Life without Jesus is meaningless

I came across your website this morning and found it very interesting.
I feel sorry for everyone on here who say they have had a bad experience with Christianity. but unfortunately all i have read on here is the testimonies of people who arent truely born again.

You see being brought up in a christian family doesn't make you a christian. In the same way Going to McDonalds does not make you a hamburger!

I was brought up in a non christian family and was Led to the lord by a friend and since then my life has totally changed!

The bible tells us that Jesus came to give life and life to the full and sice he entered my life he has given me all i could ever ask for. but most of all he has given me an assurance that one day i will be with him.

Life without Jesus is meaningless and i would encourage you all to really seek him. Because he loves you and died so you could be free

God Bless

Luke <><


Anonymous said…
You don't know anything you judgmental piece of shit. If you spent more time reading history instead of fiction you'd see that MAN didn't even decide Jesus was a god til 320ish. Go read this

The bible clearly states that you were created from dirt and you know what? You haven't come very far. Go stick a cross up your arse.
Anonymous said…
*stabs you in back*

Anonymous said…
wow... you compare people to HAMBURGERS?! WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU?!
and dang, you can't even spell right. get a life.

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