
Showing posts from September, 2003

Okay dude.

No true offense, but this is the dumbest, most hypocritical website I have ever seen in my life. I'm not even a Christian, I am an evolutionist, and I stumbled across this website. What do you think this site will accomplish? Oh, okay, it offers all the people who didn't like Christianity because they like to "sin" so much to piss all over religion and be big crybabies. Wether you agree with religion or not, religion has been a foundation for many things in this world and has accomplished many great things for everybody. Such as charity works that feed children, build homes for the homeless, etc. You guys are pissed that Christians think you are going to hell and they meddle in your lives, mocking you, but then you turn around and do the exact same thing? You guys are no better than fundamentalist Christians who rent stages and preach damnation to homosexuals. Wanna be a true exChristian? Then drop the subject. Don't dwell on the fact that you didn...

Thanks again for your site!

Hi! I just happened to get a link to one of your (many) pages and WHOA!! LOVE the site! I am atheist, as is my wife, and I will spend many hours perusing these pages. I did not come from a Christian background, but rather a secular background. My parents never told me what I should believe, nor did they tell me what THEY believe. My wife came from a Catholic background, but left it before she was a teenager due to critical thinking (what a concept, eh?). Her mother has a hard time with her being atheist, but they agree to disagree and get along fine. We are both members of the Idaho Atheists as well, and I will definately recommend your site to everyone here. Thank you for your wonderful insight. We are trying desperately to educate the public that within this awesome country you have the right to choose whether or not you go to church or believe in any god or gods. We just wanted to be treated fairly! We're also pointing out that atheism is the last acceptable p...


Sent in by unknown from New Jerusalem Who ever read this and to the ADminstrator of this web site. Whatever happned to you I have to tell you somethig. Jesus the Son of the Living God He Loves You Still. He is comming soon and every knee WILL bow and every tounge WILL confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. If you are a Ex Christian I know u did not become like this in one day. God still has a plan you. He knows your weekness and faults.Jesus is a Loving,Saving,Caring,Compationate God. NEVER GIVE UP ON HIM


I was born and raised in a Hindu family in India but things changed when I came to the U.S. Another Hindu (a much older person) asked me whether the Hindu God promised to incarnate whenever immense evil took over. I nodded. Then he asked as to why when Hitler killed millions of Jews, he never showed up. That got me to thinking. Ever since (that is, almost 10 years) I have been thinking more in terms of religion and had hours and hours of discussions with Christians. I will try to post my thoughts whenever possible, but here is one for starters. I think the very basis of Christianity is wrong - wrong in two important ways. First, it believes in punishing someone else for someone's sins. Second, it rewards someone else for someone's sacrifice. Proof (of the first point): Cananite children were killed because their elders committed sins. Every newborn is considered sinful, only because Adam and Eve committed their first sin. Proof (of the second point): ...


Oh my goodnes . . . I'm laughing so hard I can't see straight! I am/was a good white Christian missionary daughter girl ..! who came to adulthood so utterly screwed up it's a wonder I can function enough to type these words. Oh dear. Life is so funny. Thank God for this site. I will book- hang on I'm doing it now - mark this site for another time when I have more time to browse around. I guess it is funny, but it's devestating also, what is done to us humans in the name of religion, in particular Christianity. I'm responding to the fact that sexual violence is the number one crime in the United States now. One doesn't need to look to far, certainly not to a thirty million dollar, forty year, double-blind study, to understand the reasons why. Re-su-oppress the human sexual nature and it will erupt in unhealthy ways. You folks have said it better than I ever could. I, too, was deeply estranged from myself by the time I was a teen; my spirit-self...

I choose to believe God

Man - you make a lot of direct hits on organized Christianity. And most of them well deserved. I can't remember how I stumbled onto your site, but once I got there I said "What the hell, lets hear what this guy has to crow about." As I read on it became apparent that you were not speaking from ignorance or urban legend. You are well read and informed on at least contemporary Western evangelical protestantism which, as you correctly observed, is more than can be said of most people who label themselves as evangelical potestants of whatever ilk. I agreed with so much of what you said that it scared me at first. Then I realized that much of what you said was QUESTIONS not ANSWERS. I've been questioning all my life like you. Organized religion hates questions and questioners (unless of course they are in the form of a catechism). What I seek as a questioner is answers that are true. But then comes the question "What IS truth?" "On what is it grounded?...

An amazing story

Someone challenged Christians to prove their God was real and that He answers prayer. My God does not need to be humiliated by such human arrogance, but i am still going to pray for the shut down of this site if it is His will it will happen. Father I pray that this site that tarnishes Your name can be closed down. I pray that no more evil will come and evade people's lives through what is written here. Please send your Spirit to destroy the evil and cleanse the hurt and anger. Amen I ask that other Christians who visit this site pray for its closure. Lets show them God's power! Ashleigh

secret supporters

Your website, while it raises serious questions, also has bad info. Much of it has been debunked, old news, history. You nosense and devotion to what is passed as sciens is amusing. (But I guess you also don't mind when science is funded by Ford Foundation or the Rockefeller Fund, or when paleontologists are funded by Royal Dutch Shell). 16 Crucified Saviours? Please! That book is way out. Pagan Catholicism? Also very amusing. I guess you think the Spanish were cruel to the Indians as well, and oh that horrible Inquisition! Your history leaves a lot to be desired, as well as ignore all the atheists who have causes wars as well. I amazed you didn't tout the Arius Piso story. Ah well, you can drink in censored history all you want, but that don't make it true. (Luther was tied to the occultic Rosicrucians- but you knew that). If you think Protestant propaganda is truth, then you really have been deceived. If you really like truth, write back, If not, dabble with you anti-Chri...


fools you are, whoever submits to this sight. This site is a farce and a total crock. If your a "anti christian" then i got news for you people, you are on the losing side. If you dont believe in "god" anymore, maybe it's because you never gave god the time in the first place and GAVE UP like the rest of the sinful minded people of this world. Giving up is alot easier then following through with somthing and ALL of you have failed horrible and will suffer horribly. If you read this i strongly recomend you repent and change your wicked ways, because you who do not, are fools and will have a horrible life. JESUSISALIVE tm, no email, no real name submitted. Became a Christian: 16 Ceased being a Christian: still am Why I joined: because god showed me Why I left: i didn't

you were NEVER saved....

Um, lesson one - YOUR ego cannot undue salvation by grace, thus (1) you were NEVER saved i.e. a Christian at all or (2) you are still very confused. HEY, neet-o propaganda site - its pretty funny (-: Scott

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