
Showing posts from April, 2009

I am also a survivor

A letter from Todd Image by HuNo (On & Off) via Flickr Thanks! I would like to express my appreciation for this site. I am like most of you: Someone who has "left the faith." I am also a survivor of a Christian cult . For some years I have sought to find a well established form such as this to hear the accounts of others like me. I hope to do more writing and submit to you my account of all the fucked up stuff that happened to me within the Christian community. Thanks again for being here. -Todd

Ex-Pastor vs. Pastor: CASE CLOSED!

Sent in by Ex Pastor Dan Image by badlogik via Flickr Well, it finally happened. I couldn't take it any longer. I BLEW! Some of you told me to try this approach, some of you offered a different one. Many told me to give up. I don't know if I was right or wrong, all I know is that it felt good to 'Let it ALL Go'! I think I was speaking to all of the ignorant, arrogant Fundies, who throw up the 'Not a True Scotsman' argument. So, for better or worse (you be the judge), here is our last exchange. My cousin makes it clear, in his response, that he wants no more to do with me. I guess Jesus changed his mind about me!? LOL It does still break my heart, but as Barbie-Brains says, "I can't understand it for you!" Ex-Pastor Dan wrote: Dear T. - Shame on you! You have stooped to a place that I thought (hoped) you would not. Your ad hominem replies to my heart-felt, gut-wrenching honesty to you... well, I'm appalled and disgusted. Your words ar...

Ex-Pastor vs. Pastor: A Family Affair

From XPD Image by play4smee via Flickr Recently, I posted an exchange (just one of several) between myself and my cousin. The comments that I received from many of you here on Ex-Christian.Net helped me formulate a 'new' approach. I responded to my cousin with a more deferential tone. I really do think, that he thinks he is acting out of Love and Care for me (the Prodigal). I threw in some 'reason' about the Bible and how it came into being. I assumed that 'this' time he would 'hear' me and understand my heart. It seems that those hopes have been dashed as well. Read the exchange below. My dear Cousin, I am truly touched by your concern for me. I hope that we can remain loving, caring relatives. I am saddened that you continue to MIS-judge my words. I don't know how to make it any clearer to you. My vocabulary only goes so far and perhaps you cannot sense my true attitudes through just 'written' words. One last try, here goes: I...

Ex-Pastor vs. Pastor: a heated exchange

From XPD I was recently contacted by one of my cousins who is still a Pastor of a Fundamentalist, Charismatic Church. After spending some time with my mother and brother (also a Pastor), he decided it was time for him to try and bring back the backslider (me). Below is one of our exchanges. It really relates how fundies think. I wish that I had Sconner and Boomslang sitting with me in my office as I wrote (I could just imagine the Bible concordance ruffling and the phrases flying from two great minds), which would have helped me with my arguments. I think I held my own, but it's hard to not just start railing against such stupidity. But, he is my cousin, and I love him. Please read this exchange and voice any helpful opinions that I may incorporate into further discussions that I will surely have with him. Dear Dan, Stunned and overwhelmed at your level of hatred, animosity and rancor is what I am. Though your precious Mom and my dear Aunt L. and your brother T. (my best fr...

Ex-Christian testimonials sought for new book

From Edward Babinski Prometheus Books is interested in publishing a book of testimonies of college students who have left the fold, including the testimonies of founding members of the various freethought campus groups that have sprung up across the country in the last decade or so. There will also be room for testimonies by "leavers" from Christian colleges, even ex-seminarians. Though most of the contributors ought to still be fairly young. I am seeking intelligent, articulate and moving testimonies by young people who left the fold in college. I expect some may wish to remain anonymous which is fine; their name and the names of their church and family can be edited either before their submission or afterwards so that anonymity is maintained. I hope to publish the most intelligent, articulate and/or moving testimonies in full length format along with a photo of the contributor (unless they wish anonymity), and also include quotations from the testimonies of the remaining...

Dallas filmaker seeking former Christians for documentary

Image by Auntie Shadrach via Flickr From Randall Scott In 1990, a Faith/Religion survey was taken by . In this survey, only 8% of the American population claimed to be ‘Nonreligious.’ However, the same survey taken in 2005 showed that 16% of the population claimed to be “Nonreligious.” The numbers of the ‘Nonreligious’ DOUBLED in just 15 years. If one goes up, something must come down. In his "Untitled Short Doc," filmmaker Randal W Scott will peer into the hearts, minds, and souls of many valiant men and women who awakened from their dogmatic slumber and reject the religious indignation of Christianity and it’s teachings. Open, safe, group discussions and individual interviews will give birth to the story. Randal will tap into the conscious, heroic life of Ex-Christians by exploring four main points: their previous religious lives the grueling de-conversion process, their frightening experiences of coming-out-of-the-closet to family and friends, and/or ...

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