
Your testimony says:

"Since I have had to accept the fact that my theology has been wrong time and again, even though I had the Holy Spirit guiding me, it is quite unlikely that I have ever been totally right on much yet." from your "Anti-testimony"

I am not interested in hearing back from you. I was only interested in pointing out that if you reject Christianity you never had the Holy Spirit guiding you since you maintain He does not exist. Any syllogism that begins: I am not a Christian can never end with the statement I had the Holy Spirit. That would imply He exists. Further I quote, "I have come to accept my initial adolescent doubts about the bible as not simply rebellion, but the seed of good common logic and sense." It appears to me that your logic, as shown above, is not trustworthy anyway. Your logic makes as much since as saying: Bananas don't exist+ Bananas are yellow= I like the taste of bananas (remember they don't exist!)

If these beliefs on your page are the only things that keep you from the Lord, I highly recommend Gordon Clark's "Christian View of Men and Things" or any work Cornelius Van Til. Your logic is lacking and you claim that to be your foundation to all of life, therefore your foundation of all of life is lacking (that is a working syllogism.

may the Lord Christ Jesus have mercy on your apostate soul, but, without repentance, I wouldn't count on it.

My response:

"Thank you so much for your quaint quips and condescension. If I had an inclining of doubt about my decision to divorce myself from vain mythology and rude people who claim superiority because of their religious affiliation, you have successfully quelled it. Also, I will be adding the word "supposedly" to the sentence, "even though I (supposedly) had the Holy Spirit guiding me". The context of the sentence already clearly implies that idea, but subtleties are sometimes lost on emotional types."

"All my best,"


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