Brainwashing and Fraud
sent in by Deist Here is a link that shows brainwashing in action. It shows a guy that went to hell and the sky dictator said "Why didn't you give them tracts" What pure BS. As George Carlin says "fleecing the flock, fraud in action" I think religion is naive to think it has the know-it-alls about the forces of nature. It is nothing but a cop out for the unexplainable. Basically saying I don't know what causes it, so we'll tell the masses it is god that did it. Humans have the strange ability to be rational and irrational at the same time. We are the only animals that are like that. Another chunk of evidence to prove that the Christian religion is B.S. is the goofy view it has on sexuality. For some strange reason LUST is a sin but without lust how can you procreate? Lust is that urge to mate, how is that a sin? Now in civilized societies, it is bad to force someone into sex that I understand but with