
Showing posts from February, 2004

we want to believe in a God...

What man can represent a God, or any God? Funny how people can claim they're called by God to preach? Yet they are very willing to accept money for their services. If i were to be called by supposedly the most powerful being in the universe, it would be such a great honor for some God to have picked me, of all people in the world he could have chosen, that no monetary reward would ever sufice the great feeling of singlearity, from whom picked me to represent a God almighty. Why would a God call anyone to represent for God? Also funny how God can call people to scam them out of their money, but cant help a 11 year old girl from being raped and killed in Florida, while her kidnapping was being video taped and recorded by humans. Funny how come God just calls certain people for his own agenda. Why do we let these scoundrels fool us into believing them? Could it be that we want to believe in a God and a heaven so much that we are willing to give up our common sense in order


Not sure what to think about this one. Here I am, surfing the web, checking out blogs and boom - And what do you know - I am a Christian. I have read a lot of the articles on your site. Some of which raise some valid questions and some of which are filled with as much nonsense as you claim Christianity contains. I think you would freely admit that. Anyway, I have read your entire testimony and wanted to comment. You mentioned that Christians blame your rejection of Christ on the poor treatment and bad example of other believers. I agree with you that such an assessment misses the mark. I think the reason you became frustrated and felt a need to step away in the first place was that not one of the "churches" you described seemed to be a true church. I am not saying that everyone in those churches were faking it (though you might say the must have been if it is all really a lie). I am saying that the things you experienced from those churches

Ex-Christians are as fanatic ...

Ex-Christians are as fanatic and as dangerous as the Christian fundamentalists. They are are the two sides of the same ultra selfish coin. They have no love, no consideration, no respect, no mercy for the other person's faith or delusion. They are ready to kill (mentally, emotionally) whosoever disagrees with their beliefs. You can publish this letter on your site if you dare. Maria Seferou

Hey guy, nice web page!

I applaud anything that spreads reason in the world. I don't know how common my own experience is, but I'm a lifelong atheist. My parents were forced to go to church when they were kids, but blew it off when they became adults. My father is a scientist, and simply always dismissed religion with a wave of his hand and a terse "bunch of garbage". :) I am forever indebted to them for not brainwashing me. People aren't allowed to vote until 18, I think being exposed to brainwashing before adulthood should be illegal as well. I am fortunate to be Pure in the sense that I have never once attended any church for the purpose of spiritual guidance or religious curiousity. Just weddings, and a friend's confirmation here and there, just to be social. And yet, somehow, I am an ethical person, to the point that I have had Christian friends remark that I act more "Christian" in daily life than they do. Like anyone I have been occasionally accosted has been so helpful to me.

Since the age of 8, I never believed the bull in the Bible. When I began my college career in 1980, I chose the closest university, which happened to be a Wesleyan Methodist College in my own town. Now at age 41, I am attending it again working on my Bachelor's. Only because I already had 65 credit hours from 1980. It takes everything I have to keep my mouth shut in class. I always knew the Bible was garbage but couldn't realy stand by it with evidence. Now, that I've been introduced to exCristian .net I have sturred up a few of my classmates. They say it's always good to ask questions; so I gave it to them right in the eye. The students who dared to challenge me, were always left stuttering with their tongues tied. The professors (most of them) act as though they didn't understand the question or they avoid it completely. It's quite entertaining. I can now quote scriptures that support my proof, and I throw them right back in their faces. Especially

I would like to thank you

First and foremost, I would like to thank you for creating and supporting such a wonderful collection of resources of the ex-Christian side of the spectrum. I have read almost everything on your site over the past few weeks and unlike the Christian-bashing that goes one in a lot of similar sites, I have found yours quite different and truly refreshing. I am of a roman catholic background and though I have jettisoned my "faith" in Christ a long time ago, I suppose I read this sort of material to embrace freedom from the claustrophobic world of religious dogma. Anyway, I will make myself scarce and only annotate the fact that along with this short message, I am including an article I have recently found which I thought might be of interest to you and the readers of your website. Chances are that you have already read the included text, but since I cannot be sure it wont hurt to try. And on this note I shall conclude, wish you good luck in your ventures and re

I just joined this forum and wanted to share my story

Hello: I grew up in a home where we attended a mainline Protestant church. Religion, though significant, was not all consuming. I went to college as a rather insecure kid. In my freshman year I was approached by a Campus Crusade member. I read the Four Laws and a few days later accepted Christ. My life immediately changed. I spent tons of time reading the Bible. I was deeply involved in Campus Crusade, and appreciated having a group of close friends who shared my newfound faith. After college I got a job, moved to another state and became very active in an evangelical Baptist church. I attended Sunday School, AM service and PM service each Sunday, Wednesday night service, and Bible studies. (Any of this sound familiar to you?) I attended Promise Keeper rallies, went on overseas mission trips, served on boards, and fretted about those who were lost. My big change started a few years ago. I was feeling dissatisfied about some aspects of my Christian life and rather than se

There is no such thing as an ex-Christian

There are many valid statements in many of your testimonies relating to the ridiculousness of "Christians" in society. There are a lot of people and groups and churches and holy wars and etc, etc who call themself Christians but which does not necessarily mean they are in fact Christians. When Christ calls a man, it is until the end so as no credit or boasting may be done by the individual (1 Corinthians). God is our Creator and man is the only creature that has laughed in the face of Him. For this, we are a depraved creature, guilty of punishement and banishment. It is not all about logic or reason or evidence or sense. It would not be faith if all the evidence were there or if all the archeaological evidence were found or if all the teaching made perfectly logical sense. Man has turned their back on God and I plead with you, brothers, understand that what you may have been exposed to was not what Christianity is all about. Let the Word speak for itself and I

You have much learning to do my friend...

The letter you wrote to christians only proved your own insecurity. If you don't want anything to do with christianity, then why do you keep portraying a misrepresentation of the actual religion? Your reasoning is preposterous and seemingly showed an infantile conception of the bible. You have no grasp on what christianity stands for, thats why you are trying to break it down. I doubt you have studied any of the greek or hebrew language, and I also doubt you ever studied the bible. You proved your ignorance of knowledge in the bible throughout the whole essay. You claim that christianity is full of ignorance. Yet, in your self proclaimed vision of christianity, you took everything out of context and presented a child like version or notion of what christianity is. You have a simplistic way of looking at things. You even tried using "natural science," and tried to coorelate that with faith. That is an illogical argument in itself. Also, who says that evolution and the big


by Chris Ballmer WebMaster: I'm a recent deconverter, from a small fundamentalist cult in Santa Barbara, CA under a man named George Geftakys, The Assemblies. I enjoy the site and hope to post a testimony soon. Can you recommend a good book on Christian history which chronicles the misinformation and the putting together the doctrines of the early church. I'm especially interested in how doctrines formed (Trinity, etc)... and the politics of writing and choosing the gospels to include in 'the book'. Any help is much appreciated.

I just don't want any body to go to hell

Hello, my name is Mark, I'm from Alberta, Canada. I just wanted to ask for your home address or a box number where I can send the money you freely asked me for. Can I ask one thing, What are you going to do when the anti-christ arrives on the seen and the false prophet says to the world to make an image of the beast and worship it, and the image could kill those who do not worship it. I really believe you know all what the bible has to say so you must know the endtimes stuff. You consider yourselves to be an athiest and athiests don't believe in any god, so you will never worship the beast then, right? So if the beast says for example 'worship me and live, or die for the name, and word of Jesus" (Revelation 20:4). What will an athiest do at that time (there is only two choices). He will save his butt because he "received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:"

You Know...You're Right

I would merely like to respond to the whole of the deconversion stories I've read, especially those who have been royally crapped upon by Christians. I am not surprised, as many others who have commented on this site, that people would actually make such bold and brandish statements about hating church, God, Jesus, the Bible, and anything else "Religious." Christians today--in far too numerous occasions--are ignorant, shallow, hypocritical, rude, boisterous in their own stupidity, closed-off, ego-centric, wrong, selfish, whorish, idol-worshipers, slanderers, back-biters, and on and on and on. We (Christians) are the scourge of the earth. Supposed handlers of truth, we have botched every good thing that the Bible or Christ ever stood for. Our collective "church body" in America particularly, is a brutish disgrace. To all you "CHristians" who come to this website thinking you have something to say--SAVE IT. Read every deconversion story you c

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