Where is our God?

Sent in by BTG

I would like to submit my full story sometime later on when I have the time. Until then, I would like to bring up something that crossed my mind as I was sitting down on a bench in the middle of a garden. I began to gaze at a mamey tree. The cycle of life came into my mind.

Obviously, it was birthed out of a pod from a previous tree, and it grew into what it is right now. That tree, which is currently full-grown, has had many different pod-filled fruits come out which it will hope to birth dozens more trees. And then, someday that tree will die.

What becomes of the tree? Surely, it's seedlings live on to hopefully become trees, but does the tree in question go to some sort of magical garden in Heaven? Or does it wither away and vanish from existence for all eternity, as I fear may be the truth?

This applies to all living microbes, animals, insects, and humans that are on this earth right now. When we die, what becomes of our consciousness? Does our consciousness live on in our "soul" and go to Heaven or Hell, as the Christians would like us to believe? Or do we fade away into the abyss, never to "be" again?

Where is our God?

Why hath he not answered to us when we were Christians and prayed to him in order for him to save us from not believing in him?

Why, when we prayed for our gravely ill relatives, grandmothers and fathers, moms and dads, brothers and sisters, pets, friends, and everything else, he turns His back and lets them die?

Is He even real as the priests, clerics, and fundies claim he is?

Where is our God?

I must be a ranting madman, but I had to let that out. In the near future I will be writing my own testimonial. Until then...

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mothpete said…
Why hath he not answered to us when we were Christians and prayed to him in order for him to save us from not believing in him?

I've tried e-mailing him, but no go. Maybe sms? I'm not sure he's up to speed with latest tech communication.

I wonder how trees evolved? Some sort of primitive ferns... I dunno, i've never thought about pre-trees.
Anonymous said…
Google is God. At least it has answers to most of my questions.
Lance said…
Someone else on this site mentioned that we are nothing but a species of hairless primates on an average size planet in a backwater of the universe (or something like that).

I am finally starting to see it that way myself. When we die, we are gone. Period!

This does not detract from my desire to live the best life I can, as I now see this life as the only one I get. We had no part of human history before us, and will eventually be forgotten after we are gone, but the fact is that we are alive now.

Let's make it good while we are here.

Thanks for your post.
Anonymous said…
When I was a christian I honestly believed my sincerest desires would come to fruition because as the bible promises in Psalm 37;4 'delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart' though now I have come to realise that just because you so desperately want to live on you do inevitably come to an end. Sad but true.
Nvrgoingbk said…
mothandrust said: "I've tried e-mailing him, but no go. Maybe sms? I'm not sure he's up to speed wth latest tech communication."

Ha! Okay, I have a confession. When the winds of doubt began to blow down the house of cards that was my faith, I decided to pour out my heart to God in a Word document. I wrote him a long letter and asked him many questions. I begged him to answer me and respond to my honest and heart-felt questions. I was tired of being unable to discern between my own inner voice and his, so I determined to leave that letter for him to answer and go back every day or two to see if He responded. Never happened.

I feel like an idiot now, but I desperately wanted Him to be real and to give god an opportunity to reveal himself and his will in some tangible way. Now I see just how pathetic it was that an otherwise intelligent woman like myself had been reduced to writing a letter to god like a child placing her hopeful letter in the mailbox for Santa. I was actually disappointed that He never answered back.
Anonymous said…
"When we die, what becomes of our consciousness? Does our consciousness live on in our "soul" and go to Heaven or Hell, as the Christians would like us to believe? Or do we fade away into the abyss, never to "be" again?"
Hi all,

Mary Roach, in her book 'SPOOKS', did some extensive research as to whether we are more than just the physical matter we can detect through normal human means.

She tried various methods of trying to prove we have a "soul" that leaves our bodies at death, but all her research led her to the sad conclusion that there is just no evidence of any hidden spirit or soul within us, and when our bodies die, so do we.

While it's difficult to prove we have no spirit as part of our very core (proving a negative always is hard), after reading her research one is left with wondering why our god(s) would have so completely sealed up this afterlife evidence, even to our better modern means to detect invisible forces we can't actually touch or see.

If our creator truly put a spirit within all of us, then one has to wonder why this creator didn't want us to ever find any evidence that it exist, even with our modern technology. Wouldn't even a little such evidence give us a tad more than just blind faith to go on about such supernatural things about ourselves. At least if we had a bit of evidence that we are more than flesh and blood, we might be more willing to believe in other supernatural elements of the universe that the bible claims exist for us.

Once again, not only does god hide from us extremely well, but 'he' evidently went through great pains to also hide our souls, if one supposes we have one.

If any of the mainstream gods we are taught about in today's world really existed, and have already made their wishes known to humankind via human messengers at some point, then doesn't it make sense such a god would at least leave us some tiny bit of evidence that our souls continue on after our bodies die.

Alas, other than the results of pseudo-science, that have no proof to back up their many claims, we just have no evidence we can't point to for the existence of this so called soul within us.

You can read about Mary Roach and her books here....

The Atheist Tooth Fairy

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