I am a christian

From Brandon

I want you to know that just because you dont believe in God, doesnt mean he's not there. God loves you. Romans 5:8 says God demonstrates His love for us in this: while we were still sinners Christ died for us. God has a love and a grace that is beyond human understanding. I am a christian obviously and I believe that Jesus Christ will be coming again and that He will take His people, the believers, with Him. I pray that you and the people who dont believe in Christ will turn before that day. If you want to ask me some questions or anything email me back.

Email: brandon.buck41@yahoo.com


What I want to know, is that if your "god" has a love and grace incomprehensible to man, then how can can one accept it? how would you know if you have it if you can't comprehend it? Nice try.
Again, if you can't comprehend god's love and yet YOU claim to have it, then I think you have exposed yourself as one who knows not the truth. What you feel, in accordence to your own theory of incomprehensible love, would be a delusion formulated in your own mind.
Anonymous said…
You're funny.

Using the bible to prove your god is like using the works of L. Frank Baum to prove Munchkins

Begone! or somebody will drop a house on you too!
Brandon wrote:
I am a christian obviously and I believe that Jesus Christ will be coming again.....

Well let's see. It's been 2000 years and he hasn't returned, so I guess he's not in any hurry to find his way back to this tiny earth from whatever galaxy he went home to.

Do you suppose jesus will find his way back here before the human mammals die off and the dinosaurs rule this planet again?

Perhaps jesus forgot to put down some bread crumbs when he left last time and can't find his way back.
If that's the case, then he should get his Daddy to give him a GPS (God's Planet Seeker) computer.

Do you happen to have the email address for jesus, as I have a very long long letter I've been trying to mail him for decades now?
For some reason, the post office kept sending it back, saying "unknown recipient", so I thought I'd email it now instead.
Surely in this day and age, god has a computer up in heaven hooked into the internet, right?

Oh, and if you do happen to talk to him soon, could you remind him for me that he promised me as a boy, to bring me my own personal 'falling star' when he comes back to earth again....Thanks in advance.

ATF (Who in return, is praying to Hercules that Brandon quickly bows down to all the Greek Gods; before it's too late)
psychman said…
First of all, what part of exchristian.net do you not understand? It is pretty arrogant on your part to assume that you will have any influence on any of us here on this website. Oh, that's right, you believe the holy spirit will touch one of us through you his vessel, right?

Look, all of us here have heard it, done it, and most importantly, lived it. So away with you and your peter pan christian advice.

What you need to seriously do my young xtian troll is ask yourself why you are giving up the best years of your life to this superstitious nonsense.

Spend some time on this website and you will see that many like yourself have come and gone all pitching the same silly pablum.

Please respect our space as we do not go on xtian websites and post our views. So we ask that you simply do what Jesus said and "do unto others as you would have them do unto you".
Do you want us to assault you with our non-theistic views? Think about that for awhile.

Good day and run along now.
Astreja said…
Brandon: "I want you to know that just because you dont believe in God, doesnt mean he's not there."

Doesn't mean your god *is* there, either. You have to come up with something better than Bible verses if you want to convince us.

"God has a love and a grace that is beyond human understanding."

You're right... I fail to understand how drowning planets, killing one's own son and ultimately destroying the planet constitutes "love". Must've missed the memo on that one.

Again... What part of EX-Christian do you not understand, little boy?
sir fer said…
hey brandon, why don't you just fuck off?

we're more interested in sinning and pissing god and jesus off over here.

Perhaps try www.churchofsatan.com, they still believe in supernatural spookies over there....
I think as this site is for ex-Christians, it's not like any of us have not heard what you are trying to say like probably 1000 times before. It's not like being given a claim by an absolute stranger gives a person any reason to believe that that claim is true. Come on, now . . .
Anonymous said…
Oh man, you're funny.

You'll pray for me?

I'll think for you.
Anonymous said…


MAD pwnage!

Isn't there a bumper sticker like that? "I don't think in your church, don't pray in my school?" Whatever it is, fantastic line. I'll be using that the next time someone says they'll pray for me. I get the feeling our friend Brandon here will use it when I email him. I'll let y'all know how that goes.
jimearl said…
I think I have heard it this way:

You can pray for me, but I can't think for you!

Brandon, have you ever considered living your life in reality? You might want to give it a shot. Life is good when you are delusion free. Jim Earl
ryan said…
And just because you believe in god, that doesn't mean he is there. This works both ways, or can you not see that? Hmm?

And let me tell you what is beyond understanding. It is the pleasure one experiences when one grows up and gets off his knees and learns to act like a man. Hear me? Like a man.

You sound like a child. "I am a christian". That sounds like "I got an A on my spelling test" or "I got a bike for my birthday". You are a christian; well big fucking deal. Let us know when you learn to go potty.
THE ACE said…
Brandon: I have a feeling I'm a good bit older than you are..I'll
be 54 next month..and I wish I had a dime for every time in my life I've heard some preacher or Christian say "Jesus is coming back soon, maybe tomorrow!" I think I started hearing that back in the early 60's.

Well, perhaps he was on the way
back and got lost. Maybe he took a wrong turn somewhere around Pluto?
ryan said…
And just one more thing, brandon, you arrogant little piece of sewage. How fucking dare you to invite us to email you for advice. Who the bleeding hell do you think you are? I am 60 years old and I have been to more churches than I care to admit. I have read the books. I have heard the sermons. I have read the bible until it came out of my ears.

Try to get this through that armor plate that you are using for a skull. We have been there and done that. Hear me? It doesn't fucking work.

That you have offered us advice is the most insulting thing I have ever heard. We should come to you for advice? Go to hell.

Actually, I think jesus' car broke down, so he hitched a ride on the imaginary planet niburu - and evidentlly its coming soon!
speck said…
You're sick. Please get help
eejay said…
Hi Brandon, I used to be a x-tian. I actually enjoyed your letter, because I knew what kind of responses it would draw. When I was a x-tian, (did both catholic and protestant sects) I did all the things I was supposed to do (according to the bible), and you know what, your jesus was never there. As a catholic, I lit candles, did rosaries and novenas, had all the statues medallions and assorted paraphenalia. NOTHING!!! Then some fundy nut came over and told my parents they were all wrong, and catholicism was a crock. So they became converts and then it bacame 'praise the lord' this, 'yes, jesus' that. And my mom got weirder and accused me of mbeing deon posssessed. She'd annoint my bedroom with oil, got through all my things, speak in tongues all night long. Really sick shit buddy. Oh yeah, I've had all this jesus love shit shoved in my face for years. Like I ain't never heard it before. Well, I'm going to be 50 in a couple of months, and I've searched, begged prayed (yes, with two or more in his name), and NOTHING buddy has ever been answered. Not a peep from God. Not a whisper.Not a vision. It used to upset me that god wouldn;t hear my prayers. When I came to realize that I was on my own here, and have to rely upon me, myself and I at least things became a lot clearer in my life for me. There is no magical excuse for anything. Since abandoning my god belief, I am a lot more at peace with myself and reality. In this life of reality you learn to accept that we can roll with the punches, and find the answers to our own problems. Find the strength to deal with losses. Find the time to laugh and enjoy life, without the guilt complex that x-tianity ingrains in us. So, read your bible to somebody else, and enjoy your fantasy world. I would never go back!
ou812 said…
Brandon got some of us stirred up. My problem is I tend to ignore people like him,"Talk to the hand", I'm not listening to your babble. The one I couldn't ignore was my grandma when I was a child. So, I don't mind living in my own little world where the Christians can't ruffle my feathers. I'm still busy learning about all the true facts I missed in my deluded years. I still love my Grandma!!
David said…

Brandon didn't say anything about advice. He said to email if you had questions. Do you understand the difference between asking for advice and asking a question? This is a great example of hearing what you want to hear, not hearing what was actually said. What benefit is there to being that nasty and foul. Just be nice. And if you can't be nice at least be civil. Vulgarity makes you sound angry and uneducated. Even if you disagree with someone. You will feel much better in the long run if you do.
ryan said…
How nice of you to respond to me, david. We must do this again sometime.

First, it was obviously brandon's intention to act as our advisor and councelor. He came in here to witness the good news of jesus christ toward the salvation of our souls. He invited us to ask questions; he would provide the answers; the answers we were so earnestly seeking. When he asked for questions, what else do think he could have meant?

When a xristian comes in here and becomes insulting and obnoxious, do not expect me to treat him with anything resembling respect. You have to earn respect. When you treat me like shit, shit is what you get back. The xristian message is that god will drop you into hell if you do not smooch his ass, and hell is what you deserve. And you want me to handle this little malformed cretin with courtesy? jesus, all these comedians out of work, and you're being funny for free.

If you will re-read the other posts, you will see that the others have shown him as little respect as I have. It suddenly occurs to me that you are brandon, and that I have hurt your little feelings. I find your pathetic attempt at retaliation quite amusing. You're just a regular Milton Berle, aren't you?
HappyChef said…
Brandon,learn the concept and definition of Stockholm Syndrome.The xian church has been inflicting this crime against humanity for over 1700 years.I know you mean well,but you can do nothing to change others outlook on life.Educate yourself before you lose your life to this monster called the church!
May reciprocity be yours in all that you do...Peace
Anonymous said…

Um . . . isn't the mere asking of advice, in fact, a question in and of itself? I mean, to ask for advice, means that you are asking a question on how to do something, however indirectly. "I need some advice on how to save my soul" is "How do I save my soul?" in different wording. Soo . . . it seems that Brandon IS in wont of giving advice. Because if we ask him a question, and he has an answer for us, especially in the sense of HOW to do something, then he has given us advice.

Not that any of Brandon's advice matters or means anything. I haven't emailed him yet, so I have yet to engage him in this exchange of advice. MY advice to HIM, if you're wondering, would be to fuck off. No doubt it will come to that, at the end, after he's taken literally everything I've said out of context.
boomSLANG said…
The Ace said..Well, perhaps he[Jesus] was on the way
back and got lost.

' Very well could be. After all, if he couldn't find tweedle dee and tweedle dum within the confines of a f%cking garden, there's a good chance he'll have a hard time locating earth within 125 billion galaxies.
swifty32661 said…
"I want you to know that just because you dont believe in (The Flying Spaghetti Monster), doesnt mean he's not there. (The Flying Spaghetti Monster) loves you. (The book of Ramon) says (The Flying Spaghetti Monster) demonstrates His love for us in this: while we were still sinners (The Flying Spaghetti Monster) died for us. (The Flying Spaghetti Monster) has a love and a grace that is beyond human understanding. I am a (Pastafarian) obviously and I believe that (The Flying Spaghetti Monster) will be coming again and that He will take His people, the believers, with Him I pray that you and the people who dont believe in (The Flying Spaghetti Monster) will turn before that day."

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE before it's TOO LATE!! The Flying Spaghetti Monsters hell is full of strippers with venereal diseases, and even worse, the beer there is STALE!! Please save yourselves from this horrible eternity, and give your life up to the only one true god, The Flying Spaghetti Monster.

How do I know this is true? Simple! I have a book at home which says so! Let me know if you have any questions!!
sir fer said…
the FSM is real! Every time you eat pasta your are partaking of his body and if you drink wheat beer you are drinking his blood.

Mmmm gotta love those christain blood rituals ahhahahahahahhahahahaaa!
Anonymous said…
What I find amazing about posts like Brandon's is the huge arrogance.

I am a Christian...if you want to ask me questions.

What, does he think he is the only Christian we could ask questions of if we had any?

Does he think we live in a desert island where Christians are precious and difficult to find?

It truly never ceases to amaze me how deceived and brainwashed fundamentalist Christians are. They are a clueless bunch living never, ever land.
boomSLANG said…
It's your choice! But please, please!..don't choose the Fra Diablo sauce!
Aspentroll said…
Hello Brandon, Aspentroll here:

Did you say that you wanted to hear from me at your email@yahoo.com? Ok, I'll
email you and ask some questions, HEH, HEH, HEH.
I'll probably makes some comments, too.
Colin said…
Hi Brandon

Thank you for your kind offer to answer my questions.

I am reminded of a tale in the New Testament: a rich man really lives it up, and earns himself a place in hell. The beggar that ate the crumbs from the rich man's table, earns himself a place in heaven.

So later on and for all eternity, the former beggar sits with Jesus, looking over the great chasm at the former rich man writhing in pain, begging for but a small drop of water - but Jesus refuses.

My questions are these: are you the type of Christian who will sit with Jesus watching us poor sinners writhe in agony? I wouldn't - and watching others suffer is NOT my idea of heaven.

Next question: Do you really wish to keep the company of someone who would refuse a drop of water to a suffering person, no matter how 'deserved' the suffering is? I wouldn't.

No, I think keep your Christianity, and I will hang on to my atheism. Here is my own twisted version of Pascal's Wager: If I am right and you are wrong, it won't matter to either of us. But if you are right and I am wrong, I go to hell.

At least the company is better there.
Robert said…
I can't help but think that this posting may be the work of a troll. As soon as I finished reading it I fully expected the comments that would follow. It wouldn't surprise me if some priest or sunday school teacher planted the post fully expecting the responses so they could teach the children "Look...we come with a message of love and look how mean and evil spiririted these wicked atheist are."
leotracks said…
My mind reels when I consider what must motivate these christians who post on this site. I would never kick-down the front door of a neighboring church (of which there are many) and start arguing with the flock about the nature of reality. I would get my ass kicked, or at least arrested. And leading up to my court date, I would be ridiculed and harassed.

And rightly so. Anyone who forces their way into the enemy's camp and starts trouble is going to lose. Badly. We know this; why don't they? Why do they come to our front door and act offended when told to shut up? Why do they pull out a bible and read from it, as if we have never been exposed to such a thing before? Don't they know they are in every hotel room in this country? Don't they know we were given those things in grade school? And if jesus is all they claim, why would he need their puny asses to spread his message? I just do not understand them.

But then again, they do believe in talking snakes, a man living inside a fish, magic, prophecies, cosmic cash machines, and a whole host of sundry craziness.
Astreja said…
Ace: "Well, perhaps he [Jesus] was on the way back and got lost."

Boom': "Very well could be. After all, if he couldn't find tweedle dee and tweedle dum within the confines of a f%cking garden, there's a good chance he'll have a hard time locating earth within 125 billion galaxies."

Especially since he supposedly blocked up the earth on pillars... Obviously we have a god so ignorant of astronomy that it's probably looking for Earth at the original coordinates...

(Biblegod scratches head) "Funny, I could've sworn I didn't destroy that planet..."
Gary said…
I'm probably not the first, but Brandon, I just signed you up for gay pr0n email.

You're welcome.
Steven Bently said…
Hi Brandon,

Sorry to have to inform you this BUT, there is no such a thing as a Christian, or Jew or Muslim. There are only human beings claiming artificial titles and labels only.

When you where born, you,(as with all human beings) where not born with a title or label attached, these titles and labels come later on through indoctrinated beliefs.

Had you been born in Iraq, you would be calling yourself a Muslim, only because that is the current indoctrinated belief.

Had you been born in Israel, you would be calling yourself a Jew, only because that is the current indoctrinated belief.

Self-aggrandizing titles have no basis in reality, they are decoys invented to spew hatred and separation against other human beings.

To up-front come out and say "I am a Christian!" This is an attempt to separate one's self from the other huiman beings that do not claim a self-aggrandizing title.

We do not share your belief, simply because we have found that all religious beliefs are false and they do not extend love to all other fellow human beings.

Religions and beliefs divide people and cause wars and hatred to others that do not share the same belief.

We are not Christians here, we are human beings, I know this is hard for a Christian to accept, because they have been told that they are special, and have a duty to convert all the non-believing infidels.

Currently by you accepting and boasting a title of Christian, you are nothing more than a Christian zealot self-righteous bigot.

A lot of us where just like you at one time until we saw what a self-righteous hypocrite we were being in front to others that did not share the same nonsense idiotic beliefs.

Most of us here are proudly Non-Christian, non-believers now holding a position of atheist, non-theist...a position of nonbelief of any gods, especially of a Bible god that happened to be written by men over 2000 years ago.

You quoted Romans for us, but who was Romans? A god? I think Not! Romans were men, males, humans, not a god.

No part of the Bible was written by a god or Jesus, only by men that had either a revelation or a vision or by dreams or hallucinations of grandeur by the influence of hallucingenic drugs.

Brandon, you as all Christians have been terribly mis-informed, by crooks and money grubbing charlatans.
buffettphan said…
Here we go again,



--boring or empty talk
--often used interjectionally especially in recounting words regarded as too dull or predictable to be worth repeating
Wayne said…
How does "gawd" love me? Let me count the ways...(in no particular order)
1 - exposing me to baptist racism at the age of 7
2 - giving my mother gestational diabeties
3 - dividing my family on religious lines
4 - making sure my parents divorced and re-married at least 2 times each
5 - almost killing my brother 3 times
6 - KILLING my mother with kidney failure at 57 (stemmed from the diabetes
7 - sticking me with a hardcore catholic stepmother for 7 years who then switched to jehovahs witness
8 - blessing me with manic depression disorder
9 - blessing my brother with HIV
10 - killing my grandfather slowly by way of dementia (one of the most brilliant men I've ever known)
11 - fucking me over every time I opened my heart to the hope of "god"
12 - killing one of my best friends by a drunk driver right after we graduated high school
13 - giving me the joy of a full on nervous breakdown in 2000

It's amazing...this love and grace that enriched my life so much.

When I realized that god is a lie, my load lifted and I've never been happier. I don't need anti-depressants anymore. My health is improving more and more. My "soul" (for lack of a better term) is finally at peace.

Know God - Know GUILT
no god - NO GUILT

Go back to your little prayer circle, sing KUM BY YA a few times and just tithe yourself into oblivion. As a wise contributor to this site once said before - "You are not the droids we are looking for".
Anonymous said…
Dear Brandon,

We are ex-Christians who have been there, done that!

As for myself, I got myself into Christianity at 19. At 27, I went through a hard battle to break away from the indoctrination of Christianity. Even at age 51, there are times I still struggle with the trauma this religious bullshit brought me.

If Christianity is true, that all non-believers suffer eternal torment in flames, a place that would make Auschwitz look like Disney World. Then God, himself makes Adolph Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Fidel Castro, and Vlad the Impaler look like nice Jewish boys!

If God cannot admit non-Christian "sinners" to his heaven, he should at least humanefully put them in a seperate paradise. You Christian idiots will then argue that only the presense of your God can be a paradise. However, if you visit such pleasant Earthly places as Disney World, the Las Vegas Strip, and East Hampton, New York, any God who is an all-power God could easily create a seperate paradise that would surpass these places, and have everything available for free! Whereas on Earth, these pleasant places are very expensive.

As a former Christian, the main grudge I have against it is how it denies man the free will it professes to give. You Christians claim that denial of a second chance for salvation after death is an act of giving man the highest form of free will. But to deny man a second chance for salvation after death is not giving man free will, but makes Christianity a religion of spiritual draft, spiritual conscription, or spiritual impressement!

For example, the branch of the Christianity I was in was the "Jews for Jesus" cult. But even though I am Jewish, I still cannot condemn all WW11 German soldiers for the Nazi Holocaust and the crimes of the WW11 German Army. That is because there were soldiers in the Wehrmacht who were completely innocent draftees, who were conscripted to serve in the German Army against their will!

Brandon, it both angers me and amazes me the way you Christians say you have to either serve God or serve that other Christian deity, Satan, and then falsely claim that you have free will!? This incredible contradiction was very turning point that motivated me to go through the hard struggle to break away from Christianity!
Unknown said…
"God has a love and a grace that is beyond human understanding."

Myth, imagination, and lies are the recipe for things that are beyond human understanding.

Zeus, dragons, and unicorns are beyond human understanding too.

Again, how can you have love and grace when you can't understand it. A saying created to set straignt the chaos we live in.

Let me guess, god has a plan for use all? How about babies who die of SIDS? Does your god have a plan for them?

You mentioned "I am a christian". Claiming it does not make it so. Gotcha there. Have you sold everything to follow jesus? Are you liberal like jesus? Jesus never ranted, begged, or said join his brand of belief to not burn in eternity.

I have studied the life of jesus and you sir are no jesus. YOu are not a christian. YOu would not be on this website if you were. Jesus came for the sick, poor, and down trodden. That is not us.

I hate to break it to you, but the rapture is not going to happen. Jesus promised in Mark that he would return in the life time of his followers. That was almost 2000 years ago. You missed that boat.

Read your bible all the way through before make claims like "I am a christian". MOst xtians call the buybull the most important book, but have never read it through.

You should bring back stoning and sacrifice. Its in your bible "christian". And why are you "of the world". You drive your car, go to your secular job, make non-christian friends, and vote for the leader of the satan's kingdom? Funny how those things use to be against TB christianity. Now churches are in and of the world. You might have a couple of political issues to fight for such as abortion and alcohol, but that does not make you a christian.

YOu are told that god is beyond understanding because life is a crap shoot and you can't handle the truth of it.

Again, jesus went to people who wanted to hear the word, yet you fundies shove the word down our throat and hate us.

All you are is a puppet to further your churches agenda to get more numbers. The truth is, pastors know its all bullshit. They love the money and power. You are a victim of the power Mister wanna be christian. Leave your worldly church, buy some jesus sandles, and start preaching in the desert like jesus.

If the earlier christians saw the life styles of christians today, they would all be stoned according to scripture. There are no TB christains. You have your cake and eat it too.

Remember, god blesses those who follow his commandments, if you love god, you will follow his commandments. If go against one law, you have broken them all. I am sure you have. Do you covet? of course. You do not love god, therefore, you are no christian. YOu are luke-warm and you will be spit out. Sent to the imaginary hell you created for others in your mind.

You might as well join us because you can't get it right anyways and your gods ways are beyond you understanding. We have complete understanding if you will give us a chance to show you.

Again, you are no christian sir.
Anonymous said…
I want you to know that just because you dont believe in God, doesnt mean he's not there.

I want you to know that just because you don't believe in any of the thousands of other gods mankind has dreamed up doesn't mean that they are not there.

God loves you.

God is a myth, Brother Brandon.

Romans 5:8 says God demonstrates His love for us in this: while we were still sinners Christ died for us. God has a love and a grace that is beyond human understanding.

Really? So you think that Kryasst Croaking in the Spook on the big giant stick equals love, huh? God sacrificing Himself to Himself equals love? How is that? Again, God is a myth.

I am a christian obviously and I believe that Jesus Christ will be coming again and that He will take His people, the believers, with Him.

We've been waiting 2000 years for Jesus to come back and suck believers up into the sky to be with Him and kick the Talking Snake's ass once and for all. Jesus was supposed to have returned to the generation that was then living! Jesus obviously is never returning. Jesus is as mythical as your god is.

I pray that you and the people who dont believe in Christ will turn before that day.

Prayer - Talking to yourself while deluding yourself into believing that you are addressing an Invisible Man who lives in the Sky.

You pray if you wish. I'll do something productive like...thinking. Glory!
redtail said…
Wayne, that was a good post;) Sorry to hear of your troubles though and glad things are better for you...
redtail wrote:
Wayne, that was a good post
I agree redtail !!

Perhaps Wayne might want to consider putting those thoughts up as a 'Letter' here.
I would like to see how the xtians TRY and explain these tragic events away inside their god-bubble way of "thinking".

Wayne said:
Know God - Know GUILT
no god - NO GUILT

That pretty much summarizes the xtian religion in a nutshell.
Heck, every church should be required to hand this out as a warning to any person considering joining their flock.

ATF (Who thinks everyone should "give up" god for Lent this year :-/ )
Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said…
Dear Brandon,
I used to be an evangelical Christian. When I was in my teens, I used to lead a Bible study on my high school campus. In addition, I used to go to our local park every Saturday and witness to people. I used Chic tracts and talked with people about the love of God and the Bible. I can't tell you how many people I either prayed with or led to Christ - many.

However, at the age of nineteen, after entering college, I was exposed to critical thinking, skepticism, and the scientific method. Jesus, God, and Christianity simlpy did not hold up under the litmus test. You must have blind faith to be a Christian, and the result is just that: blindness to reality.

I have now been an atheist for 28 years. I am also anti-Christian. I used to lead people to Christ; now I lead people to clear thinking and reason. If you look at the hard evidence, you will find that Christianity simply can't be true. All you have to do is read your Bible.

Jesus never existed
This I know
For the Bible tells me so

The New Testament itself proves the non-existence of Jesus. The Pauline Epistles (circa 50 A.D.) are representative of first century Christian thought (at least one major sect, the one that became dominant).

They speak of a heavenly Jesus who never set foot on earth. There were no references in the Epistles to the 'historic' Jesus later found in the Gospels. Paul never spoke of the Second Coming of Christ - he spoke of the coming of Christ. Perhaps the most telling of Paul's letters is Hebrews. In Hebrews chapter 8 and 9, Paul speaks of Jesus' blood sacrifice in Heaven, not on earth. (In fact, the term 'come again' is used, but the first coming is in Heaven, as well as the second.(1 Thess. 17, " ... to meet the Lord in the air." (NIV)) Read it.

Christians didn't begin to believe that there was a historic Jesus until way after the supposed time of Christ, about 80 A.D., after Mark's Gospel was first written. And Mark's Gospel is filled with outright lies:

1)'Jesus preached in the synagogues in Galilee.' There were no synagogues until after the Diaspora (70 A.D.) Jewish society was a temple centered society. Synagogues were established only after the Diaspora. They were teaching establishments for the purpose of preserving the Jewish faith in lieu of the absence of a temple.

2) 'Jesus would return in this generation.' Mark quotes Jesus twice (9:1, 13:30) saying that the Second Coming would occur within this generation. What? Jesus, the creator of the universe, got it wrong? No, Mark lied. (These verses are echoed in Matt 16:28, 24:34, Luke 9:26 -27)

The New Testament and Bible are full of errors, inaccuracies, and outright lies. (Read Randel Helms' books: Who Wrote the Gospels?, Gospel Fictions, The Bible Against Itself: Why the Bible Seems to Contradict Itself)

Paul and the early Christians didn't believe that Jesus ever set foot on earth. Why should you or I?

A critical study of the New Testament reveals that the whole thing is bogus, a sham.

Jesus never existed.

For further reading:

"Who Wrote the New Testament?" by Burton Mack.

"The Jesus Puzzle" by Earl Doherty

"Jesus Never Existed" by Kenneth Humphrey's

Once you settle the Jesus question once and for all, you'll be much relieved.
Solaris Roscita said…
I think the thing to do if this happens in the future, is to ignore the post entirely (as in, don't post a single comment, anyone! maybe even disable them) and sign the person up to as many phishing scams and porno sites as possible. ONE person should maintain contact with them, pretending to be civil, and that person should "genuinely" convert to christinsanity. That way, when the person moves to a new email address, the "true friend" of the xian received the new email, and we can go on harassing them and making their life hell for ages. In fact, there should be an entire site devoted to making miserable the lives of proselytisers.
Unknown said…
Could be a 'bait' post...or not. I (like many atheists) used to be in the position this alleged teen was in. I can remember it like it was yesterday. I honestly wanted to save every single person possible. There was no arrogance in my heart or mind. There was no condescension or malice. Only a girl wanting everyone to share. If this is really a teen, instead of aiming bitterness at them (they've only been on earth just over a decade), try logic. Give him something to think about instead of a bunch of sarcasm. That or simply ignore it! This is a 'spell' on the mind of millions on this planet. Most people think inside of a self-imposed box. The Republican box, the Christian box, etc. If more and more people are going to have a chance at waking up, 'thinkers' are gonna have to do a lot better than "fuck off". If I were still a teeny xtian on that sad 'mission', I'd look at these posts and cry over the mean nonbelievers. But if 40+ people bombarded me with short, logical statements to ponder, I'd have a slightly better chance of waking up! Insults never help either side of an argument change anything. When I have to respond to someone giving me those flimsy, pre-programmed responses, I just give them a quick statement to think about like... Why would an all-loving, omnipotent, perfect god create non-perfect beings only to punish them for it. Why would an all-powerful being have a NEED to be worshipped. I tell them to ask themselves this every day without a Bible. There's nothing magical they can say to change us and nothing we can say to change them. If a person is ready to think, he'll think! infidel888
Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said…
From Astreja........."Doesn't mean your god *is* there, either. You have to come up with something better than Bible verses if you want to convince us"

First of all, we don't have to prove anything to any of you. See, that's the thing that you arrogant atheists fail to understand.

If you choose not to believe in Jesus and if you reject him, that is not mine or any other christian's problem. It is your problem.

As far as the popular statement goes, "The burden of proof is on the christian who says that Jesus does exist".

Jesus did not tell us to "Prove that he exists". He said for us to share the gospel. So therefore it is up to each individual to believe in Jesus simply by faith only.

If you choose not to believe in Jesus the burden is not on the christian.

Anytime a christian shares the gospel of Jesus Christ with someone, it is like warning someone of a tragic event that is about to happen in their life, and how to avoid that tragic event. I'm sure most of you know exactly that event that I speak of.

So if anyone chooses to reject the gospel of Jesus Christ, that is not our problem. It is the person who rejects the gospel of Jesus Christ who has the problem. It is you who will have to answer for it. Not us.

By rejecting Jesus you risk eternal consequences, so therefore the real and true burden falls on you.

So, in a nutshell, a christian does not have to prove anything or anyone's existence to any of you atheists. All we have to do is share our faith about Jesus Christ, and that is it. There is no burden that falls on us, because we are not the one's who are going to have to face eternal consequences. So the next time any of you tell us that, "We are going to have to come up with better evidence to convince you that Jesus exists", just remember that we are doing you a favor.

If you choose not to believe, or if you reject Jesus then that is your problem. Not ours.
Dave Van Allen said…
Brother John,


If you want to convince anyone that your god exists, then you have to come up with something better than angry judgmental rhetoric.

If you want to believe in fantasy, myth and invisible, immaterial, spirit creatures, that's your affair. However, your anger at those who have reasoned that your god is phony, reveals much about the relative valuelessness of your religious conviction.

Have a great evening!
Anonymous said…
Dear Webmaster,

I don't know why you consider my post to be angry rhetoric. It seems by your reaction to my post that you are the one who is angry.

I'm just simply pointing out a few things. That's all.

Brother John
Anonymous said…
As a reminder:

From Webmaster........"If you want to convince anyone that your god exists, then you have to come up with something better than angry judgmental rhetoric."

Once again, I don't have to convince you or anyone else of anything. You apparently did not read my post, or for some reason you fail to understand what I said.

Once again, I am simply trying to help you and everyone else on here avoid eternal consequences.

Not my problem if you or anyone else rejects Jesus. Being a christian is not as bad as some of you make it out to be contrary to popular belief on this site.

Brother John
Anonymous said…
Brother John said:

First of all, we don't have to prove anything to any of you. See, that's the thing that you arrogant atheists fail to understand.

Wow, Brother John. Thanks for sharing the Love of Jesus with us so successfully! Glory!

Actually, yes, you do. That's what you arrogant christians fail to understand. Did you forget about 1 Peter 3:15? Where is your humility and meekness?

If you choose not to believe in Jesus and if you reject him, that is not mine or any other christian's problem. It is your problem.

How is rejecting a myth a problem?

As far as the popular statement goes, "The burden of proof is on the christian who says that Jesus does exist".

You are the one making extraordinary claims so yes, the burden of proof is on YOU.

Anytime a christian shares the gospel of Jesus Christ with someone, it is like warning someone of a tragic event that is about to happen in their life, and how to avoid that tragic event. I'm sure most of you know exactly that event that I speak of.

Yeah, yeah, the Day of the Lard, the standard Hell threat, and all of that. Nothing but obvious mythology.

By rejecting Jesus you risk eternal consequences, so therefore the real and true burden falls on you.

There's the FEAR that is so much a part of religious belief. I risk nothing by rejecting obvious religious mythology. Again, the burden is on you to prove that Jesus is real and that Christianity is true since you are the one making extraordinary claims.

So the next time any of you tell us that, "We are going to have to come up with better evidence to convince you that Jesus exists", just remember that we are doing you a favor.

You are going to have to come up with better evidence. For 2000 years, Christian apologists have been trying...and failing miserably. You are not doing us a favor by annoying us with your silly mythology. You are just making a nuisance of yourselves. Rational people know better than to base their lives around obvious ancient mythology. Glory!
Dave Van Allen said…
No, John, you are not simply pointing out a few things. You are throwing around threats of everlasting horror on all those who don't blindly bow to your version of a god that lacks any evidence of even existing.

If I told you that aliens from another planet are coming to this planet and will destroy all the people who refuse to bow to reason and rational thought, would you expect me to provide any evidence for my "truth" or would you think I was an idiot?

Do you believe in any of the other thousands of gods believed on throughout history? If not, why not?

When you can honestly admit or comprehend why you dismiss as myth all the other gods every believed on, then you will understand why people here dismiss your god belief as silly.
Anonymous said…
Dear Webmaster,

Let me ask you a question.

If your house caught on fire, or if someone told you to watch out for that speeding car that you might get run over, wouldn't you want to be warned about it?

I'm just doing what my faith tells me to do. :-)

Based on your reaction to my posts, you apparently get offended very easily. It seems you also have a great deal of anger in your own personal life based on your reaction.

Brother John
Dave Van Allen said…

If you're done psychoanalyzing, I would like to ask you for the verse in the Bible that says "Christians don't need to provide any evidence."

When you fail to find that verse, let me suggest the reason you are taught such things at your church. I would posit that such ideas are frequently repeated because there is no evidence that your god exists or that Christianity is true.

Think about it. What you are saying when you say you needn't provide any evidence is that you have turned your mind off and decided to blindly believe in your religion. And from the way you keep bringing up everlasting torment in hell, you r personal convictions are based on fear.

That's sad. I pity you.
Astreja said…
Brother John, you are a fine example of why rejecting Christianity is one of the best things we ever did.

You are in thrall to archaic stories about a petulant little godlet who slowly roasts everyone who doesn't kiss its butt on command.

And here you are, trolling this site trying to recruit more zombies for your morally bankrupt and psychologically damaging superstitions.

By the way... If you think our Webmaster is angry, you don't know Me very well. I utterly detest fearmongers such as yourself. You offend Me to the core of My being. Your gospel is blood-drenched crap mythology, your so-called god unworthy of worship, and your churches' interference with secular society totally unacceptable.

And consider yourself fortunate that I'm in a *good* mood today. There's more where that came from... A lot more.
Colin said…
Brother John said:

So the next time any of you tell us that, "We are going to have to come up with better evidence to convince you that Jesus exists", just remember that we are doing you a favor.

Brother John, most people posting on this site have been Christians, some of them very devoted Christians. They have read the Bible, Jesus' message and a lot of other litterature around the Bible, and often more than once. They know both the carrot that the Bible offers, as well as the stick (which you are "just telling us about" over and over). You may therefore safely assume that the warning is delivered, and delivered in far stronger terms that you have employed here.

So thank you kindly for "doing us a favour". You have really managed to scare us all and we are all in need of a change of underwear now. I am sure that everyone who read your post will now dilligently investigate (again) which brand of Christianity is correct so that we can devote our lives to that particular brand.

Personally, I favour the Branch Davidians - David Koresh kicks (kicked) ass! But oh, that means you are going straight to Hell when you die!

I do not care if you reject the teachings of David Koresh, because I am not the one who is going to have to face eternal consequences. Just remember that I am doing you a favor.

If you choose not to believe, or if you reject Daid Koresh then that is your problem. Not mine.
leotracks said…
Brother John--

Webmaster said, "If I told you that aliens from another planet are coming to this planet and will destroy all the people who refuse to bow to reason and rational thought, would you expect me to provide any evidence for my "truth" or would you think I was an idiot?

"Do you believe in any of the other thousands of gods believed on throughout history? If not, why not?"

I notice you failed to respond to either of these, perhaps because no one has told you what you think on these points. As far as your refrence to burning houses and speeding cars, that is a false analogy. We have all seen real houses, real fires and real cars. We have not seen gods, and neither have you.
freethinker05 said…
freethinker05 said…
Dear John, I totally agree with WM, that the main motive behind being a christian or a muslim is the fear of God's/Allah's hell. An speaking of motive, what is your non-motive for not believing in the quran? What makes you think the bible is the true/inspired words of your god, and the quran is not?

Would love to hear your response...Roger
SamiB said…
Dear Brandon and Brother John,

I would really like to know why people such as yourselves feel the need to visit an ex-christian site? What on earth motivates you? Or do you just like irritating people?

Please explain as the last thing I would do would be to stand outside your church with anti-christian placards. Although, tell me where it is and a few of us just might come and visit you next sunday.
Anonymous said…
Leotracks Comment......."I notice you failed to respond to either of these, perhaps because no one has told you what you think on these points."

Maybe some people don't reply back to some of the posts on here, because some of these people actually have a life outside of this website. Maybe these same folks have better things to do with their time besides waste it arguing with all of you.

Has that ever occurred to any of you who live on this site 24/7? Hmmmm......????
SamiB said…
Oooooh someone's got their knickers in a twist Common Sense.

But of course you won't be reading this post because you have a LIFE and don't live on this site 24/7 like the rest of us poor misguided fools!

Please don't waste your time here on our account, we wouldn't want you to miss a prayer group or anything. On the subject of wasting time...
Dave Van Allen said…

If you have something to offer that is directly relevant to the original OP, then please offer it.

If it becomes apparent that your only motive in posting here is to agitate, your posts will be disallowed.

Have a tremendous day!
Anonymous said…
Brother John

"If your house caught on fire, or if someone told you to watch out for that speeding car that you might get run over, wouldn't you want to be warned about it?"

You've got it wrong, just like all arguments of that type... You're not warning us of our house catching fire, or a speeding car. You're warning us that you [b]believe[/b] our house is going to catch fire, or that you [b]believe[/b] we're about to get run down.
But not only are you saying that what you believe is going to happen WILL happen, you're telling us it will happen when you have no evidence at all that it will!

You can keep going on about how you believe it will happen, but if you want people to accept it, you'll have to find some form of proof... and that's why you really do need to come up with proof.

Oh, and saying that you're doing us a favour? When a Muslim comes up to you and warns you about not accepting Allah, just remember... they're doing you a favour and don't need to prove Allah to you.

If that doesn't make you accept Allah, then what makes you think the [u]exact same argument[/u] from you is going to make anyone accept Jesus?
Anonymous said…
Brother John,
You're an idiot. You choose to waste your life on an ancient fairytale.
clair said…
Wayne, thank you for your excellent post. Nervous breakdown? A pastor was working on MY nerves just yesterday concerning some of my health problems. He is insisting that I will be healed if I come to the church and ask the elders to annoint me... if he keeps this up, I'm going to do something to shut him up, like whoring for Jebus. He is about 75, Im 33, if he lives maybe he'll at least leave me the hell alone.

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