get here? The big bang? That is ridiculous why? well glad you asked first and foremost go get you some dynamite and light it see if any order results from that, I propose that explosions only create chaos not order, next look at the building in which you live how did it get there? A builder you say well how do you know can you see that builder right this second? NO! But you know there was a builder every creation must have a creator. Evolution has no scientific grounds as well, look at all the so called neanderthal men all found to be false hoaxes first heidelberg man found to be human, nebraska man all deceptively put together from the tooth of an extinct pig!, piltdown man a modern ape, the list goes on and on check out

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