Upon death, you will see

A letter to the WM from Joe McG

Your words make it questionable if you were a true Christian ever in your life.

Sadly, you seek to put down the very Gospel you said you once embraced.

Perhaps your human intelligence has overtaken the truth of God's word in your heart. Perhaps the god of this world (satan) has blinded your mind to the truth. Perhaps some unresolved pain from church members has made you bitter to the true and living Lord of the Universe - Jesus.

Upon death you will see that all your negative efforts against the Lord were for nothing.

Hopefully in a quiet moment you will truly examine your life and see the emptiness that remains there.

Hopefully your worldly gain now is worth what you will lack in the God-less eternity you face in the future.


SpaceMonk said…
Didn't we just do this?

Dave Van Allen said…
Yeah, it never seems to end.
Anonymous said…
WM--I'm surprised you bothered to print this.
Anonymous said…
:::Yawn::: Another Christard....
Dave Van Allen said…

Maybe you're right. Sometimes listening to a parrot is cute. Other times, it's annoying. I guess it depends what kind of mood you are in.
Anonymous said…
Your words make it questionable if you were a true Christian ever in your life.

>>no they dont

Sadly, you seek to put down the very Gospel you said you once embraced.

>> no it isnt

Perhaps your human intelligence has overtaken the truth of God's word in your heart.

>>no it hasnt

Perhaps the god of this world (satan) has blinded your mind to the truth.

>>no he hasnt

Perhaps some unresolved pain from church members has made you bitter to the true and living Lord of the Universe - Jesus.

>>no it hasnt

Upon death you will see that all your negative efforts against the Lord were for nothing.

>>no he wont

Hopefully in a quiet moment you will truly examine your life and see the emptiness that remains there.

>>no he wont

Hopefully your worldly gain now is worth what you will lack in the God-less eternity you face in the future

>> oh crap i thought i was arguing with an athiest. Forgive me brother
Joe B said…
WM - To make their letter submissions easier (and easier to parse) you could offer a simple form to let the would-be saviors of our souls pick what they believe to be the most compelling answers from the relatively short list they have learned to recite.
eel_shepherd said…
Joe McG, in the topic post, wrote:
"...Your words make it questionable if you were a true Christian ever in your life..."

And then goes on to list a few "perhaps" this and "perhaps" that.

Joe McG, what's with all the perhapses? Presumably you're a True Christian[TM] yourself. Shouldn't you be able to just read the things the WM has written and check them against your own inner state and then pin down where the discrepency lies? Aren't you supposed to have an ongoing living ever-renewed theology function indwelling somewhere inside you?

Your name gave me a bit of a fright, by the way. The "Mc" means "son of", and the big "G", well, we know Who that is... Thought we were maybe hearing from you-know-who at last.
Anonymous said…
The hilarity really ensues when one contemplates an exact replica of this letter landing on the desk of the webmaster of ex-Islam.net written by fundamentalist Muslim.

Anonymous said…
Praise God... I just feel led of the Spirit to enter into spiritual warfare for all of you who don't believe... hallelujah.



"You never WERE a Christian". So the preaching I did and the Bible studies, all those things that were right in line with your doctrines, they all came either from my own mind or from Satan? How fucking long is it going to take you people to realize that this bullshit is taught TO people BY people? Not by some fucking Hole E. Ghost or Casper or Jay-zus or anyone else. There's a right way and a wrong way to talk and act in your little world, and when people start to see the hypocrisy and the falsity and the uselessness of it all, they are able to be free. Stop condescending to free-thinking people as though every one of us was a dupe and not a True Believer(tm). That's a fucking insult, because I can take on any preacher-boy you bring me and I can certainly slice and dice the average mouth-breathing pew-sitter who knows nothing of this shit except what their exalted leader shoves at them.

15 years of study, "prayer", preaching, singing, teaching, giving up my money and time and social and married life, all so I could serve the great Gawd of the evanjellyfish world in the nayyyme of Jay-zus and the powwwwurrr of the SuperSpook, and I'm not a REAL believer. Fuck you.
eris.discordia said…
Thank you Laughing Buddha! I loved every bit of your response! Still LMAO!

I too, used to delight in slicing and dicing of the average mouth breathing pew-warmer! Now, they just bore me. My anger at the lying, cheating, woman-hating, child-molesting church and all of it's hypocrisy has subsided somewhat. These days I just pity those who are still caught in the fold.

They are deluded, brainwashed, small-minded people who cannot be convinced to see the truth by hostility. They must be gently led, like the sheeple that they are, by planting little seeds of truth in their little minds. Sometimes those seeds grow! I am so thankful that the seed of truth grew inside my thoughts and pushed out all that bullshit!

I have Jordan Maxwell and William Henry to thank for planting those seeds in my mind! http://www.jordanmaxwell.com/

Also, if I may be so bold as to quote a very wise man named Jesus: "Do not cast your pearls before swine".

Ironically, I take that quote very seriously now! I found that most of the sheeple that I encounter are not ready for the real truth. They are too caught up in the web of lies. Therefore, I throw them a crumb of wisdom but no more. I don't defend myself and I don't proclaim my beliefs and non-beliefs anymore. I have grown and learned so much since I left the church of lies! My wisdom and knowledge is precious to me and I know better that to try to convince others about the true origins of religion, if they are not ready for it.

Now, having said all that, I will admit that sometimes my lower nature delights in shredding one of those pompous preacher-boys just for the "hell" of it!

You go Laughing Budda!
Anonymous said…
Hi buddha

No matter what problems we had with our religion; no matter what that religion was, it was always our fault.

To those who have endured the humiliation of xian councelling, this will sound familiar: "you don't have enough faith; you are hanging on to sin; you are not sorry for sin; you are proud, and, of course, "you had a false conversion".

And we all have heard that shit about there-is-a-door-to-your-heart-and-the-only latch-is-on-your-side. That leaves the poor fucker fumbling frantically for the latch.

My sisters went to xtian marriage councelling as their marriages began to fail, and they were told (you guessed it) that when a xian marriage fails, it is the wife's fault. The marriages did indeed fail, and they quit the baptist church.

My favorite--heard on this very site--was from a calvinist: "You are not predestined to be saved". Heads, god wins; tails, god wins.
Anonymous said…
Upon death you will see...

Yeah, sure. Upon death, my inner spook is going to magically float up into the sky and an Invisible Magically Undead Man living there is going to judge me and then toss me into a flaming torture chamber for eternity while claiming to love me. Yeah, right. *YAWN*

It's a pity that upon death Christians will never realize that they wasted their lives and their money believing in and promoting bullshit. Like everyone else, upon death, they will cease to exist.
Anonymous said…
Oh, Joe, Don't you know that what you jsut blithered here is more commonly known as "Pascal's Wager"?

I almost wish your consciousness would survive Death for just a few minutes, just so you could realize that there is NOTHING waiting you but Nothingness.
Then your brain could shut down as your mind screams how UNFAIR it all is.
Anonymous said…
I find it very interesting that every x-xtian on this site plainly wants proof. And every xtian can't provide it. hmmm...
I don't know about the rest of you but I didn't decide to renounce my faith based on someone else's behavior. But all the xtians seem to think that's the only reason to leave the faith. How 'bout the fact that none of it ever happened and until one of these idiots can proove that it did, I will never go back!
Oh and by the way... my life much more peaceful and fulfilled now that I don't have to live by some invisible persons standards.
Love, Jackie
Steven Bently said…
"Upon death you will see that all your negative efforts against the Lord were for nothing."

So we've all got to die first to see that the nonsense you're propagating now, is true, eh?

So you and your false teachers know this is not possible, yet you continue to spew your self-righteous propaganda.

So we're supposed to believe you, why you? What evidence do you have other than a bunch of words written down in a book?

Why not display some evidence here and now while the living can test and verify what you're spouting is even remotely true?

"Perhaps your human intelligence has overtaken the truth of God's word in your heart."

There's only blood being pumped in my heart, does this mean that I am unintelligent for knowing this is a fact?

"Perhaps the god of this world (satan) has blinded your mind to the truth."

I do not believe in satan, does this still mean that I worship an invisible being without me knowing it? I do not worship anything especially if it's invisible, and neither do you.

"Perhaps some unresolved pain from church members has made you bitter to the true and living Lord of the Universe - Jesus."

I do not go to any church, what is in a church? It's just a shrine that was built by death fearing men that people like you, whom are afraid to stay away from because you have been told you will go to hell if you do not go to church?

How can Jesus be lord of the uniiverse, when it says in the bible that a god created the universe, Jesus was not mentioned, in the beginning could it be that you have been deceived and lied to? It took your god 4000 years to invent the Jesus - virgin birth salvation plan, what took him so long?

"Hopefully in a quiet moment you will truly examine your life and see the emptiness that remains there."

I have no emptiness in my life, what gives you the right to presume such nonsense about anyone? I live a completely fulfilled life without any need to believe in invisible make believe deities.

"Hopefully your worldly gain now is worth what you will lack in the God-less eternity you face in the future."

Again where did you get your wishful information? Perhaps from a book that was written over 2000 years ago?

If you want someone to believe what you are saying give us some proof or evidence now, while we can verify what you're saying, do not shove a bunch of nonsense in front of us and tell us we'll see later after we die, if what you are saying is true, it can be tested now in the world of reality of here and now. That would be like me asking you to let me borrow $100,000 and I'll pay you back later after I die, I promise you I will, because it says on this IOU, piece of paper here, that I will pay you back in the next world. Just wait and see.

All we need is proof, we do not need your idle threats based upon something that was written down in a book over 2000 years ago, by a bunch of dope-head sheep herding gypsies!

Where did you hear such nonsense?

Where you born with all that garbage already stored in your brain?

No, you heard it from other humans?

The bible is not universal knowledge or truth, it is learned through indoctrination.

Just as the qu'ran is not universal knowledge or truth, it too is learned through indoctrination.

Just as the English language is learned through indoctrination.

And as Islam is learned through indoctrination.

Just as any other language and other religions are learned through indoctrination only.

Joe, you are totally "wrong!"

You've been lied to and deceived by your family and friends and your holy book.
Aspentroll said…
To Joe McG:

You say the god of this world is Satan? Geesh, I thought it was the other guy, yawwee,jehova, jesus, or what ever other name they're using these days.
I just wish you guys would get it straight who it is you're using these days. You're all so confused.
It's kinda fun when you deluded
types come in here telling what we should do and know.
It's fun because it gives us all a chance to kick your silly asses and that make our day, at least mine any way. Thanks again for the humor you bring.
So many Christian Evangelists assume atheists have experienced behavior from christians that is so outrageous, it made us leave our faiths.

Makes you wonder: how much horrible hypocritical behavior from christians must they have seen in order to assume this? ;)
Celera said…
yes, it's trite and it's not helpful. But I'm surprised by the animus in the comments here. Joe may be naive, he may be deluded, he may even be not very bright, but is it really making you feel that much better to be mocking and to say things like "Christard"? He seems sincere enough, and probably really does believe he is helping. didn't you all believe you were helping people in the days when you spouted that sort of nonsense?
eris.discordia said…

The "christard" provoked those comments by posting on an EX-CHRISTIAN site!

What is he doing on this site? He MUST be retarded if he thinks he is going to SAVE our heathen souls from eternal damnation by spouting off his tired old bullshit!

Personally, when I woke up from my long, deluded christian coma I was angry! In fact, I was PISSED! I wasted 25 years of my life brainwashed by that lying, cheating cult! It took a while to get control of my anger and to turn it into something positive. Some of the people on this site are still coping with their anger and they use this site to vent. I used this site to vent my anger many times, myself!

While I have more pity for those poor souls than anger, I still think that they ask for what they get when they post on OUR site!

I don't know what they are trying to accomplish by posting here but it does add a little comic relief from all those christian child molesting news stories. It also gives us a chance to hone our "cutting" skills!
Telmi said…
Joe McG

Your true and living Lord was, inter alia, a genocidal maniac and a liar - are you familiar with the Bible, OT n NT? He said that his "Second Coming" would occur before the passing away of the generation still living at the time he said this. Well, that generation has passed away two thousand years ago. But where is your true and living Lord?

I don't think you are someone familiar with the many inconsistencies and contradictions of your religion. Probably another Xian fundy who is ignorant of his own religion.
Anonymous said…

Another coward-for-jebus, zooming in, dumping a load of the same old crap we hear from every single one of their brainfucked bunch, then runs away from all questions it knows it can't answer (read: all of them).

So what else is new?
Nekkid Atheist said…
Death=Entrophy everytime.

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