You are treading on thin ice

I accidently came across your website and was amazed at the amount of time and effort put into such a sad conclusion. Imagine what you could do to help people with the time your spend on this. Although I'm sure your response is you are the one saving people from Jesus instead of Jesus saving them from darkness.

It saddens me deeply and all can do is pray that God will soften your heart and the hearts of those who are a part of this. Something painful must have happened to make all of you so hardened and angry. What ever that was, I'm sorry it affected you so strongly.

I am very well educated, open minded and thoughtful and I still know that the Jesus of the Bible is real. I grant you the fact that it can be confounding at times, but it makes perfect sense to human nature. Christianity is the only religion that deals with the way people actually are and not how they percieve themselves to be.

You are treading on thin ice and I hope you open your eyes and heart before it's too late. All your intellect won't save you from yourself.

God bless you on your journey.

email me


OK First Of All Your Jesus Is a complete and utter lie so is the
Hypocritical Book You call the bible
hmmm you worship a god who belives in according to your dogma INCEST,MURDER,PEDOPHILIA,BEASTIALITY
and about every other sick corrupted thing you can think of READ YOUR FUCKING BIBLE seriously its all there
what god would do what he did to JOB
what god would let a man take his daughters for wives your god Jehovah
you persist that you have aim and are the Rightful nice christ loving
Christian but all in the same you contradict yourself
in so many ways do not say GOD BLESS me or anyone till you know your GOD truely
The bible and all HOLY holidays are Orignaly PAGAN look it up get your fucking facts straight one day all you misrable Christ loving fucks (YES IM PISSED SICK OF THESE IMBECILES)will be gone i
Guarantee it ppl all over are starting to wise up to your sham
whoever you are dont buy into this brainwashing bullshit of christ think for yourself ppl always question after all what makes a cult truly the number of its flock defy the biggest cult there is the cult of Jehovah Christianity

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