So what should we do?

Sent in by John

I was a saved baptized, spirit-filled, born-again Christian by choice for many years and as such I knew that every person who is not a saved, born-again Christian is going to burn in the depths of hell for all eternity. I also knew that every TV show, every movie, every book that did not glorify Jesus Christ is "of the world" and therefore "satanic" for Satan is the "lord of this world." More importantly I knew that every religion, every spiritual path, every faith, every creed, denomination and belief that was not "King James Bible Christianity" was a satanic deception straight from the pit of hell.

These are the people I am surrounded by. These are the people we deal with. Should we blame them? I pity them. They sincerely believe we will burn in fiery agony for eternity unless we accept Jesus as savior and become born of the Spirit (John 3:3). So what should we do?

I just refuse to discuss it with them. Personally I can't stand anything "Christian". I feel very fortunate to have escaped this dangerous cult and am still very sensitive to the lies the brain washing so I can't, won't (as much as I can control) be around any of their songs, icons, imagery. It offends me. I’m trying to move away from that life — put it behind me. I refuse to be subjected to their mind numbing propaganda. I just hope I can recover to the point that I won't be begging Jesus for forgiveness on my death bed.

Satan is blinding you to the truth

A letter from D. O'Hara

The fact that misguided people such as yourselves are "dogging" Christianity proves the truth of the Bible. It is always curious to me why Christianity is the subject of intense and frankly often misguided scrutiny when other false religions get a pass.

For example, it's OK to say Christianity and the BIble are a bunch of #*&%^& but what about Mormonism or Islam or Buddhism. This fact confirms that the children of Satan aren't interested in the truth.

Let's take evolution, for example. I have often thought why something as complex as the earth, the human cell, or the universe just evolved from chance but human "creations" like the discovery of the atom, or a rap song, or your homework don't "evolve." I haven't ever seen a bicycle evolve into a car or even a Toyota into a BMW.

Hmmm. It seems like the true reason for evolution is that lovers of falsehood such as you young misguided folks are too lazy to truly study and apply the full truth of the BIble instead of using it as an excuse for your rebellion.

Also, Christians in Muslim countries are treated like garbage and in most Christian or professing countries Muslims are allowed freedom of worship.

Satan is blinding you to the truth because the Bible says, "the gospel is veiled to those who are perishing." God makes the rules folks. If you don't like it, too bad!!! However, it seems like if one of you made the rules for the universe things would be pretty twisted.

A bible verse you may find interesting...."For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only He who now retrains will do so until He is taken out of the way. And then the lawless one (the Antichrist) will be revealed, whom the Lord will consume with the breath of His mouth and destroy with the brightness of HIs coming. The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish (that would be presumably you folks unless you repent), because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie ( By golly, you folks are in the Bible.), that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unirighteousness.

So there is my anti- anti-Christian testimony. I hope you all like it.

And by the way spare me the lecture about inclusion or tolerance or something stupid like that because you folks and those like you are often quite intolerant. This website for example. You and those like you have twisted the meaning of tolerance so it's hardly worth talking to you.

God has held His hand out for thousands of years but the time of His wrath is coming, if it hasn't started already. So here's one final verse, "The thief (Satan) comes only to steal, and kill, and destroy but I (Jesus Christ) have come that they might have life and have it more abundantly."

This site is full of hate.

You people are to be pitied. May God contend with your rebellious attitude and nonsensical reasoning. Geneis 12:3.

The fact that you folks twist something true, simple and beautifl into something hateful shows how misguided and twisted you are.

By the way, I am a member of a Roman Catholic Church.

Once again, God makes the rules and He laughs at rebels like you (Psalm 2).

Have a nice day

A prophecy for the webmaster

Hello Dave,

I hope this message finds you well!

I'm sorry that I didn't message you until today. I was visiting my girlfriend's parents over the weekend and didn't really have internet access at the end of my fast. I completed my three days of fasting for you, and God gave me a prophecy that I'm to share with you. I'm eager to do so, but I'd like to ask your permission first. Is it okay with you if I share that with you? Would you read it, knowing that I truly believe that it is a message that God gave me specifically to give to you?

I don't have the stunning logic that you have, nor the intense knowledge of the Bible. I know that it was written by fallible human beings. To be honest, I actually don't buy into the idea of organized religion much at all. I think it causes more problems than it solves. However, I have experienced God in ways that defy human logic. I'm excited to dialogue with you and see who you are. I'm not out to make you a 'Christian.' You've been there, and I don't think you're keen on going back, and I'm not really concerned with getting you there. I think what makes me most curious is the why. I want to know what makes you tick, and why you've devoted so much time to this. I know that Christians do it to, but I think it's because they think they have to. So why, Dave?

Anyhow, I'll not flood you with too many words. Too many words leave little room for thought.

I look forward to hearing back from you. I love you, and I am praying for you to realize your belovedness as a treasured child of the living God.


P.S.- It might seem like I'm trying to sugarcoat some truth to reel you in and snap you with the hard cold damnation of such and such, but I'm really not. I don't like to sugarcoat things- I say what I mean and try to be transparent. Call me on it if you think I'm doing otherwise, because I don't want to be fake to you.

My response:

Hello David,

Please feel free to send me whatever you like.

Have a great day!

Dave Van Allen
webmaster of

From David --

Hi Dave,

Sorry it takes me so long to get back to you. School and "work" (I'm self-employed) are pressing in on me right now, but it's Veteran's Day weekend, so I have a bit of time now. :)

Anyhow, I'm attaching the prophecy that I told you I had. I wrote it out when God gave it to me last Monday, I think. I hope you find it encouraging. I really find it encouraging, and I believe it to be true. That gets into some of that stuff like free will vs. divine will or whatever that argument is, but the point is that we can't wrap our human logic around God like that. That's kind of what the prophecy is about, too.

Jesus said to love God with all of our heart, mind, soul and strength. That's the most important commandment. I know you know that already for like a zillion years now, but here's something I've been thinking about lately: I think each person is best at loving God with a certain part of them. For me, strength is easiest. I love to serve God by what I do. But then I have a hard time devoting my mind to his teachings and remembering to pray and stuff like that. As a fundementalist Christian, I'm guessing you were really strong in the mind and strength areas, but perhaps you didn't feel the love in your heart. Maybe it was more like a sense of duty. Is that how it was? I've never really been a Fundy or anything, so I don't presume to know anything about what it's like. I just want to understand that better.

Anyhow, that's what the prophecy (which I believe to be divine truth inspired by God) talks about. I'm just gonna write it to you now and let you read it, I guess, because that would make more sense than analyzing it and then having you read it.

"I am the LORD,
I am the Almighty,
That I Am is all.

Listen to what I say to you, Beloved,
Hear my words; they are for you.
They are for my Prodigal Beloved.

You sought me with your mind and I hid myself from you.
You searched for me in pride, but I was hidden where you could not find me.
You doubted your mind and you were chastised by others - They also loved me with their minds.

You turned away from me with your heart and your mind.
You sought me again, but in order to destroy.
You sought to destroy that I Am.

When you turned away, I did not change, Beloved.
Seek me with your heart,
and you will find me!
I will speak Love to you,
and you will serve others in Love.

Those who presumed to teach you, you will teach.
Those who spurned you, you will forgive.
Those who claim the truth of that I Am will be put to shame by the truth that I Am Love.
You will show them, Beloved.

You are my Beloved!
You will be after my own heart.
I shall reclaim my Beloved!"

The last thing I have to say is: I was wondering if it's okay if I ask some people to pray for you. I have some close friends praying for you, but I didn't want to tell the whole world about you or something, because I think they wouldn't each love you. Some of them would be hard-hearted to you. That makes me really sad, but that's the truth on either side of the fence: people are afraid. But I want to tell some of my friends that I know won't be like that; that I know will pray for you in love and compassion. Is that okay?

Anyhow, sorry to take up so much of your time with all this reading. I look at the words I just wrote and they turn into a magic eye picture because there's so many of them. Or maybe I'm just easily whelmed. :)

Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy a hot beverage that makes you happy on my behalf. I just wish I could be there to buy it for you and make a snowman if there's snow.

Take care and God bless you,

My response --

It's a free country, David.

Feel free to invocate your invisible friend all you want.

I expectantly await the results.

webmaster of

Note: David sent in $20.00 in support of this website, a response to the "No True Christians" rant.

Then David said:
Thanks for listening Dave.

I know yuo've probably heard it all before, but I'm just curious about this... How do you differentiate between your evangelism as a fundementalist and your evangelism as an atheist? It seems like you think you're as right now as you thought you were then. Actually, you use scriptures in much the same ways as the fundementalists that come and preach at the common areas at my university. You both condemn people of foolishness using Christian doctrine as ammunition. Is there any difference besides the group of people you are calling fools?

I know this is kind of a pointed question, but I think you can handle it, and I bet you've been asked it before. I'm not trying to corner you or anything, I've just been curious about this since I saw that you used to be a fundy, because I know there must be some reason. I also haven't had time to look over your entire website yet (it's enormous! well, to me at least), so my thinking that you use Christian doctrine alone could be completely wrong. In that case, I am a fool in that respect. :)

Sorry to keep bugging you. I guess I just really wonder what you're all about. If you want me to stop bugging you, go ahead and don't reply and I'll let you be.

God bless you,

My response:


You said, " the fundementalists that come and preach at the common areas at my university."

I'm not coming to your university. I don't knock on doors. I don't argue with people on the street corners. I don't pass out tracts.

I do post my own thoughts on my own web page, and allow others to view them and either agree or disagree. No one is forced to read the things I and others write. No one is threatened with eternal torment in horrific agony in a place they will never die for disagreeing with me or the others who post. Please read the disclaimer and purpose page of this site. You'll see that it is for those who have realized Christianity is bunk. It's not a tool for evangelism for atheism. I admit that I am now an atheist, however, other regular posters on the site have other positions on the "Is there a god?"question. And that's OK.

What I think you mistake for evangelism is really counter-evangelism. A zealous Christian, like yourself, comes into the site, is upset by what is judged to be an affront to Christ or Christianity, and feels a desire to do something. That something, typically, will be to preach or prophesy or lash out with words. The words used will be the internal language of Christianity. I understand that language because I can speak it. It wouldn't do to answer a fundamentalist in the language of secularism, would it? So to the fundamentalist, I become a fundamentalist. I think Paul the Apostle used a similar approach.

Then David concluded with:

I definitely hadn't considered that stark contrast between you and the guys at my school. Thanks for clearing that up, and I'm really sorry if I offended you at all or made you feel like I was challenging your beliefs. I just wanted to know more about what "makes you tick."

I really do see what you're doing as an "affront to Christianity," but I don't feel any need to change it, challenge it, defend others from it or attack it. You're entitled to your right to believe what you want just as I'm to mine.

When I donated, it wasn't because I felt a need to do something about it. My first reaction was actually to be pissed off and shoot my mouth or something (which I consider to be a fearful and wrong reaction). The reason I donated was because I truly felt a conviction from God that I should follow Jesus' teachings, even if it's slightly inconvenient for me.

The reason I sent you a prophecy is because I felt that I had been instructed to do so. I wouldn't have sent it if you told me not to when I asked permission, but I feel like I overstepped my boundaries none the less. I'm sorry about that. I don't want to be lumped in with the other jerks I see posting on your site in the name of God. They should know better than to tell "the truth" (as they see it) in any way other than a completely honest and loving way, following deep self-examination.

I'm sorry if I seem overzealous to you as well. I can guarantee you, though, that unlike the others, I do everything I can to make my passion one of love rather than number of converts, percentage of my Christlikeness compared to others', or anything else so remarkably idiotic. I do feel a need to defend myself, but not because I fear your cause or dislike it. It's because I don't want to be seen as one of them. You're about ten times easier to love than they are.

Don't worry about writing me back. I just wrote (with too many words, as usual) to thank you for your response and apologize for coming across the way I did. Thank you very much for your time and insight. I'll be checking the site from time to time to see what's new.

God bless you,

I'm living proof!

Sent in by Justin Taylor

At the age of 18, I have witnessed God firsthand! I wanted proof and I got proof! More than I could handle! God spoke to me and showed me that the way i was living wasn't right and that He is coming back to Earth soon! he also told me to inform His people of His return. I have completely devoted my life to God and nothing can convince me that He isn't real. I have witnessed Him heal cancer through MY prayers! I myself was dealing weed for years, smoking 4 blunts a day, a pack of cigs a day, had an infinite supply of porn along with an addiction and had tried just abvout every drug on the market, was having sex left and right and didn't care less for life! I changed that cold turkey when God came and showed me the TRUTH! There are over 500 prophesies listed in the Bible that have came to pass within the past decade or so, history proves that Jesus did come to earth as the son of God, and Jesus is mentioned in every other major religion unlike Buddah, Allah, Ra, Television etc.!

If my people, which are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” (2 Chronicles 7:14).

If you think you can prove to me that there is no God, be my guest! I'd love to prove you wrong! I was once like you, but GOD IS TOO GOOD to leave me like you! For all of you used to be Christians who say that you changed because of something bad that happened in your life and you say to yourelf, "Why me?" All I have to say is WHY NOT YOU! Job lost his family, his money, his friends, his health, and everything he had, but he still loved God and trusted him and got back double what he had before!

You are not an x-Christian!

You should all be ashamed of yourselves, this is one sick site. We will all stand before Almighty God one day, whether you believe it or not. Try searching and you will find the truth, not perfect people but a perfect & loving God. I will pray for you as I know someone must have prayed for me before I found God.

None of you ever were a Christian, you have no faith, no belief, no hope and no future. You are a bunch of angry, hurting, empty people. Jesus came to take you away from all of that, but you not only reject his free gift, you through it out without even seeing any of it, how very sad. I feel sorry for you, you have no idea what you have done. He died to open a door and you closed it without ever walking in. Christians are not perfect, just forgiven and thats all it takes to be free from the fear, anger and bondage that you are in. I will pray for you, for you are truely deceived by the devil himself. The entire site is blasphemy!!!

The only chance you have is to repent and search for Jesus


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