Abominations that are causing desolation

From Gary T

To all "ex", "Non" christians, and all others reading this who feel they are disapointed or confused by the amount of ignorance, lies, perversion and confusion that is rapidly overtaking much of the Christian world today - I understand much of your heartaches, and I'm a Christian. I have'nt been going to a "church" religiously for many years now. We are at a time where we are experiencing "abominations that are causing desolation" due to the enemy within, and its growing strength. The strength of evil forces expanding throughout the world as more an more people fall prey to the temptations of an ever growing babylonian lifestyle, which intern causes lies, deciet, subversion and satanic influence within so - called church leaders, and the congregation. There is also much debate over the truth of the scripture, and there are many people who have many diferent views, all must be taken with a grain of salt and thouroughly examined and studied in a theological and historical text before making decisions on any claims. However, because of my self education, self respect, and respect for the devine man Jesus an his sacrifice, and a belief in God due to common sense, I remain a Christian in faith. Just as you urge people to investigate the downfall of the denomonations and the transgressions of weak willed Christian practicioners, I urge you to remember what caused you to decide to believe in the first place, to keep your open mind and heart open to hope. And I will pray for each andevery one of you, to find your personal peace at the end of your searches and your battles. Amen


Anonymous said…
Wow...how ignorant. They need to really look into history and find out that christianity is all a hoax.
Anonymous said…
Thanks for your kind thoughts, but if we who are "troubled by the dark side of the Christian church" find peace at the end of our battles, it won't be by Christianity itself. If that were the case, I'd merely practice on my own at home, without going to church. We've studied the so-called truth of the Bible and concluded that both Testaments are quite unreliable and full of nonsense. I can assure you that the behavior of Christians against the teachings of their god play no part in that.
Anonymous said…
Please....go away.
twincats said…
You'll give "self educated" a better and more believable look if you work on your grammar and spelling, although I'm afraid your content will still give you away as only being half-educated.
SpaceMonk said…
The bible contradicts itself, so it's not what it claims to be, so it's god doesn't have to be answered to.

I used to be like you.
Yes, I was turned off by the christians I knew, but I didn't quit christianity either.
I gave up the church bit and was "My own priest before God", as Martin Luther put it, but, like you, and thanks to the internet, I self educated ...until I learned enough to snap out of my christian funk.

If you really have self respect you'll reject the idea that anyone, man or god, has a right to throw you, or anyone, into an eternal hell,
...and so on. ;)
Anonymous said…
I am getting to the point where I don't even want to open the link when I see something posted by a christian again. It's all the same old, same old. The same verses quoted, the same arguments used, and this one here believes in god out of "common sense." Why is it that it's called "common" sense anyway?
Why can't you christians just see us like alcoholics that have successfully overcome the habit. Don't come in here, encouraging drinking. We're over it. In fact, we're not even tempted by the bottle. We'll run if we jsut see one.
Now do me a favor, take your well meaning advice somewhere where it is appreciated or wanted, or at least where it doesn't bother anyone, and don't come back. You may think that your mission is to turn everybody into a bible reading god believing delusionist. Go find another goal in life. Plant a tree in the desert, tutor a child, enroll in the "big brother program," clean up the side of the road, volunteer at a school, or do something else productive with your life. If you can't do that, go and pray only for yourself.
Now leave us alone. We don't condone your lifestyle.
liniasmax said…
Hello, I must be going... This one was a keeper, in all the wrong ways. To me, Christianity itself is one of the "abominations that cause desolation." Sweet had a great record in the early 70's called "Desolation Boulevard."
liniasmax said…
Gary T said: "There is also much debate over the truth of the scripture, and there are many people who have many diferent views, all must be taken with a grain of salt and thouroughly examined and studied in a theological and historical text before making decisions on any claims."

This one of my main reasons for no belief in a personal God - A personal God is...well...personal, and doesn't need to be studied and researched. The fact that apologetics and research are necessary are too problematic for me, a very simple "person."
eel_shepherd said…
I notice that the topic poster, Gary_T, doesn't mind using up electricity, harnessed by the atheist Thomas Edison, to use his computer, popularised by the atheist Bill Gates, to babble on about Babylon.

Gary_T, when I read your post to my flock, even the electric eels were shocked.
Anonymous said…
Ah, but where would Edison and Gates have been without Faraday? Thank God for deluded Christian scientists!
Anonymous said…
When you use words like "abominations", "evil forces", "satanic influences", and "babylonian lifestyle" you need to be more specific, as I don't know what in the world you are defining.
For all I know satanic influences could mean American Idol. Actually, maybe thats babylonian lifestyle.

"I urge you to remember what caused you to decide to believe in the first place, to keep your open mind and heart open to hope."

If I remember correctly... I was five, and I believed in my parents ability to by right.
Anonymous said…
Three things, Gary.

First, I am up to my ass with this bullshit about how we just didn't go to the right church or hear about the right jesus. If you have something we havn't heard before; if you have news of some new, improved, late-model jesus, let us know. What is this proper or correct xian stuff that we somehow overlooked? Either put up or shut up.

Second, common sense does not reveal the existence of a deity. I can just as easily assert that my common sense has led me to make the choice of atheism. I can just easily assert that my reason and intelligence have informed me that no god exists.

Third, what the damned hell do you mean by "the divine man jesus and his sacrifice"? Men are not divine. And sacrifice for what? What have we done that requires a sacrifice?

Now go away. I detest you and your religion.
Anonymous said…
GaryT: "Statement #1: "To all "ex", "Non" christians, and all others reading this who feel they are disapointed or confused by the amount of ignorance, lies, perversion and confusion that is rapidly overtaking much of the Christian world today - I understand much of your heartaches..."

GaryT: "I urge you to remember what caused you to decide to believe in the first place, to keep your open mind and heart open to hope."

Refer back to statement #1, thanks.

GaryT: "..., and I'm a Christian.", "And I will pray for each andevery one of you, to find your personal peace at the end of your searches and your battles."

Obviously, you don't believe you are part of the problem - how convenient, or are you just mentally fused with the "con" (con-fused).
The problem here is that many christians do not inherently understand that the atheist mind works very differently from that of a believer. A christian tends to care about The Group, and Feeling Good, and Being Good, and fear, of course. The atheist really generally cares about facts. So whether there are so many latent, closeted homosexuals within republican congress is neither here nor there. Most atheists reject christian teaching on thw basis of fact.

Now, there are many atheists who reject Christianity on a moral basis, like me. But you have to understand--it has nothing to do with the behavior of christians. It has everything to do with scripture.

That and the fact that scripture and christian behavior have absolutely nothing to do with each other.

Thank God!
Anonymous said…
Gary T said:
"I urge you to remember what caused you to decide to believe in the first place"
The answer is EASY!!

I believed in your jebus/god for the same exact reasons I once believed in Santa and flying reindeer, spooks on Halloween night, The Easter Bunny, a personal guardian angel and that sex was 'dirty'.

Like most of us, I was clearly brainwashed by society as a young boy, into believing these things were part of our earthly reality. Besides one's parents shoving these fables down your eager naive throat, a child could easily see 'evidence' of existence for some of these make believe figures.

How does your god myth compare to these other mythical figures we were told were real as kids....

Who knew the man in the santa costume was just a hired man (or family friend).
Who knew the statues and pictures I saw of Jesus, were concocted by men who never laid eye's on this Jesus person.

Who knew that santa didn't really set the tree up on xmas eve, or put the presents we asked for, under that same tree.
Who knew the magical-feeling religious trinkets we received, were made by secular businesses and not even blessed by god.

Who knew that Santa couldn't really see if we fell asleep on xmas eve right away.
Who knew there was no god who could see and protect us when we awoke from a scary dream.

Who knew Santa really didn't know if we had been naughty-or-nice during the year.
Who knew God couldn't peek into your daily life to see if you were sinning or not.

Who knew that Santa couldn't really climb into your house, via your chimney.
Who knew that God couldn't really climb into your heart, but that it was all in your deluded mind.

Who knew Santa's reindeer really couldn't fly through the clouds.
Who knew there was no Jesus that really ascended up through the clouds.

Who knew the Easter Bunny didn't really hide all those eggs for us to find.
Who knew that god wasn't really playing a game of Hide&Seek with us, but instead, never existed in the first place.

Who knew that biting off the ears of the chocolate bunny, didn't really leave him deaf.
Who knew that biting on the cross dangling from your neck, wouldn't actually send you straight to hell.

Who knew the Toothfairy was only as talented as your parents ability to sneak a quarter under your sleeping head. [This is NOT to say there is no toothfairy, cause I'm quite real..lol]
Who knew that one's guardian angel only worked when your parents were watching you play with a careful eye.

Who knew that the spooks of Halloween night, were only as real as the kid in the skeleton costume behind the dark bush.
Who knew there was no scary devil with a pitchfork, ready to stab you in your butt.

Who knew that sex wasn't really dirty, but that the adults wanted you to believe it, so you wouldn't find out otherwise by "doing-it".
Who knew there was no Jesus that wanted males to cut off their gonads in his honor.
(Yes, I still have mine, before any one should ask...LOL)

And two more.......

Who knew that when my dog / cat / hamster / fish / bird / lizard died, that they didn't really go to a dog / cat / hamster / fish / bird / lizard heaven in the sky, as my parents assured me they did at the time.
Who knew that when real people die, they don't go to a people-heaven in the sky, as the fable of the bible assures us we will.

Who knew that the simulated electric yule log in the fireplace, wasn't really going to burn you.
Who knew that the imaginary flames of a bible hell, are no hotter than that electric yule log was.

Who ever knew, that the only real hell that exists, is the one we experience right here on earth from time to time.

ATF (who thinks all bible's should have the disclaimer..."Do not try this stuff at home")
boomSLANG said…
Gary T: However, because of my self education, self respect, and respect for the devine man Jesus an his sacrifice....[bold added]


...I think maybe I see the problem.
Anonymous said…
Hey BoomSLANG, perhaps he has the movies "Jesus Christ Superstar" and "waking Ned Devine" mixed up :-)
Anonymous said…
"To all "ex", "Non" christians, and all others reading this who feel they are disapointed or confused by the amount of ignorance, lies, perversion and confusion that is rapidly overtaking much of the Christian world today - I understand much of your heartaches, and I'm a Christian."

Disappointed? Confused? Heartaches?

Not here, bro'. I've been X'd for 26 years, and no regrets.

Ignorance? Lies? Perversion?

You got it! So go with it. Elsewhere.

Telmi said…

Have you read the Bible? Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Deuteronomy, Numbers, Joshua etc. If you have, have you noticed the celebrations of cruelty, hatred, racism, killing [murder, genocide and infanticide], sadomaochism, tyranny, etc allegedly originating from the Bible God?

Are you aware of the many inconsistencies and/or contradictions that are littered throughout the Bible?

Have you read any of the following?
Losing faith in faith [Dan Barker]
Letter to a Christian Nation [Sam Harris]
The God Delusion [Richard Dawkins]
God is not great [Christopher Hitchens]
God the Failed Hypothesis [Victor Stenger.

If you have [any of them], how honest are you with the views expressed by the author[s]?

If you have not, you are missing the "truth" of what others say; and you can be seen to be talking from ignorance.

Here's a link that will give you a synopsis of the wickedness of biblical accounts:
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
i hate jesus. i choose 'evil' for a reason.
Anonymous said…
When I began to see through the delusional fog that is Christianity, I voiced my doubts to fellow Christians, hoping to find answers. During that time I met many such individuals as Gary T. Gary T is very much a cookie cutter repetition of the things I heard during that time, word for word, letter for letter, emotional appeal for emotional appeal. When Christians like Gary T implore you to trust your senses, you'd best keep your senses to yourself. The MINUTE your Bibical interpretation differs from theirs, you are a Hellbound Heathen. "No, no, no," they will say, "it's not that at all. It's just that your interpretation is wrong, and you're going to Hell." It's the same sob story every time - regardless of what you say, you've been hurt by a false Christian, and you're turning our back on God because of people, not God, no matter what you say. Christians are gaslighters and sychological abusers, and Christians like Gary T are the worst kind of Christian. Christians are charlatans, and should never, ever be trusted.
Roger O'Donnell said…
Where do they teach you to talk like this? In some Panama City "Sailor wanna hump-hump" bar, or is it getaway day and your last shot at his whiskey? Sell crazy some place else, we're all stocked up here.
Anonymous said…
"babylonian lifestyle"???
You mean Buying and selling goods and services? While living in a rented home? And paying taxes?

Hey thats how the Babalonians lived.
Anonymous said…
"I urge you to remember what caused you to decide to believe in the first place, to keep your open mind and heart open to hope."

Ok, I'm trying to remember.

Sorry, it's brining back too many bad memories of just how stupid I was and how I had lost the confidence and ability to think for myself, along with the need for a crutch.
Anonymous said…
"babylonian lifestyle"???

It seems that a lot of christians who post on here live a "Bible-bullying" lifestyle.

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