What do you do with the pain?
Sent in by David Image by Funky64 via Flickr I'm going through a sincerely difficult time right now. I have had an 'active faith' all my life. About two years ago I bought a major part of a collection of books from a theological seminary that was closing. The books were not only on Christianity, but also philosophy and Nature and many other topics that were similar. To make a long story short, after being exposed to philosophers like Democritus , Pathagerus, Empedocles ... all the way up to John Tyndall ... I have lost my faith. Today, and this is true, I went to a funeral for a gentle friend who was murdered by his lover of 21 years (who then committed suicide himself). I am sitting in this Episcopal church... and my heart is ripped apart over the sadness and loss I am feeling. And the minister begins to speak about how I should not think of my gentle and kind friend as being dead and that he is in heaven with Jesus, and that he died for us so we can all be together...