True Christians don't ...

From Gloria

I'd like to comment on your following statement:

"My point is that many Christians who arrive here do not obey the dictates of their own religion. They post on this site with beams in their eyes howling at Dave to remove the speck in his. They claim a loving god and can neither give a convincing argument for the claim based upon the contents of their faith nor the example of their own behavior. They call Dave hateful and promise him nothing but Hell." -- ref

1. There are many people who call themselves Christians. Christ lends respectability and the image of being a "nice guy" to a person's identify. Many people simply fake it. I suspect that many of the fakers actually believe they're Christians.

2. True Christians don't write hateful e-mail. They do not condemn people to Hell.

Please don't confuse charlatans -- who just want to argue (because your opinion differs from what they pretend to believe) -- with true Christians.

God, Jesus, The Holy Spirit, and Salvation are very, very easy to understand. Little children can grasp the concept. But He isn't forcing anybody to take what's being offered. It's your "free gift," but only if you want it.

In closing: I will uphold your right to be wrong. You're entitled to believe as you will. I only ask that you consider that "real" Christians aren't sitting around composing hate mail to anybody.

Oh. And on that request for a $10 donation from "True Christians . . ." LOL Nice try. That was a good one. I got a kick out of that.

Best Regards,


Unknown said…
A few comments here.

The notion that everyone has the right to believe as they will is a democratic notion, not a christian one.

Neither you nor me have the ability to judge the thoughts and minds of these Christians who condemn us.

lastly, in telling us we are going to hell, they are merely fulfilling biblical mandates.

lastly, Salvation is easy for children to understand because children have not yet developed the logical faculties to recognize lunacy. Salvation isn't "free," when it requires a lobotomy to believe.
TastyPaper said…
If what you've said were actually true, than roughly 90% of people who claim to be Christian, aren't.

The fact of the matter is, being "Christian" is not specifically defined anywhere, because if it were, there would not be the great myriad of sects and variations that exist. The sole requirement for calling oneself calling oneself Christian. Beyond that, the experience and ritual is open to personal interpretation.
John of Indiana said…
But of COURSE little children can "grasp the concept". Much the same way they grasp the concept of Santa Claus, the Tooth Faerie, and the Oestre Bunny...

Funny thing about Old Whisker's "free" gift. It comes with a whole knitting basket full of "strings" attached to it, but they never tell you about all that while they're recruiting you...
Rufus T said…
Gloria, what are you doing here?

You state that God, Jesus, The Holy Spirit, and Salvation are very, very easy to understand. Well, let us step back a moment shall we. Before we accept how easy they are to understand, can you in any sense prove that any of the previously mentioned entities actually exist? Can you? I can answer for you; NO! you cannot.

So, I ask once again, what are you doing here? I was once where you are, and the air up there is a little thin. I found your post to be rude and condescending.

Hopefully, one day you will reject the fairy tales you currently believe in, in favor of reason. However, until then, what are you doing here?
clair said…
I thank you for your time, Gloria, in explaining to us how stupid we really are. I didn't realize it is an intellectual shortcoming that I have. I must have over-read the bible, I must have paid too much attention to all the sermons. Plus, I understand now that all the other people in church are doing the same thing, and are not even real Christians! Thank you again Gloria, You must feel so holy and sweet. Clair
Unknown said…
Congratulations, Gloria! You are the millionth person to tell us what a True Christian™ is, and we can be sure you count yourself as one of them even though your definition does not concur with every one of the 999,999 True Christians™ that posted here before you.

However, there are some points of similarity. For example, in oh-so-graciously upholding our “right to be wrong,” you implicitly hold yourself forth as being right (i.e., having the Truth®) and therefore being better than we are. That is, you appear just as self-centered and arrogant as the ones you call charlatans.

I also object to your implication that True Christianity™ offers a Free Gift™. All gifts are free by definition. And, by definition (and our understanding of human decency), there should be no negative consequence in rejecting a gift. But, I have yet to meet a Christian who didn’t “know” emphatically that those who reject his or her beliefs will suffer for it. That not only makes christianity self-centered and arrogant, but willfully ignorant as well.

Perhaps, you’re patting yourself on the back for setting us a sterling example of what a True Christian™ is, but you’re really not so special. We’ve seen and rejected 999,999 just like you, and we’re sure to encounter – and reject – many more.
THE ACE said…
A "free gift"? Most gifts don't
have any requirements involved. This gift says, "Take this gift and
then make yourself a mental and emotional slave to me for the rest of your life, or I'll roast
your sorry ass in Hell for eternity."

No thanks, keep the gift. Today
is my birthday, and I'll just settle for a big piece of cake.
Mona said…
If there were any true Christians to begin with, they died out when Constantine came along. The "Christianity" of today is mass confusion. Please give this some serious thought and research.
Michelle said…
A free gift? Not if you have to work your ass off for it and then pay 10% of your earnings for the rest of your life! What's so free about that? Let's see, what did I get for my "free" gift: a short-lived false sense of security and well-being; many wasted hours of churchgoing and bible-reading; many more hours of ruminating, worring, and agonizing that I was still going to hell because I was "in sin,"; further hours of having panic attacks over the thought that I committed the unpardonable sin and that satan was going to possess me; and more. (I never really was a good tither, so I probably didn't lose much money :)

I should have said "no thanks" to that free gift. There's a lot of wasted time that I'll never get back.
Bloviator said…
Such idiocy. I need not regurgitate what has been said, but, what the hell!!

Nothing free has strings attached. Nothing called a gift requires a payback from the receiver. If, as the apostle Paul would have us believe, all we need do is believe in our hearts and confess with our mouths that jesus is lord, then you are mistaken about the number of xtians there are -- must be over a billion using that yardstick.

You engage in what we refer to as the "No True Scotsman" fallacy. Xtians are people, just like Muslims, Buddhists, Hitler Youth, Fred Phelps, atheists, and even people who like the music (so-called) of Foghat. We are all of us True Scotsmen. Your guide book is human, your belief system is human, your attitude is human, your misunderstanding of us (as is ours of you) is human, everything you do in a social construct is human, pure and simple. Get with the program.
jimearl said…
Well, Gloria, have you heard enough yet?

I sincerely hope you are reading these responses cause it wouldn't be any fun if you're not.

I will simply say that imho there is no such thing as a "true christian." How can a false religion be called true?

Now before you get all huffy, I don't believe there is any such thing as a "true" religion. Of course, if you want to call atheism a religion, then that would be the closest thing to a true religion.

BTW, how does it feel to be #2? Just wondering how you feel now that the christian god is behind the muslim god in popularity.

Now let me offer you some advice that may help you. Fuck off.
eejay said…
Well, I don't have much to add to some already great responses. If x-tianity was so easy to undertand and such wonderful free gift, I would imagine you people wouldn't have to go out recruiting.
Steven Bently said…
To the people that call themselves, Christian.

The unbelievable story of Jesus.

Jesus was the central focus of the greatest lie and cover-up to have ever been perpetrated in the history of the world.

The Virgin Birth: Was Mary a virgin? Yes
Was Mary inseminated by an angel? No
Mary was molested and raped by the Godhead of her church, therefore her priest had to quickly concoct a story about a visitation of angels from God, because her priest, Mary and Joseph would have been stoned to death immediately after Mary had announced her pregnancy out of wedlock. The priest knew that Joseph and all others in the village would quickly accept the story of visitation of angels for their long awaited saviour.

Since Joseph and Mary were espoused to be married, Joseph could not confess the child to be his, because they would have been
stoned to death immediately, but Mary knew that the priest had molested and raped her, but could not tell anyone about this, not even Joseph, to prevent them all from being stoned to death Mary and her priest concocted the whole story about the visitation of angels and the coming messiah Jesus the Christ the long awaited personal savior.

Jesus also was convinced too that he was sent by a god, because he had been told that he was sent from a god every day since he was born, thus the story of Jesus is the biggest hoax ever been devised in the history of the world, and is totally un-benounced to people that insist in believing such unbelievable nonsense to this very day.

People need to realize the profound ignorance that was rampant 2000 years ago, they had no knowledge of germs and bacteria, they ate with their bare hands and cooked with camel dung, they thought that diseases were caused by demons, evil spirits, spells from witches, and the only cure was with prayer.

We now know, with the invention of the microscope, that diseases are caused by germs, viruses, and bacteria, etc. we now know that prayer has absolutely no effect on anything, yet Christians insist that the Bible holds and contains all the wisdom and knowledge that is available to all mankind.

In the first century, the Bible probably did hold all the wisdom that was available to anyone in that time period.

But in the 21st century, today the Bible holds absolutely no wisdom that is applicable to our daily lives, if it did, then doctors would use the Bible as a reference guide to heal sick patients.

Or scientists would use the Bible to find resourses on how to build space ships.
Aspentroll said…
Gloria said:
"God, Jesus, The Holy Spirit, and Salvation are very, very easy to understand. Little children can grasp the concept."

Of course this concept is very easy to understand, you only need to be a totally delusional, brainwashed sheep. Little children understand because that is when they are vulnerable and
are about to begin the brainwashing their stupid parents have ready for them.

Most christians who are fundies have no ability to think for themselves because their minds have been screwed from childhood.

Please, Gloria, just f--k off, you are not even able to understand what hate mail is. Oh yeah, we also uphold your right to be wrong.
Anonymous said…
Someone once said, "The last True Christian™ died on the cross." OK, whoever said that didn't use a
Dedwin Hedon said…
A quote that I developed right after I became an ex-christian follows. I was tired of seeing the hypocracy of people claiming to be Christians.

"Christianity today is no longer the followers of Christ, but the followers of what suits it best."
"God, Jesus, The Holy Spirit, and Salvation are very, very easy to understand. Little children can grasp the concept"
You mean little children can understand the concept of the trinity? Yeah, right!
Jackie said…
Ok, picture this Gloria... You are leaving the grocery store, arms packed with the goods you just bought. A stranger jumps out of the shadows, wraps his massive arm around your delicate neck and puts a gun to your head. You then ask "What do I have to do to save my life and avoid suffering and death?" YOu, weeping, willing to do whatever to stay alive, he says, "Love me. Say that you love me but believe in your heart that you do. My gift to you will be life... if you love me. If you deny me the attention that I need then you will surely die. I am very jealous and I need to to be all mine. If not, I will snap your neck and put a bullet in your head"

Now what the hell would anyone do in that kind of situation. Just replace the snapping of the neck and the gunshot with hellfire and brimstone and there ya have the gospel message in a nutshell.

Sorry, I have a very hard time believing that there is one shred of freewill.

None of us asked to be brought into the world. But here we are. What kind of nonsense is it to bring beings into the world only to damn them to an eternity of suffering because they can't fall in love that they cannot see, smell or touch. Or better yet, can't even prove exists.
So there, put that in your pipe and smoke it!
eris.discordia said…

Your comment was so poetic and inspiring that I am awestruck at the amazingly simple analogy!

Thank you for that!

All the comments from my bros and sisters in this wonderful anti-church were terrific but Jackie, you made me proud!
Anonymous said…
I recognize your right to be wrong too.
Astreja said…
Dylan: "Salvation isn't "free," when it requires a lobotomy to believe."

Clair: "I thank you for your time, Gloria, in explaining to us how stupid we really are... I must have over-read the bible..."

Michelle: "A free gift? ...Work your ass off... false sense of security and well-being... wasted hours... panic attacks..."

The Ace: "This gift says, 'Take this gift and then make yourself a mental and emotional slave to me for the rest of your life, or I'll roast your sorry ass in Hell for eternity.'"

Jackie: "Just replace the snapping of the neck and the gunshot with hellfire and brimstone and there ya have the gospel message in a nutshell."

I agree wholeheartedly with the above sentiments.

And I would like to point out that you, Gloria, are a fucking hypocrite. In point #2 of your letter, you said this:

"True Christians don't write hateful e-mail. They do not condemn people to Hell."

And then you said "God, Jesus, The Holy Spirit, and Salvation are very, very easy to understand... It's your "free gift," but only if you want it."

So you claim to be a True Christian™ who does not condemn people, yet you try to play the 'salvation' card. Don't even bother trying to explain the contradiction, you self-righteous bitch. Just fuck thee off and never darken our door again.

P.S. to John of Indiana: "Oestre Bunny" works for Me, too! ;-)
Lance said…
Gloria said:
"God, Jesus, The Holy Spirit, and Salvation are very, very easy to understand. Little children can grasp the concept."

Yes, very easy. Let me see if I can paraphrase it.

God, the all knowing being, decides to create a world that is really going to piss him off - just for fun you know. So after his creatures do indeed piss him off as expected, he decides to kill everyone off in a global flood just to show them who is boss. But he keeps one family of humans alive to start the whole process over because he is too stupid to realize that they to will procreate and end up pissing him off just as much as the first batch.

So our all knowing god, that has a perfect plan for your life and knew about you before he started creation, decides to introduce himself to the recently dried out world just so we can see him for the wonderful, loving god that he is. He decides that the best way to accomplish this is to bring death, destruction and misery to the Egyptians, and then to obliterate about 8 million people and multiple civilizations throughout the middle East, so that "They may know that I am God!"

When that brilliant and wonderful plan doesn't quite work, and people still piss him off just as much, our all knowing god decides to come down to earth himself so that people can torture and kill him, since he knows that will finally make him feel better. Because we all know that if someone pisses you off, the best way to heal the situation is to have them torture and kill you.

So we do our job and we torture an kill him, which finally makes him happy, except for those folks that can't believe in the absolute insanity of the whole concept. For those folks he still burns with fury, and will make them pay forever in a lake of fire.

Sure, I think any kid can understand that.


Anonymous said…
I want to add something here your comment about "god" not pushing himself on anyone is not based in fact. What about the christian doctorine that the holy spirit convictes people in order that they may believe or the fact that almost all conversions are based on some scary spiritual or negative experience.
Hail Lucifer 4 EVER!!!
Lance said:
"So we do our job and we torture an kill him, which finally makes him happy, except for those folks that can't believe in the absolute insanity of the whole concept."

I couldn't have said it better myself!!!

Well said !

Anonymous said…
Geezz, Gloria, you mean to tell me that after about 40 years sitting my ass in church, I never met a True Christian?

Those true Christians are as mythical as their Jesus.
Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Telmi said…

That's a brilliant synopsis.

I thoroughly enjoyed reading it, and have saved it, for future reference/guidance.

muttmutt said…
If i had a penny for every time i heard the term true christian(TM) id be rich. Its sad that christians dont want to accept that thier religion may cause extensive brain damage, or that (shock! horror!) they may be wrong about thier religion/relationshit being the only way to God. id reccomend you read a nice book based on the tragedies commited in the name of Jesus and see how that goes, if that doesnt work, perhaps you should read the bible cover to cover instead of cherry picking it and saying stuff like oh thats only OT. well I choose not to be christian, and if you dont like it, then you didnt make that choice for me and nor should you. PS ex christian means we are no longer intested in your cult, thank you and have a nice day (fucking idiot)
muttmutt said…
1. There are many people who call themselves Christians. Christ lends respectability and the image of being a "nice guy" to a person's identify. Many people simply fake it. I suspect that many of the fakers actually believe they're Christians.

my rebuttal: jesus of the bible had no problem with slavery, jesus of the bible also had no problem with killing children. I guess they skipped that in bible study(what an oxymoron)

2. True Christians don't write hateful e-mail. They do not condemn people to Hell.

my rebuttal: yeah yeah, ive heard it all before, and im sure you write hateful emails to other people after you write this comment, just like all the other dipshits that say it.

Please don't confuse charlatans -- who just want to argue (because your opinion differs from what they pretend to believe) -- with true Christians.

my rebuttal:you seem to want to argue, why else are you putting on airs and condescending anyone that doesnt believe as you do?

God, Jesus, The Holy Spirit, and Salvation are very, very easy to understand. Little children can grasp the concept.

my rebuttal: little children dont have the cognitive ability to differentiate fantasy from reality, thats why little children believe in the tooth fairy and easter bunny

But He isn't forcing anybody to take what's being offered. It's your "free gift," but only if you want it.

my rebuttal: thats not a gift, its blackmail you stupid girl

In closing: I will uphold your right to be wrong.

my rebuttal: Ill offer you up the Pagans wager, it is "safer" to believe in millions of Gods and Goddesses than it is to believe in one
You're entitled to believe as you will. I only ask that you consider that "real" Christians aren't sitting around composing hate mail to anybody.

my rebuttal:real christians are probably not flaunting that they are real christians either, then agian even mother teresa didnt help the poor if they didnt convert to christianity, there are others that emulate her by giving the poor an offer "be christian or starve" yeah ive come to the conclusion that the true christians are actually serial killers, rapists and drug addicts, and youre welcome to be a part of the if you really feel you belong there.

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