
Showing posts from October, 2004


Everyone involved with this site and anyone reading it should be VERY carefull - don't mock God - life is not a joke - you are playing a very dangerous game - your soul is on the line - this site is a trick - think carefully - its in your hands. Anonymous

Is there anything I can do?

Is there anything I can do? The answer to the above question may well be "nothing", but I thought I might ask your opinion since you have "been there". Let me explain. This is not a deconversion story, but I hope you don't mind me posting on this site. I am deeply concerned about my ex boyfriend who has become involved with a charismatic church which seems to be taking over his life. He claims that he is not at all under their spell, that they are all extremely nice and normal people, that he is perfectly rational and just as put off as me by those "christian types". Yet he goes to prayer meetings and church services most days of the week, has admitted that he has recently begun talking in tongues, says that he is experiencing visits by the Holy Spirit, is preparing to be baptised to be born again, and marvels about the church leaders having the gift of revelation (they keep telling him that he is blessed by God, that he is destined to

Stop meeting the creed and meet God

As I have browsed this site and read the 'testimonies' of the uncoverting people here...I notice several things. Most here believe Christianity is a set of rules or guidelines that you live by. Every group of people gathered has expectations of those within the gathering and to not adhere to those expectations means you are somewhat ousted from the group....except in "your" churches where you expected these people to accept you no matter how you presented yourself...people are people and they fail each other. So here is what the truth really is about. Stop meeting the creed and meet God. It's about trusting IN JESUS not about what you can do for God. Stop following people or churches and their dogma's. Jesus said take up your cross and follow me...not Tom, Dick, and Harry. The Bible says you will be presented with the trial of your faith in order to prove to you, not God whether you really have trusted him and have been indwelt by the Holy Spirit.


Satan is always about in everybody's lives. To see that he has confused so many people at one place is very disappointing. Satan's job in Christian’s lives is to confuse them so that they rethink their decision. I wish all of you would realize what Christ has done for you, died so that you may have life. I am not talking about a boring Sunday service. I am talking about an every day encounter with the God who made the world and you. I can definitely understand where many of you are coming from. Sometimes it feels, as what church teaches is not enough to keep you going. And I would agree it is not, most churches do not teach relationship, they teach religion. Religion is nothing, that is what the Pharisees had in the bible and Jesus did not get along with the Pharisees if you recall. That is all I have to tell you, but before I leave I have one warning for all of you. 1 John 2:19 “They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would h

am i appalled, horrified, disgusted and threatened?

yo, i am a Christian. if i had to say i was any sort of Christian in particular, i would say im pentecostal, even though i attend a uniting church (i also happen to be an aussie) am i appalled, horrified, disgusted and threatened? do i want to tie you up to a pole, cover you with gasoline and throw a match on you? do i feel any form of hatred towards you? the answer is a resounding no! (however, i am rather curious about the cross spinning around over the flames... it's making me dizzy looking at it...) recent posts seem to be from catholics (which means that i automatically question the christian-ness of the person in the first place), or from people with wishy-washy spirituality, who didn't really connect with the whole christian thing. there are others, they just seem to be the ones that stick in my mind. there are certainly many interesting ideas that have been put forward on this site. I would disagree with many of those ideas. I would agree with other

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