If there is a God

I had the experience of growing up in a family where there was more than one brand of religion - i.e. Baptist and Anglican. Later on I attended the Mormon Church and then later a pentecostal church. Some would say that this would lead to confusion - but I tend to think that it has clarified the fact that there are so many inconsistencies among the various denominations, that it is better to get away from everything just to think for ones' self.

If there is a God, I would like to know for myself - not take someone else's word. If there isn't a God - then I also want to know for myself - not take someone else's word.

I have never really been religious, and I have never really been a great reader of the Bible either. Perhaps most people who have become atheists have become so because of their own convictions, whereas I have always been sceptical and never really believed strongly in any theory or belief system. I was given the nickname of "doubting Thomas" (or "if in doubt - check it out").

The thing that I have hated more than anything is the way that some christians have controlled others by using verses of scripture - aptly named spiritual abuse.

These days I avoid anyone who has a 'message' for me - or who thinks I am 'backslidden' because I don't go to a church. All in all, I feel quite at peace with where I am at. I am an individual who is thinking for themselves (which is something that is not always encouraged in the church) and I feel free. It is also great to be able to live a normal life again and meet people outside of the church instead of being sectioned off like I was in a sheep pen - it is like I have found a new life and it is good to live it.



Anonymous said…
CHL and Ben, I understand completely where both of you are coming from and you're right, mostly. I have had the same experiences with Christianity and church. But the problem isn't the religion in my view, it's the people and the churches. They rely on others too much and submit themeselves to these dry systematic ways that in so many ways conflict with what they say the believe in. However, I still can't deny or approve the existence of God no matter how messed up other people are that do agree with those things. Don't be so quick to give up something because of some human error otherwise you might as well give it all up. And watch out for that cognitive dissonance.

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