
Showing posts from March, 2004

Okay - I have NO idea!

My dear brother in Jessus Christ, With this ocasion of Jessus Christ I said to your family with : 1 Corinteni 15.20 „But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the firstfruits of them that slept and 1 Corinteni 5.7 For even Christ our passover is sacrificed for us, The Lord Jessus bless you all the time with the happy for Ps 41.1-3 Blessed is he that considereth the poor: the LORD will deliver him in time of trouble.2 The LORD will preserve him, and keep him alive; and he shall be blessed upon the earth: and thou wilt not deliver him unto the will of his enemies. 3 The LORD will strengthen him upon the bed of languishing: thou wilt make all his bed in his sickness. I am a brother in Christ. My name is Nica Adrian .I have nine little children [The bigger is school –bag(18 years old) and the younger is 3 years old]. My message sent you is real, I say the truth in Christ, I lie not ,my family have great need of help the Lord Jesus given per your, because I must to pay the rates

our addictions were killing us separately

Hello. I have been reading the material on this site now for about a week. And I think it's fascinating. You sir, know your stuff, as far as I can tell. You have obviously searched high and low. And somehow... until a few years ago, I was married to a fundamentalist Christian. And at the time I myself was an active drug addict, so you can imagine the fireworks that sometimes went off in our house. I had lived in England for eight years and had had much difficulty with heroin while living there. I did what many addicts do, what's called a "geographical,” and moved back to America. I tried to straighten up and fly right. I stopped using, I got a real job (I’m a musician), and I got married. She was the prettiest girl I’d ever seen. She was obviously troubled by a lot of things, but then again, so was I. She wasn't Christian then. We were dating and sleeping together. One day I went to work, and by the time I came home, she had gotten a bible out,

The Bible says...

I want you to know that no matter how much you've spoken out against God and his word, he loves you more than you'll ever be able to comprehend. The Bible says you were fearfully and wonderfully made, and that neither angel nor demon can separate you from the love of God. Please understand that the church has rarely gotten things right, man has rarely ever reflected the glory of God, but Jesus will never, ever, lead you astray. If you're so confident in your disbelief, then I issue you a challenge: ask God to reveal himself to you if he's real. If you're right, then nothing happens, and you have nothing to worry about. Some of the most powerful men of God in the Bible were those that fell the hardest at first. I promise you that a life lived for the Lord is far more fulfilling and wonderful than any junk this world will ever offer you. Just look at how the world is falling apart at the very seams. The Lord never changes, and his lo

What's Your Label?

Is your label Christian, Muslim, Jew, Hebrew, Baptist, lawyer, Indian chief, catholic, preacher, priest, pope, drunk, etc, pick one or make one up. All labels are self-claimed. When you come out of your mothers womb there's not any sticker or label or stamp on your body to label you, Just because your mother claims to be Jewish, or Muslim, or whatever does not mean that you're this famous claim that you have taken on yourself. I claim to be a human citizen of the planet earth. I have no label as a person that was put here by no cause of my own. We were all born not because of some God having planned each of us for millions of years, as religious bigots will have you to believe. We (all of us) were put here simply because your father in the heat of passion and lust for your mother, could not, or would not abstain from inseminating your mother. It's as simple as that. All labels and titles are self claimed only, there are no credentials. We have learned, that by being

An Ex-Christian is non-existent

Hello. Is God truly the answer? Yes. God created us, brought us here, and allows us to crucify him all over again every time we hurt him. This site gives me pain. It hurts to see non-Christians, but it truly pains me to see people who have turned from the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. An Ex-Christian is non-existent. Once you have invited Christ into your life, He will "not leave you or forsake you." You are going to Heaven. However, if you have the audacity or bitterness to leave, I believe that you were never a Christian in the first place. If you truly were saved by the grace of God, then you would realize that learning of His mercy and grace, and being with Him forever was so addictive that you would never get enough. I can only pray that you will be changed by this message. -Chris, God Follower Romans 1:16 I am not ashamed of the Gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who bel


Hello, I just want to tell you what a blessing it is to serve our Lord Jesus Christ. I see so hate on this website. There are Hypocrites in all walks of life. That does not make truth a hypocrite. I was angry at God. I wanted to know the truth of things. So I had a open mind about Christianity. It is so historcally accurate. If somebody wants to correspond with me, I could go in detail. Our on selves blind us from the truth because it requries a effort of faith. Let me just say this chaos is opposite of perfect organazition. Well may you search for truth with a open mind and May His grace bless you. Matt Mostelle r

Tired of the Myth

There is no talking snake. The earth is not 6000 years old. Angels are not keeping us safe. No one can be good enough to be Christ like. Even Peter lied about know God when the Romans came for him. Non Christians should not try to imposed their ideas on Christian as Christians feel threatened. The only thing they can say id God loves you and get saved or go to HELL. I can't pretend to Christian. I don't like to be around superstitious people; I don't even have a rabbit's foot. Some Christians in their own time will face reality but most most need the drug. They can be high on God and still get a job and drive a car so it may be better than crack. I don't want to change them the more people who think they will be tormented by a loving God are potentially dangerous and I don't want to piss of that crowd of loons. John Evers jevers at Became a Christian: 12 or so Ceased being a Christian: 50 Labels before: Baptist /Luthe

The Man from Neverwas

When you can't honestly say you've been part of something, it becomes a lot easier to leave it behind. I had always been part of a family that, by all accounts, you could call "Chrisitan". My grandmother was probably the most religious of us all, at least for as long as I could remember. My own life had been what those so inclined could call a "miracle": I was three months premature, asthamtic, and would probably have died without a little luck... or a lot. Thus, the idea was firmly implanted in everyone's head: I must have been a miracle, end of story. All through my life, I had been the type who questioned things. Among them, I wondered why a supposedly benevolent god would let bad things happen to those who didn't deserve it, while the horrible people of the world wallowed in ill-gotten wealth, power, and control. It's really hard to pinpoint where the change began, since I'm sure I started to question it somewhere around


Jesus isn't just some belief we put faith into. He was real, and in the flesh. You, never accepting him or learning from the Bible who he was, doesn't mean you once did accept Him. In order to be an ex at anything, you must first have accepted Him and ALL His Glory. So you read one or two stories and tried to compare it to your life or whatever. Have you seen the PASSION yet? Or is it to much to bear that you won't go see it. The movie came at the perfect time!!! With gay marriages happening in our country, this movie is a wake up call for all humanity. Even the fake believers who now claim they are ex Christians. You never believed in the first place. I see all these pawned off ideas on here and it reminds of Liberals and Utopianism. And we all know what quacks they are. Man uses only 10% of their brain, and in this websites case, we'll say 2%,(and that is stretching it). Well, if God just couldn't make it any easier for you, he allowed

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