You really need to read the Bible!

From Saphire

I have only read a few of the posts on here...some from "christians" and a few from the webmaster, and a few from non-christians. I am truly amazed and almost want to laugh at some of the things being said. Laughing though, is not the answer because it really is a serious subject, and some people are really stuggling with their effort to find the truth. The bible is not an easy read, its long, and takes some real attention. To make an intelligent argument for or against christianity, a person needs to be able to comprehend what's written, and actually read it. Not parts of it, but all of it. Anyone who really wants to find the truth, first needs to do that. I dont think anyone should rely on what others are saying, and I mean to say, what ANYone is saying. People have their own agenda's, their own beliefs, and some just wont budge even when they dont really know the facts for themselves. Everyone needs to figure it out for themSELVES by looking at the evidence. Anyone who has done that, really read the bible, will come to the truth. Ive seen it. I love a good conversation and debate over the bible and its meanings and interpretations, as long as its with someone who knows what they are saying.

Webmaster...I said in the beginning that I was amazed by some of the comments. Im also amazed at how many people are so eager to jump on the "christian bashing" wagon, and so obviously dont know the truth, the facts, or even good grammar. I see here people making picky little stabs at others, silly trivial stabs, in order to prove how imperfect someone is. DUH. I dont know one "true christian" who is perfect, who doesnt sin etc. And I would bet that if someone on the street, dirty, drug user, drunk, sinner whatever...if they asked for some thing to eat, a true christian would show their love and the love of their God by giving them something to eat. That's what Jesus meant. Not to refuse anyone. We all need help, and the only way to show and spread unconditional love, is to show unconditional love.

Webmaster.....I just couldnt refuse writing, I suppose its my sinful pride that made me do it, but I am not going to hang around here to argue. This stupidity....I mean uneducated, not to mention ignorant arguments! Do you know the meaning of ignorant? Just wondering. Anyway, I was saying that this site just gets my blood pumping, and gives me bad "sinful" thoughts like wanting to tie you to a chair, and read the bible TO you, until you at least know and understand what it says!!! Do you have any idea how many non believers, scientists, and others have set out to disprove the idea of Christianity by first reading and studying the bible....only to find themselves believing and finally knowing why they are here, what their purpose is and most of all, understand why God sent Jesus...(so that the Devil couldnt have us just because we are human and sin) and the truth of his love for us? Look up at the sky, and try to imagine how big the universe is...and mabe you'll see that the supernatural seeming parts of the Bible, just might be true. There is so much we still dont understand about the universe and nature, but that doesnt make it false. Well, Im done. None of this will mean a thing to someone like you unless you really learn the bible first. Not just lines that you can take out of context and change the meaning of.

I hope you do read it sometime, its not boring, it will fascinate you!

take care



Dave Van Allen said…
I appreciate the emotion you are feeling. Imagine my feelings when I came to understand that I'd wasted 30 years of my life in the false religious cult commonly called Christianity.

I've read the Bible quite a few times, cover to cover. You might want to read my testimonial before you jump to any conclusions. It's linked here: LINK

The other thing you might want to consider is to avoid criticizing other people's grammar, syntax, spelling and/or punctuation until you've learned how to correct your own.
mothpete said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said…
The writer said:
I am not going to hang around here to argue

Well, that certainly sounds final. It doesn't matter how many of us are able to jump in here and report that we have in fact read the Bible several times, including, in my case, several times after I deconverted, and it doesn't matter how carefully we proofread our posts to satisfy her hankering for good grammar and spelling, she has made up her mind, has set us straight, and is moving on. She also repeated the old bromide about all the nonbelievers who read the Bible to prove its falsity, and thereby converted to xianity, ignoring the fact that lots of us left Xianity, in spite of, or even because of our extensive knowledge of scripture. As far as being picky about this or that xian failing to live up to Jesus' teachings, apparently she has skipped all the posts about ministerial misconduct.
Anonymous said…
I'd be careful of this Saphire chick...she wants to tie you up and read Biblical passages to you. I wonder if she's related to another "true Christian," named John Wayne Gacy, who used to perform similar rope tricks?

Excerpt from:

"This was followed by his [Gacy] "rope trick" in which he would insert a rope around the victim’s neck, insert a stick in the loop, and twist it slowly like a tourniquet until the victim strangled to death. Gacy liked to read passages from the Bible while doing this."

It's sad that Saphire, the poor brainwashed cult follower, won't be around to read any of our remarks.

Anonymous said…
Look up at the sky, and try to imagine how big the universe is...and mabe you'll see that the supernatural seeming parts of the Norse Eddas/Bhagvad Gita/Illiad and the Odyssey, just might be true.
Mighty Joe said…
I'm willing to post a detailed biblical problem to Saphire if she's willing to respond point by point.

She talks a lot but can she argue the bible?

We'll see!
Anonymous said…
"Do you have any idea how many non believers, scientists, and others have set out to disprove the idea of Christianity by first reading and studying the bible....only to find themselves believing and finally knowing why they are here, what their purpose is and most of all, understand why God sent Jesus...(so that the Devil couldnt have us just because we are human and sin) and the truth of his love for us?"

No, I don't know. How many? Why don't you tell us? Maybe because you just made a wild-ass assumption that you can't support?

Too bad. It would be a nice number to have. I'd like to see how it stacks up in comparison with all the former christians who turned to the bible to try to recover dwindling faith only to have reading that flawed book of folklore and propaganda turn them into EX-christians.

That, and a course in the "History of the Bible," did it for me. And I thank the no-god every day!
TheJaytheist said…
O.k. I admit to only reading the entire bible once. Does that not count? I mean it's difficult to brainwash yourself into believing some of that stuff and it just took me awhile.

I still read chapters at times but not with the same mindset.
Mitch924 said…
Anonymous said…
I have read the Bible "kivver to kivver" several times. It's really boring.

One of the things it gives you, though, is a realization that this Heaven and Hell concept is a distinctly New Testament invention.

For the ancients, God was the God of the Israelis. He might have been better than the God of the Persians or the Egyptians, but all in all, he was just another God.

Another thing you realize is what an interpolater this Saul of Tarsis is. The whole of Christianity now hinges on someone who never knew Jesus, never heard his message, but has instead inserted his own psychotic droolings into what we believe.

I have to say, reading the Bible has indeed taught me a lot ... about why I shouldn't believe a word of it.
Anonymous said…
What is it with these people that always say "Have you read the bible? I mean really read the bible?". I wonder, have they read the Koran? I mean really read the Koran. Or the Bhagavad Gita. Or the Book of Morman. Or the Torah. Or the Vedas, Garu Granth Sahib, Avesta, and the Zhuan Falun.

I'll bet not. Yet they talk like they have an undeniable truth. Just the fact of so many religions (many sharing the same origins) and the fact that even within those same religions there is no agreement should be enough to make one think "Gee, maybe all this religion stuff is made up"

None of these religions have anything but the weakest bits of supporting evidence that depend on interpretation and a need to believe. The only thing they have are their writings which fail on so many levels when scrutinized.

Please, all the Saphires of the cult need to actually read, I mean really read this site before coming on here with their arrogant attitudes, their cherry picked religious ideals, and their alternative descriptions of "Pascal's Wager".
Anonymous said…
However, I would encourage all the Saphire's of the world to encourage their own brethren to read and read and read the bible from end to end, over and over. Frankly that is the best way to get believers to recognize the fiction and mythology that they have been wasting their lives on.
Anonymous said…
Saphire, you are a silly little twit. Now go back to whatever church you just crawled out of, wait for the right bible-school graduate to come along, and spend the rest of your life baking brownies while hubby watches porn on the 'net.

You want to tie people to chairs? You people really are repressed, aren't you? Let me tell you, darling, you need to accept your sexuality. Failing to do so will warp your little mind and you will end up sitting on bar stools and picking up bikers. But anyway, if you really are into bondage, I can introduce you to a fellow I know. He will slap the shit out of you, and has some juicy bible verses to quote you.

Seriously, my pet, I was raised an atheist, so I do not share your problems. I have, however, been reading the posts here for awhile, and although I am not a compassionate person, I am often pushed to the limits of pity. What some of these people had to endure--God's Blood, it's just awful.And you have the insides to come and pirouette in here like some child craving attention.Sweetums, you need to grow the fucking hell up.

You are addressing intelligent, experienced people; people who know your bible better than you could ever dream of, and you talk to them as though they were boys and girls who somehow need your guidance. We need your guidance like we need colon cancer. Now run along, my dearest, and leave your betters in peace.
Bob said…
I can think of no better fefutation of religion than reading the buybull, the Koran Harry Potter or the readers digest. all are the work of man. Nice try, Saph....
Anonymous said…
I'd be willing to bet that the majority of ex-christians who post here regularly have read the bible cover-to-cover AT LEAST once. I have. How many times do you have to read it to "get it"??? Maybe you should just pick and choose verses to support whatever fantasy you've dreamed up at any given moment.

And I don't say that tongue-in-cheek. I've asked every christian that I know if they've read the bible all the way through. NONE--that's right, ZERO--have done so. And when I say every christian I know, that means basically every PERSON that I know. (Also, bear in mind that I live in Tennessee...not an atheist stronghold by any stretch of the imagination).

Let this information process for a moment.


Many of these same christians tell me that *I* have not read the bible properly, and that with a proper, mature reading, I would be a true believer. So, apparently a proper reading entails a sporadic reading of popular verses.

Self-deceiving buffoons. If anyone should be tied down and have the bible read to them it should be devout, biblically illiterate, christians.
darthwonka said…
Another thing you realize is what an interpolater this Saul of Tarsis is. The whole of Christianity now hinges on someone who never knew Jesus, never heard his message, but has instead inserted his own psychotic droolings into what we believe.

He invented Christianity.. 'Saul's writings pre-date the appearance of the gospels by over 20 years, maybe a hundred.

They connect it to the Jewish books to add history to there new cult.
Anonymous said…
I have to disagree it is a laughing matter, religion should never be taken seriously, the sooner its laughed out of existence the better.
Anonymous said…
Another unsupported hit and run attack. From my experience I have seen that believers like to talk a lot but dont like to listen to counterarguments. From the looks of it Saphire hasnt really really read the bible herself. Science and common sense made me an exchristian so i would really apreciate some references on your scientists converting to Christianity argument. I am now ashamed of ever being a bible waving young earth creationinst. Idiots like this chick remind me of my shame filled past. I am so glad to be out of there (the church i used to attend where i was a minister for around 10 years)where i was continually amnipulated by the diferent pastors to do things that served their interests beleiving i was doing god's will. in the process my college grade suffered and i sacrificed a lot of opportunities in doing things that i really wanted to do. Now i am having trouble finding a top class gradute school (in the USA. Im from Puerto RIco)that will accept me with my 2.6 average. I would of easliy had an average of over 3.10 if it werent for all the study time i wasted in my church years. In conclusion, i wasted my time in church and im now paying for it and you Saphire are wasting your time and will pay for it as well in a near future. You sound like i used to sound when i was 18,19 years old. Im assuming thats your age.
Spirula said…
None of this will mean a thing to someone like you unless you really learn the bible first.

Translation: believe my particular brand of Christianity.

Hey Saphire,

Can you be saved if you are not baptized?

Should babies be baptized?

Does God chose whom to save (the elect) or not?

Did Jesus promise to return "with his Kingdom" in his disciples life-time?

Does the phrase "free-will" appear anywhere in the bible?

Should the Sabbath be observed, and if so, would it be Saturday or Sunday?

Are women supposed to remain silent and with their heads covered while in church or not?

Is speaking in tongues allowed or not?

Do you wash the feet of others as Jesus commanded?

Is the Pope the leader of the church or not?

Have you given up all your earthly possessions to follow Jesus as he commanded you to?

Is celibacy more godly than marriage, as Paul says it is?

Do you know their are over 30,000 denominations of Christianity that base their beliefs on the bible, but believe so strongly they are correct that they segregate themselves from other Christians?

Anyway, glad to see you didn't "hang around to argue", as you clearly belong at the kiddies table.

Run along.

(from an Ex-Christian scientist)
Anonymous said…
Spirula wrote "Do you know their are over 30,000 denominations of Christianity that base their beliefs on the bible, but believe so strongly they are correct that they segregate themselves from other Christians?"

It's even more complicated than that! There are, I believe, 89 different versions of the babble in use today in America - and that's just the English translations. Sappy didn't specify which one she thinks we need to read.
Anonymous said…
As most of us here are aware, reading the bible is what caused many of us to be where we are today. So, yes, read your bibles. We have plenty of room for more truthseekers. Cheers!
Anonymous said…
Reading the Bible by itself makes no difference if you dont accept sola scriptura to start with. And why would one accept sola scriptura? Because the Bible says so? That would be circular, even if it were true. Can you give me some other argument -- I cant imagine how you would ground it -- explaining why we sould accept the Bible as an authority, without just assuming it (which is, basically, what sola scriptura is). Moreover, Catholics argue the Bible teaches the opposite -- the Bible *and* the Church -- so theres a matter of interpretation anyway. Is there any other book in the history of the human race that you would pick up and accept whatever it says uncritically, on the presumption that just reading it is somehow good enough?
Aspentroll said…
Hi Saphire:

I know you're out there lurking to see how well your post went over with the heathens on this
site. If posting here made you feel good, hair on ya, babe.
Your presence here also made me feel good to know that you and what you believe are just one more reason for giving up religion of any type. You are exactly what the "fundies" need to promote their views on the
the people like you who are so badly brainwashed.
Carry on babe, the rapture is nearly upon us and we can grab all the good stuff left behind.;-)
Anonymous said…
Saphire said:
"Look up at the sky, and try to imagine how big the universe is...and mabe you'll see that the supernatural seeming parts of the Bible, just might be true"

When I was a believer, the awe of the vastness of space, along with the countless galaxies that exist, made me sit-in-wonder of the power of this god. I never questioned why he would have made such a HUGE universe, but saw it as merely an indicator of his great vision and abilities etc..

Today though, instead of seeing the huge universe and it's god in that old way of thinking, it now raises a new question in my mind.

Most xtians suppose that we humans are at least the first creation of the human type, as the bible infers as much to most xtians. Heck, bible believers throughout most of xtian history believed the earth was the center of the universe....No ego involved there at all in their reasoning skills.

The great informing bible doesn't say if it's god planted humans and other life forms across the many galaxies we know about, but if he did, we now know such life forms would be most likely rare and greatly spaced apart. There just aren't that many earth type planets that could sustain human life, from what we've gathered from knowledge our own galaxy to date.

So whether we assume god only made humans on earth, or we assume he created a few other earths with humans scattered across those trillions of light years of space, we are left with an obvious question.

Why would this god have gone through the trouble to create thousands upon thousands of huge complex galaxies, billions of 'suns' with a probable amount of countless planets orbiting them.

If god's main intent was to make humans after those angels, then why the overkill in the decoration department of the universe. The bible tends to imply that all those stars were painted onto a firmament in the sky and that besides something to light up the night sky, it's where god and his angels lived.

Obvioulsy, he had no human need to create all those galaxies that we can only now see today with our modern telescopes, but were unaware of till this past century.
Do such far away galaxies serve any purpose to humans on earth?
Do those far away galaxies's stars plot the course of our lives, as astrologers tend to believe?

Truly god could have easily gotten away with putting the earth closer to the center of the milky-way galaxy, rather than in the suburbs of one of it's arms.
The sky would still have had plenty of night lights for your god to say was his abode.

God could have saved himself a whole lot of energy by making just one big galaxy for his human earth, rather than thousands of huge galaxies that are too far removed from our own galaxy to be of any useful value to us lowly humans.

What your god claims to have done in creating this *overly* vast universe, would compare to humans using the power of an Atom bomb to kill a pesky mosquito.
Talk about your overkill design methods of engineering.

All those superfluous extra galaxies out there neither helped out nor hindered in god's creation of his tiny earth, along with some biological life forms for his pleasure and/or to appease him with their bowing down to his 'glory'.

If one wishes to speculate that all these extra galaxies were made just to have room-for-expansion of future humans, then why didn't god make most planets able to sustain life, instead of the reverse. What value do dead planets have, other than to take up space.
What value do inhospitable gaseous planets serve, other than to look pretty to our eye's.

No, if there was a real god out there who created this universe for the purpose of creating life forms, he would surely have planned things out better and we'd see far more many planets that could sustain life than we do now.

What we see now is certainly more proof to an happenstance creation, rather than a god planned one !!!!

Anonymous said…
I am an atheist and a former Christian. I know the Bible very well, I studied it in high school and on my own since then. My chief argument against god's existence is that the burden of proof demanded of believers cannot be met.

I see little value in arguing with Christians over the errors and contradictions of the Bible, because they take it as the word of their god on faith.

Many atheists do know the Bible well, in fact, it is our Biblical literacy that helped move us to deconversion.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous wrote:
"I see little value in arguing with Christians over the errors and contradictions of the Bible, because they take it as the word of their god on faith"
It would be nice if you had picked a name for yourself..hint hint.

While you're correct that most xtians believe every word of the bible comes directly from god, the purpose of showing contradictions is to show them that their word-of-god contains mistakes and mis-information. A perfect god wouldn't allow such mistakes, if he was real and the bible is his ONLY words to us humans.

For some stubborn xtians, showing the bible is errant is the ONLY argument they will even listen to, as any argument outside the bible writings mean nothing to them. In fact, the latter is usually attributed to the devil talking to them, trying to pull them over to his side.

So I can't agree with you that it's a waste of time to argue the bible using the bible itself, as sometimes that is the only means to reach their minds.

Anonymous said…
I wish Saphire came back and read what other people have responded.

As for myself, I was Agnostic until I decided to read the bible, cover to cover. After that, I became without any doubt what so ever, 100% Atheist.
Astreja said…
Saphire, you're not telling the whole truth to our studio audience.

You don't want us to "know and understand" the Bible.

You want us to know, understand and believe it. You will not concede that we do know it until we start agreeing with you.

In other words... Probably never.
chad said…
Saphire doesn't seem to realize that a primary pillar of this website is depth with respect to Biblical knowledge and understanding. More ex-christians, agnostics, and atheists have been produced through serious and thorough study of the scriptures than by a lack of biblical literacy. That is to say, knowledge of the Bible itself is the greatest enemy to "keeping the faith." Saphire might note that this fact runs completely contrary to her "deconversion-by-biblical-ignorance" thesis.
Nightmare said…
Joy, another idiot xian that assumes - without knowing shit about us - that we haven't read her favorite "holy" masturbatory aid ever in our lives.

I suppose she'll be using the "you weren't real Christians} bullshit line when she comes back.
Anonymous said…
Maybe the name of this website should be changed to something completely cryptical because the word "exChristian" seems to attract well meaning Christian fanatics like a magnet.

She reminds me a little of my sister who is a literal Jesus freak. I discarded my faith about 1 1/2 years ago and wrote her a nice letter about why and hoped that would suffice knowing "judgement day" would come sooner or later). She didn't try to argue too much until she got together with me face to face. Then she let me know that she was grieving for me and that it was her Christian duty to let me know I was going to burn in hell. I told her "thank you very much" and that since I didn't believe in hell I wasn't too worried about her prediction that I was going to spend forever and a day there. Then she started in on Adam and Eve and free will and as the veins started to bulge out of her forehead I tried to reason with her but to no avail. She reminded me why I do my best to avoid people who are so blind they couldn't see the truth if it hit them in the face -- their WOG says that it is WE that are blind and that because of our hard hearts HE made it that way. Thus, to argue with them is as vain as talking to a door.

I happened to meet up with an old church going acquaintance who inquired where we were now going to church. I told her we weren't going anywhere and simply said "I am an ex-Christian". She replied, "You can't do that can you?" I sweetly smiled and said "Yes, you can."

They just don't get it. Miss Whats-her-name may probably never get it...unless she sees the light like we have. Maybe we should all take a moment to pause, maybe close our eyes, and wish for her to find the real truth.
Anonymous said…
Jeanne wrote:
"Maybe the name of this website should be changed to something completely cryptical because the word "exChristian" seems to attract well meaning Christian fanatics like a magnet"

While that might keep out the surfers who happen in here, it wouldn't rid of us those pet-trolls we keep around to stir up trouble, with their dumb remarks.

I think we also owe it to humanity to educate those xtians who happen upon our site, and who still have a functioning brain to reason with.

>.... their WOG says that it is WE that are blind and that because of our hard hearts HE made it that way. Thus, to argue with them is as vain as talking to a door.

Yes Jeanne, xtians have as many excuses to justify their beliefs/actions, as their god has angels. Sometimes I think the true function of god's angels, is for each to invent one new excuse for xtians to use to bolster their case. I mean, these angels sure aren't doing anything else down here on earth to **prove** god's existence, so it makes sense they would get this honorable 'excuse' job, right.

I'm thinking this xtain 'excuse' topic would make a find RANT to write one day for our site, hmmmmmmm.

Perhaps we could start it off with a few typical xtian excuses and then all of us add to it to make a huge posted list of them. Could be interesting I think?

> I told her we weren't going anywhere and simply said "I am an ex-Christian". She replied, "You can't do that can you?" I sweetly smiled and said "Yes, you can."

Isn't it amazing how these stubborn xtians can't fathom that someone could give up their faith. To tell them so, is much like telling them you just got back from a trip to the moon.
To them, the bible fable is their reality and we exist outside that fictional reality.

Blows the mind how naive some living human beings in these modern times, can be huh.

Nekkid Atheist said…
There is some truth in the bible. I mean between the covers it’s possible to find truth. I cite the following. The table of contents is usually spot on, and the Publisher’s page has some useful information in it as well. See one need not read the whole bible to find truth.
Anonymous said…
I have read the Bible from cover to cover three times, and I can tell you for certain it is a man made book.

There are just so many error in it, it is unthinkable to me that someone who is not an imbecile would see that the Bible is a joke.

I suggest the author of this post actually does what he/she says and read the Bible. Then come back to us and confess your atheism.

Anonymous said…
Nekkid Atheist wrote:
"There is some truth in the bible. I mean between the covers it’s possible to find truth... The table of contents is usually spot on"
Hey Nekkid,
First off you gave me a good laugh!!

Secondly, could you let me know if I have an antique bible here, as the copyright date in my bible, say's "33AD (+/- 6 years)".

Gosh, I wonder if mine was written by the great jebus himself while ascending back to heaven on a son-beam. I figure that I have the only original now, but on the last page it clearly states....
"Please disregard all previous pages"

Curious (and maybe $$$rich$$$) ATF
Anonymous said…
LOL Funny Letter and Great Response WM! She obviously doesn't realize that Former Christians on this site have poured millions and millions of wasted hours into that man-made primitive book! I just love how she wants to tie you up! !! LOL...
Unknown said…
As was stated in an above comment, it's sad that Sapphire won't lower herself to debate with us. It shows that she has very little evidence to use in a debate. A good debater would jump at the opportunity to argue with others and prove them wrong, but instead, Sapphire heads on her way... I think she's scared that she'll turn against Christianity if she even reads our arguments.

But part of the post made me pretty happy in a way. Sapphire said, "And I would bet that if someone on the street, dirty, drug user, drunk, sinner whatever...if they asked for some thing to eat, a true christian would show their love and the love of their God by giving them something to eat." Seeing the success rate of beggars on the street in person, I can tell you that a good 95% of people in the U.S., and probably around the world, are not "true Christians".
clair said…
Now, on to the real question at hand. Does our webmaster deserve to be tied to a chair? Probably. But not to have someone put him in a boredom coma. Please no, not the soul-twisting thee and thou manual. It would be a delicous piece of porn called "OUR EX-CHRISTIAN WEBMASTER, MASTER OF ALL, MASTER OF KINK" and the cover will show D looking worried from his place of bondage. Standing to each side will be beautiful but angry (school mistress, nurse, and of course at least one she-devil) women. What thinkest thou?
freethinker05 said…
Heh Monk, I just read your comments, and checked out your provile. Seems we have some things in common as we both live in tennessee. (I live approx. 35 miles straight-up North of Nashville, apprx. 5 miles from Ky.line.) I also love the outdoors and living a simple life. If I ever get things in order, I'd love to move close to the Smokie Mountians; me and the family vacation there at least twice a year. Peace, Roger
RubyHypatia said…
Studying my bible is what led me to become an agnostic after decades of being a chistian. It's amazing how much of the bible I glossed over while still a believer. I still study my bible and believe in the documentary hypothesis. BTW, you don't have to be a christian in order to show compassion to one in need.
Anonymous said…

Yep, I live about halfway between nashville and knoxville (up on the plateau). The Smokies are awesome...I've only got to hike and horseback ride up there a couple of times, but I just fall in love with it every time I do. The countryside is still pretty unspoiled where I live, and I had out there every time I can.

Simple. Simple. Simple...and may I always be that way. Cool! Glad you said hello.

Monk (Mark)
Anonymous said…
Reading the Bible, if read with a truly open mind, usually leads to a loss of belief. I marvel at the nonsense, the contradictions, the cruelty that can be found in those pages. Base your life on this? I hope not!!
Anonymous said…

"I mean uneducated"

I don't mean to knock education, however it's not everything. I think having some good old "Common Sense" and knowing how to think for yourself is very valuable.

Yes, I will take credit for being one of those "Christian Bashers". I do not apologize for that. So deal with it Saphire. We are here to stay.

As for you refusing to hang around here, and arguing, well just like most christians you cannot defend your beliefs. That's why you choose to leave. You are a typical "chicken shit christian".

When things heat up on here, you get the hell out of the kitchen obviously.

Thanks for proving that you cannot defend your faith, and just how faulty the bible is, and yes I have read the "bible" several times.

I have to admit that I have found the bible very helpful. Especially the pages out of the bible. They come in very handy anytime you run out of toilet paper in the bathroom.

As for wanting to tie the "Webmaster" up and read the whole bible to him, I never realized that Jesus taught you about bondage.

That kinky Jesus.

Kind of makes me wonder if Jesus tied his 12 disciples up and had orgies with them.
Anonymous said…
"Kind of makes me wonder if Jesus tied his 12 disciples up and had orgies with them"

Just wanted to add to that.

I guess that's why Judas betrayed Jesus. The Roman Soldiers were looking for someone to gang bang, and they paid Judas the 30 pieces of silver which was their way of paying a "Prostitution Fee" when Judas decided to pimp Jesus out.
Anonymous said…
Poltergoost wrote:

"I guess that's why Judas betrayed Jesus. The Roman Soldiers were looking for someone to gang bang, and they paid Judas the 30 pieces of silver which was their way of paying a "Prostitution Fee" when Judas decided to pimp Jesus out."

Imagine the updated version of that movie, "THE LIFE OF CHRIST" (The Deliverance Version)
Anonymous said…
the bible is a sick cult way of looking at life. being lost in a delusion may seem easier on your mind and soul but in the end its just a sick joke as you float above your body in the astral, confused that your not in heaven....or hell... see the bible is just a book, and you base your whole life on it but in the end none of it is true, it's just a collaboration of shitty stories that make no sense. All you christians eat your little wafer bodies and sip your wine blood/ grape juice and pray to something that you discovered by reading text on paper. It makes no freaking sense, the only positive aspect of this religion is putting morals and ethics standard. its time for something new...something you can find before you even die, be reassured of your afterlife and live your life different, with actual factual knowledge of whats gonna happen instead of relying on faith and your life building of delusion. research psionics, thats all i have to say...

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