
Showing posts from December, 2003

Pastoral Medicine

Back around 1994 I began deputation ministry for my denomination in order to go to Chile as a church planter. As I began traveling (about 6000 miles per month) I began gaining weight. About this time my wife reported that my snoring had also increased. In short, I simply didn't feel well. I went to my pastor for counseling. He said "Kevin, you look like you're gaining weight. And you look tired. How is your prayer life?" I told him that it "wasn't what it ought to be." He then told me how prayer would help me handle stress, blah blah blah. Of course, being the dutiful drone, I bought it. But not a whole lot changed. I went to Chile, lost weight, and was able to take a siesta in the afternoon. During periods of heightened stress I would snore terribly, and my wife began to notice me gasping breath in my sleep. I came to the states and took a stressful job as a therapist serving low income people. I gained back most of the weight I ...

God does not need your help to defend him from a fool

I don't intend to enter into a debate over the truth or untruth of Christianity or any other religion with you in this letter. As a far more intelligent person than myself once said, "God does not need your help to defend him from a fool". What I would like to address is the base hypocrisy in your entire movement. You portray Christians (or anyone "stupid" enough to acknowledge God) as being brainwashed, programmed, and generally sheep led by bigger sheep. In it's place you offer another belief system for which you can offer no more proof than the one you wish the world to divest itself of. I will be the first to admit, many Christians are hypocritical, self-righteous, proudly ignorant, irritating, and generally no fun to be around. Anyone who has a belief system which they think people around them would be better off sharing can be like this, including atheists and agnostics. The annoyance isn't Christianity, it is anyone who is arrogant e...

Religion Detoxification

Dear Ex-Christians, My Name is Clint Clark and I’ve developed a small website that may be an interesting link addition to your site. I call it “Religion Detoxification.” One of its features is “The Logical Ten Commandments.” It also has some history on the development of Settlement Religion along with some important points about Oral Tradition. The address is: Thank you for your consideration Sincerely, Clint Clark One World for LIFE - Animal Nations: Homo sapiens

Obviously you were never truly saved...

Obviously you were never truly saved, which means that you were never truly a Christian. Why? Because you think that GOD is the reason for everything. When you met people that didn't believe in God or believed some other crap, you thought it was GOD blinding their sight so they couldn't see clearly. I'm sorry, but GOD does no such thing. SIN blinds us from seeing clearly. SIN is darkness, like a fog, that we cannot see the light through. GOD did not create nor allow SIN. MAN allowed SIN by first doubting and then denying. GOD cannot look at SIN, which is why CHRIST had to die on the cross. His blood covers our SIN and makes us white as snow. Hence the reason why we're all doomed for HELL if we do not repent and accept Jesus as our blood sacrifice. We deserve HELL because GOD cannot stand SIN nor to be near it. Suffering is also not in conjunction with GOD. Suffering is in conjunction with SIN. SIN created suffering. If there were no SIN, there wouldn't ...

I feel so sorry for you

This website is formed directly from the pits of hell. If you only could open your heart to Jesus Christ, your life would be filled with much more happieness, joy, and reward. I pray the the Lord comes into your life and softens your heart. God created you, loves you, and will forgive you no matter what you have done. I pray the you come to find this out and know the lord. God Bless you! Laura

Good Luck BUD!

I must say that you are the most unintelligent fool I have ever come across. Your ignorance is amazing. There's not a single contradiction in the entire Bible. To save time, and make my point, we'll deal with your "major" contradiction theory. You claim that 1 John 1:8 vs. 1 John 3:6-9 is contradictory. I suggest that you go back to kindergarten and receive a graduation diploma on reading because you obviously learned nothing your first time around. Let me explain this for you, seeing as how unimaginably slow you are in the head. 1 John 1:8 is self explanitory. If we tell ourselves that we do not sin, or have never sinned, or aren't a sinner, we decieve ourselves. Therefore, the truth of the matter is not in us. You understand this, yes? 1 John 3:6-9 is just as self explanitory. At least for those of us with intelligence. More specifically, you're trying to say that 3:6 is the contradiction because it's the only verse of the four that has anyt...

Raised a Heathen

Main Entry: 1god Pronunciation: 'gäd also 'god Function: noun Etymology: Middle English, from Old English; akin to Old High German got god Date: before 12th century 1 capitalized : the supreme or ultimate reality: as a : the Being perfect in power, wisdom, and goodness who is worshiped as creator and ruler of the universe b Christian Science : the incorporeal divine Principle ruling over all as eternal Spirit : infinite Mind 2 : a being or object believed to have more than natural attributes and powers and to require human worship; specifically : one controlling a particular aspect or part of reality 3 : a person or thing of supreme value 4 : a powerful ruler I was raised a heathen. My parents both came from Christian backgrounds, but were not at all religious when they reached the age of reason before my birth. Although I have had to deal with the arrogance of and rejection by Christians I never succumbed to their faith. About 20-25 years ago when I was looking ...

The C.H.R.I.S.T. Method

I would like to present to the Freethinkers on this site a new way to define how Christians use there twisted mindset to interpret reality and what unbelievers say in order for it to fit into their own world-view. I call it the Christian Harmful to Reality Ignorant Switcharoo Technique or C.H.R.I.S.T. for short. You people know exactly where I'm coming from with this one! We see it in the debates all of the time. We see it especially in the evolution/creation debates and we expecially see it when we open our eyes to the world around us. Can I get an AMEN my fellow Brothers and Sisters in Life? Fweethawt

Cleck it out...

Hi! I used to be the webmaster of, atheist ex-Xian from Singapore. I now have my own site, . Have been a fan of your site since, fuck, I can't remember.. Keep up the good work and give my site the once over.. We atheists/ex-Xians gotta stick together ya know.. Hades

check out this photo

Master of the web, Check out this photo I took of an outrageous billboard in surburban Atlanta, Ga. Talk about intimidation, can you believe this crap!? Maybe you can post it on the letters/testimonies section so everyone can get a look at it and sound off. Thanx DM (webmaster note: The sign says "For Me - Against Me" on the left and "Against Me = There is Hell to Pay" on the right" Remember: JESUS loves you, but, if you don't love him back ................... )

My Two Bits...

Dave, Thanks for your open and honest testimony. It was helpful and I found some similarities (and some differences) with my own religious background. I am now in a "holding pattern" regarding Christian belief and practice, being in my mid-thirties with a young family and a busy job taking most of my time and headspace. However I have not given up on the idea of trying to come up with a world-view that makes more sense to me. Oh, I have dispatched with organised religious practice some time ago after spending 12 years in a cult (Herbert Armstrong's Worldwide Church of God). The de-programming continues... For what it is worth, I have enjoyed reading Scott Peck's books. You may have read "The Road Less Travelled"? He is I guess an unconventional Christian with a background in Psychiatry. One of his theories of personal growth talks about four stages (bit like Fowler): chaos, formal religion, skepticism, mysticism. Originated with his observation over ti...

Dear ‘Ex-Christians’

This site is amazing. It is evil, but it is amazing. It is strange to see that so many Christians can just leave the truth. Yes the truth. Anyway, Let me first tell you a bit about myself. I am a devoted Christian who already been and gone through many of your stages. For 2 ½ years I asked questions, like “why is there evil?” and the like-like. Fortunately for me, God opened my eyes to let me see the truth. He did this in a very strange way. I was walking home one day and I said to myself “I know I’m a sinner, and I believe you’re kinda real, then the next minute I was asking for forgiveness and I became a Christian. So you’re going to ask “How did you know God was now in you?” Well it’s really an easy answer. I felt this power, a strange feeling through me. So when I got home I looked and read the bible and I found a passage that basically said “When the Holy spirit enters you , you’ll be granted not only life but gift to serve God. How I thank him. So being a devot...

Hello again Dave,

I've just looked at your bible quiz . . Pretty interesting. As a bible student I'd certainly come across many of those inconsistencies before, but as we both know, the "faith" answer can be used to justify every nutty concept. That leads me to a few problems I have had with the whole concept of "faith" for a while. The Bible implies that Christians are rewarded for their faith, which it defines in Hebrews 11 as the "evidence of things not seen". Elsewhere it talks about our faith being "more precious than gold that perishes". My problem is, why is faith so important? It would seem that God is hiding from us (some talk of a "shy" God, ...please!) and wants us to pray and have faith to get the answers we're looking for. Some churches teach that we grow in faith by going through trials of suffering and believing God will get us through them (evidence to the contrary notwithstanding). You may even recall a popular litt...

The de-programming continues...

Dave, Thanks for your open and honest testimony. It was helpful and I found some similarities (and some differences) with my own religious background. I am now in a "holding pattern" regarding Christian belief and practice, being in my mid-thirties with a young family and a busy job taking most of my time and headspace. However I have not given up on the idea of trying to come up with a world-view that makes more sense to me. Oh, I have dispatched with organised religious practice some time ago after spending 12 years in a cult (Herbert Armstrong's Worldwide Church of God). The de-programming continues... For what it is worth, I have enjoyed reading Scott Peck's books. You may have read "The Road Less Travelled"? He is I guess an unconventional Christian with a background in Psychiatry. One of his theories of personal growth talks about four stages (bit like Fowler): chaos, formal religion, skepticism, mysticism. Originated with his observation over ti...

find yourself in Hell

I am sorry but I do not appreciate your website at all your utter disrespect for Christianity is appalling. I pray that God has mercy on your soul and that you find the truth before it's to late and you find yourself in Hell!!! Appalled Christian

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