I would love to debate you all

A letter from Kyle M

I only do this because this is the only place a care to post. God forgive you all in the end of days i pitty you all. Remember, no matter what God will forgive you for your transgressions against his holy name. I know that without God I would have killed myself by now and you need to wake up to the world you live in if any of you would like to debate me I would love to talk to you.

Thank you.


Anonymous said…
Mate, you really should realise who you're talking to before you start spouting your formulaic tripe. We WERE Christians before we realised how bankrupt fundamentalism really is. In two years of debates with my fundamentalist friends, they have yet to be able to answer my questions. I am more than happy to debate with you, on the condition that the loser donate £50 to BBC's Children In Need appeal. Are you up for it????
Anonymous said…
this was very convincing...

may i return to christianity?XD

listen to me man, go to pray or kiss the ass of your god...here you waste your time...

hoping to meet you here in the "opposite side" ;)
Anonymous said…
What is there to debate? You have faith in an invisble god with no proof and I don't.

End of debate.

Anonymous said…
Which god are you speaking of again? There are so many gODS people speak of.
Anonymous said…
They never but NEVER learn, do they? And they don't/can't even SPELL correctly... Or use proper English.

You'd think that these gnomes would learn...
Anonymous said…

Why do you fundies come here? To get your rocks off? To get a morally superior feeling? Incredible.

As somebody who is outside your bubble of religion looking in, I see you as a person with little self-worth. I see a person who attributes all the good that they can do as coming from Gawd.

Gawd didn't keep you from ending your life; it was you, just you.

Why don't you try pushing your mind a little and get outside that bubble. Try to see life the way it truly is. You might be surprised to find that you really are worth something.

Until then, I truly pity you.

You have my deepest sympathies...

Anonymous said…
Hey Kyle,

It is clear from your post you are not at all educated, as you can't even construct a decent sentence. Also, I suspect you are quite young. Let me guess -- high school dropout or "homskooled."
Kyle hun, you are so far out of your league here, I don't know where to begin cataloguing your faults but here goes: ignorant, brainwashed, credulous, childish, arrogant, supercilious, and stupid. I guess that'll do for openers.
Anonymous said…
I would love to debate you all.

You would hate debating me. I could easily kick your ignorant, delusional ass from the surface of this biblically flat earth all the way up to the Sky Kingdom! Glory!

If the only reason you have to live is god, then I feel sorry for you. There are plenty of reasons to live that don't involve belief in imaginary beings or imaginary realms.
I would love to talk with you concerning your beliefs. Which god is your god? I know there are many out there. Ready when you are. Not to fight but to actually discuss.
Anonymous said…
Hello Brother Kyle:

I’m glad you didn’t take your life and I, like others, expect that you are rather young. It’s a hard thing growing up sometimes. Of the people I’ve known who had troubles maturing, about half of them believe that Christianity caused or made their issues worse. For some, Christianity “saved” them. I think it was Homer Simpson that said, “Religion is both the cause and the cure of the world’s problems!”

But, I’m glad that God saved you. God saved most of us too. If God really exists , then I’m sure he/she/it is good and will forgives us for asking questions and not understanding many things about this subject. Most of the folks here have been where you are and used to think as you do. Many have studied the Bible for years and have served in the church tirelessly. Some used to be pastors and youth ministers and many hold advanced degrees in Law, Medicine, the Sciences and Human Development.

I suggest that you not open with insulting or belittling remarks such as “pitying us” or telling us to “wake up” and the like. Most of the sharp responses that you have received thus far were “returned fires” from you initial post, so try being more polite.

Now, that said, what would you like to talk about?

Grace & Peace, John Fraysse
Aspentroll said…

Have you really considered taking your own life? I suggest you try it to see if your god intervenes. You have a choice, if he intervenes and saves you, continue on as you are. But if he doesn't and you complete the job we can all rejoice that at least you will be out of the gene pool and won't breed any more as
dull as yourself.
Anonymous said…
Yes, Kyle, people with low self-esteem are both excellent preys for Christianity and prone to commit suicide.

You fit the profile perfectly.
liniasmax said…
Kyle my young friend. Excuse me, but I'm going to have to paraphrase Martin Luther on this one: "My friend, you have not lived long enough or sinned big enough to deposit a post like that." I won't belittle you, because you probably do mean well and I believe that jfraysse laid it out for you with tact and kindness. But you shouldn't pity people just because they don't see eye to eye with you.
Anonymous said…

I believe that your post possesses some very salient points infused with a prodigious degree of paranormal insight.

I also believe in the Easter Bunny.

Keep in touch with yourself, albeit cognizant of the fact that God is watching you!
Anonymous said…
This is alittle off subject. But I spent 40yrs. in fundimentalism.(Pentecostal) I have an uncle who is the director of teen challenge west mich. My grand father was a pastor for 35 yrs. In fact everyone I know is doing ministery of some kind. I've been submerged in it my whole life. I started questioning at age 40. this led me into universalism. For this alone I was consigned to the pits of hell.As i studied out the tenents of my new found way of thinking, (I must say here that if you must beleive in god,universalism is much more kind) I stumbled across the book "Atheist Universe". Well needless to say alot more questions came out of that. Alot more reading also. Well now I'm a full fledged nonbeliever. I't kind of weird not praying. It's really a painful process. My wife now has questions but still is a believer. My parents would die if they knew. Even though it's painful, not nearly as painful as trying to live that life.
Dave Van Allen said…
Welcome to rational thought, JMac.

You're welcome here, and feel free to send in your testimonial when you're ready.

I left Christianity in 2001 at the age of 42.
eel_shepherd said…
Kyle M, you put that down right now! You're going to cut yourself!
Claude L. said…
Hi Kyle. Yes as a former Christian and now an atheism I will debate you.

But first let me clear something.

Kyle don’t let yourself be intimidate by high-minded fundamentalism atheism who thinks that anyone that don’t measure up to their level of education concerning spelling and grammar are not worthy. I myself I”m very limited in my vocabulary and spelling, because of my limited abilities, yet I don’t let myself be impresses with people who are too stupid to understand that not everyone as the education that they do are the abilities.

Now back to the debate.

Do you believe Kyle that a Christian must love God with all thy heart, all thy soul, with all thy mind. (MATTHEW: 22:37)

Yes or No

Do you believe Kyle that a Christian most obey God commandment as a sign of his love to him? (1 JOHN 5:2,3; JOHN 14:15)

Yes or No

Do you believe Kyle that the Bible says that only those who follow his commandments will be blessed? (REVELATION 22:14 )

Yes or No

If you have answered yes to all of them, I need you to sent me 1,000 dollars, because the Bible says to give to whoever asketh thee (MATTHEW 5:42).

A matter of fact the Bible says to give twice as much that was asketh (MATTHEW 5:41)

So you are obligated by the voice of your God to sent me 2,000 dollars.

I must remind you that the verse in question as no condition or excuse to wickle out of it. For you to fail to sent me my request, will be a sign to me that you are not a genuine Christian and on your way to hell. Remember that God is suppose to take care of you for you faithfulness, so don’t worry about missing your money.

Failing to sent me my request will proclaim me the winner of this debate. If you go through the request, it will be your turn then to challenge me with my belief.

Sent money to
Claude Lamontagne
P. O. Box 451071
Del Mar Station
Laredo, TX
Anonymous said…
You'd hope that someone who wants to debate us would give us something to debate. Oh, well.

Claud is correct in observing that one does not have to be a bright to be an atheist. Still, most children get over Santa Claus before they are teens, so belief indicates something.

Cheese, I was in my 40's before I got over it. Doesn't say much for my intelligence, does it? :-)
Anonymous said…
Brilliant, Claude L., simply Brilliant!

Hello Kyle… where are you?
Anonymous said…
The whole debate thing, it doesn't work if you don't fill people in on which flavor of god claim you believe in. You see, there is nothing more annoying then to present an argument against religion on the basis of "common" types of belief only to find that the believer then says "Oh, I don't believe that!".

So it would help if you at least present a claim and present a few of your beliefs. Do you take the bible as literal? Do you believe in free will or take a more Calvinistic stance? Do you accept evolution? Deny or accept the creation story, buy into the Intelligent Design claim?

If you don't make some basic opening claims and allow us to consider them and determine their worth as acceptable or not then there is no focus of discussion. It'd be kinda useless to argue against tenants of Catholicism if you are a Jew.

If you want to drop a challenge, then drop it. Don't just stand at a safe distance and claim you are going to kick butt.
Anonymous said…
Kyle: "I know that without God I would have killed myself by now and you need to wake up to the world you live in if any of you would like to debate me I would love to talk to you."

So, the logic thus follows;

I haven't killed myself yet; therefore, a God must exist.

Right, if the power that prevents you from killing yourself is God - then Kyle is God.

Kyle, can you prove that you are not God? How?
Anonymous said…
Your note reads as if you might still need some professional help. Have you thtought of seeing a professional counsellor? Yo work through issues surrounding your need to prove your belief to yourself, for example. With respect, it would appear that you would not go far in any reasoned debate with those of us who have been where you are and left it all behind. A person with an experience is always one step ahead of those with theory. Yaek it easy ... we have to live together on this planet!
Astreja said…
Kyle, there's nothing to debate. Even if you managed to prove the existence of your god, I'm not going to worship it. Even a perfunctory reading of the Bible reveals a thoroughly evil deity unworthy of devotion.
Anonymous said…
Astreja said...

Even a perfunctory reading of the Bible reveals a thoroughly evil deity unworthy of devotion.

But... But... According to the Book of Myths, Kryasst Croaked in the Spook, kicked the Talking Snake's ass, and Magically Undeadened Himself for you! He made it possible for the Holy Spook to magically Magically Undeaden your inner spook and magically live inside of you! You could have the Spook of Kryasst who is also somehow magically Him magically living inside of you! Glory!

Shouldn't all that inspire you to devote yourself to the Lard?
Anonymous said…
We wood like to debat you two.
Unknown said…
I'm a former born-again christian; care to debate *me*?

Okay, I'll go first:

Please provide evidence that *any* god exists.

You're up, lambchop.
Anonymous said…
I hesitate to respond to Kyle--Kyle's post is too silly to be believed--but maybe just a little good clean fun.

First, Kyle, I like the way you spelled "pitty". It looks like "titty". What the hell was that, a Freudian slip?

I do not need your god to forgive me. Fuck his holy name.

And I assure you that am awake and am fully aware of the world I live in. That is why I am an atheist.

I would no more debate you than I would debate a 6-year-old child.

And no, you would not love to talk to me. When I talk to xians, I usually curse like a Chinese whore.

Go right ahead and kill yourself. One less xian.
Anonymous said…
I wish all these kid who "would have killed themselves" without god could see themselves the way I do. I'm embarassed for them.
Anonymous said…
Kyle, you say that you would love to debate us, but you don't know what you're getting yourself into. Still, I can't resist.

If you can explain a few things for me, I'll reconvert to christianity. The fate of my soul is in your hands, Kyle!

Here are a few questions I've recently posted elsewhere here at this website:

If it is true, as the christian church teaches, that one "accepts Jesus" and one is "saved," then, why did Christ say that one must become as a child in order to enter heaven? Apparently, one who does not do so will not enter into heaven, according to Jesus! If what the church says is true, then Christ would be speaking to christians exclusively by making this statement, since everybody else will go straight to hell to burn forever anyway. Must a christian "become as a child" after dying, before entering heaven? The fact that Christ said that one who does not do so will not enter heaven, and since this passage must be directed exclusively to christians, reveals that, according to Christ, a christian is NOT "saved!" Again, that's according to Christ, not me.

Many christians come here and ask us, "what if you're wrong?" They are suggesting that we should "believe," I suppose, "just in case," so we don't burn forever in hell. To them, I say "what if YOU'RE wrong? Can you answer the question I posed above? Will you go to heaven for having "accepted Jesus," or will you burn forever because you find yourself unable to "become as a child?"
Anonymous said…
Here's another one I've recently posted elswhere, Kyle.

According to John, who wrote the gospel of John, in first John 2:2, Christ is "...the propitiation (sacrifice) for...the sins of the whole world!"

According to Christ, throughout the gospels, we go to hell for our sins.

According to the christian church, we go to hell because we won't "accept Jesus."

To summarize, then, we go to hell for our sins, then our sins are forgiven, then we still go to hell (according to the church!)
Only christians are "saved," even if they still commit "sin!" The death on the cross becomes meaningless at this point. What matters is whether or not one "accepts Jesus." As I pointed out in my previous post, however, a christian is not "saved" unless they become as a child!

Are you sure you're "saved?" How? Because the church told you that you are? And you believe them? Christians can't even agree with each other as to how to correctly interpret the bible! Why don't you ask your pastor the above questions? Your pastor won't have the answers either, Kyle, I'm sorry to say. Nobody has the answers to these questions. The only answer, really, is that the bible is a distored mess of a book and one really may not derive the truth from it at all! This would explain the many denominations of christianity, btw.

It is better to face than the truth, than to deceive oneself.

Again, what if YOU'RE wrong?
Anonymous said…
In Mathew 23:13, Christ is quoted as having said, "Woe unto you, scribes and pharisees, hypocrites! for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven. for ye neither go in yourselves, nor suffer ye to allow others that are entering to go therein." This is not an exact quote, since I don't have my bible with me. Look it up for yourself.

First of all, how could the scribes and pharisees "shut up the kingdom of heaven against men," if Christ is "the door?" Remember, Christ himself said this. It is important to note that this passage occurs before the death and resurrection. Christ has not yet died for the sins of the world. Our sins are not yet forgiven, then, and there should be no way into heaven at this point, we are all "damned (according to the church,)" unless Christ taught some other way into heaven that the christian church is not aware of, suggesting that the bible was altered somewhere between the time of Christ and the creation of the King James version of the bible aproximately 1400 years later and that "Jesus saves" is not what Jesus taught at all!

Notice the statement "for ye neither go in yourelves," in reference to the "kingdom of heaven" in matthew 23:13. This statement, again, attributed to Christ. In said satement, Christ is making reference to entry into heaven in the present tense, disregarding the afterlife altogether! Perhaps the "heaven" that Christ is referring to is that same "nirvana" which Buddha experienced in his meditations...just a thought...

Anyway, how do you explain mathew 23:13?

Hurry! I could die any minute and go to hell!!!! You must save my soul, Kyle!

Anonymous said…
In my second post prior to this one, I wrote that the bible is a "distored mess of a book," which should read "distorted mess..."
Anonymous said…
I once read on this website that there's a great blues bar in hell where Jimi Hendrix jams on weekends. First rounds on me!
Anonymous said…
Kyle, in your post, you said, "God forgive you all in the end of days i pitty (pity) you all." You then went on to say, "Remember, no matter what God will forgive you for your transgressions against his holy name."

First, you pray "God forgive you all," then, you say that "God will forgive you..."

Again, the problem here is that we are still damned, according to the church, yet, how could we be? We were once christians, too, and should be "saved," since we once "accepted Jesus!" "No matter what," God will forgive us, yet we will still burn forever?


Christianity makes no sense, and neither do christians...
Anonymous said…
Kyle M Said:
"God forgive you all in the end of days i pitty you all."

Oooooh, I'm scared to death, and I'm shaking in my boots over what I call, "Typical Biblical Threats" that christians like to use to try and scare people.

Hey Kyle, I pity anyone who has so little going for them in life that they have to turn to an imaginary friend named, "God" in order for them to feel better about what a failure in life they seem to be.

Kyle M Said:
"I know that without God I would have killed myself by now and you need to wake up to the world you live in"

I see that you found a crutch to lean on in order to help you deal with being a loser in life.

Kyle, if all you have left to live for is an imaginary friend named, "God" then I would suggest that you seek secular therapy, because you're going to need it once you find out in reality that there is no Bible God. Once you find that out you are going to probably want to kill yourself again.

Life sucks when all you have to live for is a "God".

If God is all I had left to live for, I would've killed myself a long time ago.
Anonymous said…
Just out of curiousity, how can you all be so openly cruel and hurtful to someone who in his opinion is trying to help you? You may disagree with his view but does it call for such a violent and cold-hearted response?

Whether he is right or wrong does not matter the fact is he, in his mind was concerned for you and in turn you respond to his concern with sacarcasm, pompousness, and anger?

I have seen one answer to this persons post that has an actually addressing of the issue. Otherwise it seems angry babel.
Anonymous said…
Hey Anonymous,

It's called "Freedom Of Speech", something christians seem to hate, but most of all I don't really care what you think, so get over it. I do not live my life to please other people, so go screw yourself.

If you don't like what other people post on here then you don't need to be coming on this site and reading the posts on here, and complaining about it. Nobody is forcing you to read the posts on this site. So don't expect everyone else to conform to your standards.

I don't speak for everyone else, however if you don't like what I say well that's just too damn bad for people like you. I will say what I want to say, so deal with it.

Anytime someone posts such ridiculous shit like Kyle did they deserve to get flamed. You dear "Anonymous" have also set yourself up to get flamed and ridiculed on here.

So go somewhere else and whine and cry why don't you?
Anonymous said…
It amazes me how much ignorance and hate you showed in that post. To come down upon a complete stranger with such disdain and hate shows how truely you have lost yourself.

Do you wonder at times why you are filled with so much hate and antimosity towards someone you have never met? Why you seek shelter behind a computer and lash out at anyone whose opinion is slightly different then yours and through their own love for you hopes to reach you, albeit I disagree with kyles way of going about it.

At the end of your life are you truely going to be happy living knowing that you made "yourself" happy and damn anyone else. That seems like a sad way to live. I am not saying anyones view is right or wrong it would be pure arrogance for me to dictate the lives of others. However, despite religion, despite beliefs, is there no common decency left for ones common man?
Dave Van Allen said…

First of all, please read the site disclaimer before you post again. Second, take one second to click the "other" radio button and type in a pseudonym. It's really easy. I'm sure that anyone can figure it out. Finally, when a poster says "you" over and over in a post on a website, no one can be sure who the hell is being addressed. Try using names in your rude comments next time and perhaps someone will understand who it is that is being rebuked and insulted.

Astreja said…
Anonymous: "Just out of curiousity, how can you all be so openly cruel and hurtful to someone who in his opinion is trying to help you?"

Because we know from our own experiences that what he is trying to do will hurt rather than help.

We're done with Christianity. Some of us have an intense and abiding distaste for know-it-all believers who think they know us better than we know ourselves.

People who come to this site and post apologetic tripe without taking the time to understand where we're coming from...

,,,deserve every fucking bit of abuse they get. We see no "love" in their actions, none at all.

And I, for one, shall not be silenced.

Now bugger off.
Anonymous said…
I was born into a Baptist family and then later became a member of the Assembly of God church. I was exposed to critical thinking when I went to college and began to doubt my religion (funny how knowledge and religion don't mix, eh?) The final nail on my coffin of faith was when I watched Carl Sagan's Cosmos. It showed me how wonderful life is - and all without God.
I would rather have my feet nailed to the floor than become a Christian again.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous Said:
"Do you wonder at times why you are filled with so much hate and antimosity towards someone you have never met?"

First of all Anonymous, I don't owe you any explanation, nor do I seek your approval about what I say on here so Piss off and mind your own business. Your opinions of me mean nothing. Who the blue hell are you anyway?

Anonymous Said:
"Why you seek shelter behind a computer and lash out at anyone whose opinion is slightly different then yours and through their own love for you hopes to reach you, albeit I disagree with kyles way of going about it"

Talking about calling the kettle black. You seem to be seeking shelter behind a computer yourself. What a hypocrite you are. Be thankful that it is here online that you are dealing with me. You would not want to deal with the real me in person.

Maybe if people like you "Anonymous" and Kyle would "Mind Your Own Business" and quit cramming your "Worthless" opinions down the throats of others on this site, you wouldn't get a "Hateful reaction".

Are people like you dear anonymous too stupid to understand the words, "Mind Your Own Business"? People like you and Kyle set yourselves up to get flamed on here so don't expect me to be kind to you. I do not and will not apologize for my comments on here. If you don't like my attitude, that is your problem. I quit living to please others years ago, so fuck off you nosy ass opinionated prick.

"is there no common decency left for ones common man?"

That's life pal. Get over it, and get use to it. If you can't be more thick skinned, then I suggest you go hide under your bed and suck on your thumb for the rest of your life, because someone might hurt your tender little cry baby feelings.

Anonymous Said:
"It amazes me how much ignorance and hate you showed in that post."

Once again that is your problem, and I could care less if it bothers you or not.

You are the one who is ignorant dear Anonymous. You can't seem to understand how people like myself are sick and damn tired of people like you who don't know how to keep their opinions to themselves. If you don't like people like me criticizing others, then keep your damn opinion to yourself.

It's a very simple concept to understand, now let's see if you are smart enough to understand it by not replying back to my post.

I have a feeling you will want to reply back, because people like you dear "Anonymous" are predictable.

So stop going around telling people how to act and treat others. It's none of your damn business and as far as I'm concerned you are nothing but a piss ant who has a worthless opinion.
Anonymous said…
We have sections of the forums specifically for debate between believers of various types and non-believers. So you can, debate us if you dare.

Be warned, any reliance on scripture will not be accepted without the following:

1. The existence of original texts.

2. Correct and consistent translation of the original texts.

3. Lack of any contradiction, regarding alleged facts contained within the texts.

Failure to do all of the above is not proving the Bible is evidence of anything other than Christianity is a crock. Deal with it.

Anything else is ultimately guess work and not the basis of the debate.
Anonymous said…
the above post was by me, "Kommissar" I just dont get this garbage about being logged in to Exchristian cant post under my Id
Dave Van Allen said…
If there is something you don't get, then why not just send me a message and ask?
Anonymous said…
gIt feels beneath me to come here and argue about this blog, but I wanted to do it because, no matter how much hatred for Christ and God is being spewed here, I feel nothing but the deepest love for those who hate Him.

If you want to talk about mind control, try being what I used to be: A Jehovah's Witness. They definitely brainwashed me for the longest time, and I believed in them 100%. But eventually I saw that their set of beliefs were not practical, and love for the neighbor was reserved exclusively to those who belong to their group alone.

But my best friend said once: "Why do you only love your friends?... I say Pray for those who persecute you".

I don't approve of Fundamentalist Christianity. That's not the way to show what God is, much like Fundamentalist Islam is not showing what that religion is all about. I may not agree with Islam or Judaism completely, but I respect those who choose to believe in a different way than I. They deserve that respect because they are just as human as I am.

My point is... I truly apologize to everyone who has been hurt in one way or another by fundamentalist "Christianity". I believe that you can only come to the Father if He has called you to come to Him. If your heart isn't there, well then, you don't come. It's simple. No point in arguing who's right or who's wrong. Will that win over your heart?

How about if I simply display an random act of kindness? Say, for example, that you're the driver behind me at the local Mickey D's. I don't know you, and maybe will never see you again. But I can tell that cashier "I'm paying for both my food and the food of the car behind me".

I have no ulterior motives, no desire to give you a "Christian" publication or to convert you. I just want to show you that all of those so-called "Christians" who made you think twice about God aren't the majority.

Who knows? Maybe you were short $5 at the Drive-Thru, and this act of kindness was, as some people say, "godsend" (or let's use the word "convenient" or "timely" for the sake of our conversation). Hey, no problem. Christians aren't the only ones who do these random acts of kindness. People of all religions do, too.

My final point is this: don't waste your time arguing with people who try to win you over for Jesus or for God. Sure, I'd love to sit down with you and, if you gave me a chance, I'd talk to you about Him. But I'm going to respect how you believe, because my best friend tells me that despite whatever you think of Him, He loves you since the day you were born.

If He's really all that powerful, then I see no point in trying to win over your heart at this point in your life. All I can do is be the best person I can be.

In fact, your time is very valuable, and you've spent these few seconds reading these words. So thank you. Let me try to make your world a little bit better. However you decide to live your life, however you choose to believe, I wish you the best and hope you find the fulfillment and the peace that every one of us is ultimately looking for.

Semper Fidelis, from a Corporal of Marines on deployment onboard the USS Kearsarge.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous Wrote: "If He's really all that powerful, then I see no point in trying to win over your heart at this point in your life. All I can do is be the best person I can be"

Ok fair enough.

I can't speak for everyone else, however I don't have a problem with what you just wrote even though I may not agree with everything you said in regards to christianity.

Best wishes to you also. :)
Anonymous said…
Seems Kyle never came back. Typical isn't it.
Cousin Ricky said…
Kyle M wrote: “Remember, no matter what God will forgive you for your transgressions against his holy name.”

freethinker05 said…
"no matter what god?"will forgive me?
praise be too beelzebub.
Anonymous said…
Kyle M wrote: “Remember, no matter what God will forgive you for your transgressions against his holy name."

I don't need to be forgiven for God's screw ups.

God needs to learn to be more responsible for his own bad actions instead of taking it out on lowly human beings.

What an arrogant statement: "I need to be forgiven by God".

I guess that's what happens when you are drunk with power. You can threaten someone who is inferior to you.

If you want a meaningful dialogue, strip your comments from any "judgemental remarks" and really start listening.

Like Mike in the beginning said, many here WERE familiar with the stuff, and with many of the counter-arguments you may have in mind.
Heretic Zero said…
It would be useless to debate you because experience has shown I cannot reason with those under mind-control. I bet you've tried to kill yourself by sticking your head in the microwave?

You keep your religion and when you die badly, you go to your own hell. We've got a party to go to in the next life. And, if there is no next life, I don't care cuz people like you made this one suck bad enough.
Anonymous said…
Where'd Kyle go? I thought he'd love to debate us!

Anonymous, you say we "seek shelter behind a computer?" I live in Dallas, Texas, which is in the bible belt USA. There are countless christian and catholic churches here, and very few choices otherwise. People here routinely and openly talk about the bible as though it were the absolute truth. I must keep quiet, as I don't see it that way. To me, the bible is a screwed up mess of a book that nobody can really make complete sense out of and christians and catholics won't admit it. I'm through fooling myself. I cannot be a part of it. I really have no where to go. Non-believers like myself generally keep quiet about their disbelief where I live. I enjoy coming here and meeting with other non-believers b/c we see eye to eye on a religion that I otherwise am surrounded by. Christians have their churches and their events where they meet and "fellowship." Ex-christian.net is the only place that I can go to get away from christianity and openly discuss the absurdity of the faith. It's a relief, really, to have found this website. It's nice to know that there are sensible people out there who use their brains and are willing to be honest with themselves and with me. I never found this in church when I was a christian. We just don't have the meeting places that christians have, and so we find our way to this website. I, personally, am not "hiding" behind a computer, I am seeking solace from an absurd and monstrous religion that seems to be taking over, frankly. Look at the trouble Mitt Romney is having over being a mormon! His religion should have nothing to do with whether or not he is elected president. Christians own the USA, man, and I need a place like this to get away from them.

Long live Ex-christian.net!
Anonymous said…
It is interesting to note, that our current president who "cofessed Jesus" before being elected, has also wound up with the worst presidential approval rating in US history!

I'd like to see people use a little common sense when electing the president. Look for qualities such as reponsibility, integrity, sensibility, for example. Look for somebody with a solid plan. Don't elect somebody just because they've "accepted Jesus," for crying out loud!

It gets old, man.
Anonymous said…
We here at Ex-c are the "heathen, wretched, damned, spawns of satan, and enemies of God" that the christian church does not want and happily condemns. Here, you will find homosexuals, lesbians, atheists, agnostics, buddhists, wiccans, new-agers, etc. etc. etc....we are the ones that you say are going to hell to burn forever. What do you expect? That we will go through life alone without the "fellowship" that you christians enjoy in church?

Heaven doesn't want us, and hell's afraid we'll take over!


Would you close the door behind you on your way out, please?
Anonymous said…
We here at Ex-c are the "heathen, wretched, damned, spawns of satan, and enemies of God" that the christian church does not want and happily condemns. Here, you will find homosexuals, lesbians, atheists, agnostics, buddhists, wiccans, new-agers, etc. etc. etc....we are the ones that you say are going to hell to burn forever. What do you expect? That we will go through life alone without the "fellowship" that you christians enjoy in church?

Heaven doesn't want us, and hell's afraid we'll take over!


Would you close the door behind you on your way out, please?
Anonymous said…
So long, "anonymous!"
DaBrains said…
eugh, I’m more than willing to, but I warn you, I am up to my neck in religious bull right now, I wont be too tolerant of more, so stick to the facts first and foremost.

A warning, I am a very open minded person who would take Christianity in a flash if you could give evidence for it, but I have debated so many Christians and heard so much ignorance parading as truth, I GREATLY doubt you can give me something new to think about. However, you’re on, how do we get started?
DaBrains said…
Also, I am FULLY with Claude on this one; don't take that from people who condescend you for being less educated, the only thing that matters here is intelligence. If you are intelligent enough, you do not need a whole lot of knowledge to back yourself up, especially as this is a topic loaded with rhetoric where a great deal of knowledge is unnecessary.

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