
Showing posts from April, 2006

Brainwashing and Fraud

sent in by Deist Here is a link that shows brainwashing in action. It shows a guy that went to hell and the sky dictator said "Why didn't you give them tracts" What pure BS. As George Carlin says "fleecing the flock, fraud in action" I think religion is naive to think it has the know-it-alls about the forces of nature. It is nothing but a cop out for the unexplainable. Basically saying I don't know what causes it, so we'll tell the masses it is god that did it. Humans have the strange ability to be rational and irrational at the same time. We are the only animals that are like that. Another chunk of evidence to prove that the Christian religion is B.S. is the goofy view it has on sexuality. For some strange reason LUST is a sin but without lust how can you procreate? Lust is that urge to mate, how is that a sin? Now in civilized societies, it is bad to force someone into sex that I understand but with ...

Thank you for a great site

Webmaster, Thank you for a great site. I'm not and never was a christian or a believer, although I have always been interested in the how's and why's behind people's beliefs. I think supporting people who are losing their religion is a good thing; though some christians come on here not understanding what this site is about, it seems in their so called unconditional love they're not able to unconditionally support people who no longer think the same way. Although I find some Ex-Christians comments here a bit harsh towards christians, I can see where they are coming from. I find it interesting that Christians come on this site anonymously questioning the validity of this site, yet it seems perfectly fine to have a 'christianity rocks' support it is fine,to question it seems to be wrong or unneeded and even objectionable or dare I say it, sinful. Issues I've struggled with regarding religion in general is this: -god is an all knowing, all seeing ...

My heart hurts for people like you

Hi There. I am so very worried about you . There is not much I can say to you that I am sure you have not heard. If you have heard Billy Graham you have heard one of the most amazing people in this world. I just hope your aware of how many people your influencing through this web site. To send yourself to hell is one thing but to be held accountable for so many other souls you should be terrified. Maybe your laughing but you won' t be when Jesus says I never knew you away from me. My heart hurts for people like you I will pray for you even though you don' t want it and you better pray that you do come back with your tail between your legs because you don't want to experience hell.. You had it right the first time please carefully weigh out your consequences for being agnostic verses christian. Yours in christ..... Tabitha Sopko

A Proposal to Christians

sent in by Tigg13 It has occurred to me, after reading several of the comments made by Christians on this website, that there is an issue that should concern you all more than the existence of ex-Christians. Now, as you all know, there is one and only one true God and one and only one true path to salvation, with all the other paths leading to damnation. But, there are hundreds of different denominations of Christianity all calling themselves the one true church. Obviously there must be a great many of these churches that are not doing the Lord's work. But, if they're not doing the Lord's work, then who's work are they doing? Why, Satan's of course. Think about it. What would please the prince of deception more than to use God's own book to lead innocent people into the pit of eternal suffering? To twist and confuse scripture so as to trick people into choosing a false imitation of Christ. Just imagine how surprised these poor souls will be whe...

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