
Showing posts from May, 2006


Thank you so much for the chance of adressing you. My name is Paul and I've been viewing your website for about six years and your format is very impressive. I will be upfront with you I am a follower of Jesus Christ and I have belonged to Him for the last ten years. I've read a lot of your articles and the many different comments of those post here. Of course we are both at odds with each other theologically, however I do respect your sincerity and your logical way of thinking. I will not aproach you and your fellow Exchrists as some Christians do. I won't blast in here saying "I will pray for all of you" if I do happen to pray for any of you I don't need to tell you that. From reading your writings I see you do understand the essentials of Biblical Chriistianity. The problems I do have with the site is that a lot of the testimonies and the posts seem more emotionilly driven then analytically. I do blame moderm churches for giving wrong views of following Jes

pathetic, inscrutable arguments

Just cruising through. After a brief glance around it becomes clear to me that this is either a pathetic defense of atheism, for which any self-respecting nonbeliever should be embarassed, or it is a clever "mock site" like Landover Baptist Church and is run by a bunch of clever Christians to discredit the atheists. I lean towards the latter (so don't think I'm taken in). The idea that nudity in Medievel Catholic art should discredit Christianity and the pathetic, inscrutable arguments in the compact contradictions are dead giveaways.

you know that Jesus esixts

Dave, If you are an ex-christian then you know that Jesus esixts and that he loves you. Satan does not love you or care anything for or of you. I beg you to change your mind and reevaluate your decision to step away from the Lord and talk and pray to Him about your questions. If you maintain this thought process you will regret your decision after death. If you need answers my pastor is very knowledgeable and has never told me to "just have faith". Please, send my your questions and I will get you answers. Jesus Loves You. Josh Duncan joshduncan80 at yahoo dot com

Why would anyone want to be an atheist?

I read some of the things that your website said about christians and I know that there are christians that are not smart or make the rest of us look bad and people who think they are christians but are really not. Just because someone says they are a christian and they always go to church does not mean they are a christian. I am a guy and if I joined the girl scouts would that make me a girl? I also know that there are good people who are atheists and I am not trying to be mean to you. I just wonder why you would risk everything like that. Niether can be proven and there are good arguments for both but in the end I would rather go for maybe getting something over definitely at best getting nothing. I do not think I am better than you or that I am going to heaven because I am better than you. I know I am nowhere close to perfect. I dont care if hitler was atheist that would not mean all of you were bad anyways. I am not judging you either I am just saying what I believe that is, believ

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