
Showing posts from February, 2003

blessings to you brother

Wasnt sure if you recieved my last post I have browesed your websight and its stating of the many Reformers, RC fathers and theyer intolerance and bickering and backbiting over docrins and charactor, it truely shows the flaw in the human race, but in all fairness Dave, I would like you to line it up with the people with a world view without Christ, Hitler, Nero, cearsars, Ivan the terrible, Nicolae Ceausescu, the Roman Empire and its violence against the christians, The so called Salem witch trials, Comunist China and the martyrs that come from there in the name of Christ thousands upon thousands die each year in the name of Christ all over the world, what about the Columbine high school girl that got shot by the young boy Harris as he asked if she was a christian, her answer cost her her life, I can go on and on much much more than you can ever com up with, why because heaven and hell are real God and satan are real, and we fight battles not against flesh and blood, but against po...

your website

I have browesed your websight and its stating of the many Reformers, RC fathers and theyer intolerance and bickering and backbiting over docrins and charactor, it truely shows the flaw in the human race, but in all fairness Dave, I would like you to line it up with the people with a world view without Christ, Hitler, Nero, cearsars, Ivan the terrible, Nicolae Ceausescu, the Roman Empire and its violence against the christians, The so called Salem witch trials, Comunist China and the martyrs that come from there in the name of Christ thousands upon thousands die each year in the name of Christ all over the world, what about the Columbine high school girl that got shot by the young boy Harris as he asked if she was a christian, her answer cost her her life, I can go on and on much much more than you can ever com up with, why because heaven and hell are real God and satan are real, and we fight battles not against flesh and blood, but against powers and rulers of da rkness, in which you w...


I just wanted to thank you for taking the time to put your page together. I am 20 years old and come from a thoroughly Christian family.Only recently have I contemplated the "faith" that I was indoctrinated with since birth. I am truly amazed at the immensity of this Christian scam. They have managed to fool those in charge and even those I love. The truth will truly set you free. Mad

I'm an ex-christian too

Hey. I had the luck of stumbling upon your blog on blogger's link box. I haven't read much or your page. I just want to give you some positive feedback for the concept of your page because I'm an ex-Christian too. I think religion is shit but it's necessary to keep all of our mindless people under control, so they won't have to come up with their own way of living. Religion gives them a program to just fall into. Just let them be happy thinking I'm going to hell. I'd much rather go to hell with people like my mom than go with the bigheaded god. anyhow, good. thanks, Holly

Good afternoon Dave, You wrote today:

Deciding right from wrong is not an easy task, and although books like the Bible do offer some general guidelines and wisdom in some areas, to say that any of these books are the last word on morality is too simplistic. Morality, like every other aspect of human society, will continue to develop and change as time goes on just like every other aspect of reasoning and thought. Christianity might be more compelling if adopting its lifestyle imparted your respect for people and genuine concern for their well being. It’s ironic and more sad than humorous. I mean quite sincerely that I find these character traits more natural in your personality than I do in my own. As a Christian that is a humbling observation to accept – but no less true. As I have said before insights are always true. Whether they are yours, mine or Scriptural is irrelevant. The Hebrew/Christian Scripture set was written over a period of at least 1600 years, and two millennia have passed since the last author died. My e...

standard of morality?

Hello, I must say you've done a nice job with your website, though I disagree with your conclusion. I'd like to ask you a question I've been kicking around in my own head for a while. Simply put, on what do you base your standard of morality? Thanks, Josh The Short Answer: Dan Barker's Pages Dave the WebMaster of ExChristian.Net Dave, I don't claim to know it all, I am seeking to understand myself and the world around me in an intellectually honest way. I suppose that makes me a "freethinker", unless part of the definition of "freethinker" is belief that God does not exist. Webster's Dictionary, "Moral" : of or relating to principles of right and wrong in behavior This question of right and wrong is what is ultimately on my mind here. If something is moral it is right. Conversely, if something is immoral it is wrong. Or is it................... Ok, so atheists can be moral...

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