Keeping Secret Silence

The DelugeImage via WikipediaBy KSS

This is an extraordinary site. I have been wondering if I was alone in wanting answers to these questions. Eventually I found this site and I am impressed with the sincere desire to find what is true.

I think there are many Christians who are trapped in a place where they cannot talk about their doubts, because of the big investments that they have in church families, church friends, church community, church life. Hence the title above, Keeping Secret Silence. I think there are many men and women in this condition. To speak out would be too damaging. It is even a risk to post something here.

I found the recent post by Kevin, "How do I move on?" to be very helpful, and especially the replies that people posted.

After a tragedy in our family in 2007, I started to question things. My view of God as "all powerful" began to unravel. The more I pull at it, the more it seems to unwind.

Right now I am struggling with the idea that God is in fact very anti-children. I keep seeing these Bible passages where He either destroys, or approves of, their destruction.

In the flood of Noah, God drowns thousands of children. Later, Abraham is told to slaughter his son Isaac, in a spiritual test. Then Moses leads the children of Israel out of Eqypt after God has killed all Egyptian first born children. At the conquest of Jericho, God commands that the young are destroyed by the Israelites. In the Psalms, praise is given to the warrior who dashes the infants of Babylon on a rock. Then in the New Testament, God stands-by when His own son is butchered and left to die horribly - for what cause, exactly?

I really struggle with all this.

So I visited a Christian chat room - thinking they might help me understand the flood of Noah: did God really drown all those children on earth who didn't get into the ark? I discovered the chat room wasn't open to questioning the received story of Noah and the flood.

Here is the transcript of what happened:

I have a question, if someone can help me? It's about Noah and the flood. Did God really destroy all the families on earth in that flood? Did he drown all the children that were left behind? ... I mean, it seems pretty brutal to me

yes KSS

yes, except for noah's children and their spouses

he destroyed the earth and everyone

all but 8 that were on the Ark, KSS

God is just: you can call that brutal if you must

God is serious

Jil (Anchored in Christ):
they warned many times to change their lives KSS

what God says...He means

amen charity, when hes had enough thats it

we must heed his warnings

the Bible says that it repented the Lord that He had made man on the earth and it grieved Him at His heart

Jil (Anchored in Christ):
amen preachers wife

I am having a hard time accepting that

we dont understand God His ways are higher then ours

Jil (Anchored in Christ):
amen glory

so you guys are really saying that it is OK by God to drown children in a flood?

Im not saying that KSS, but God makes him and he takes em

glory that sounds like word games, sorry to say

KSS........"the sins of the fathers are visited upon the 3rd and 4th generation"

KSS you need to take that up with God

yes, KSS. You have to understand about generational sin. The innocent babies weren't necessarily guilty, but their parents were: and they suffered as a consequence

The same exists today: our children will suffer for the sinful lives we live

Jil (Anchored in Christ):
KSS how about you praying to god and ask Him about it

I'm with you glory

KSS, its true He makes them and He takes them, its all in His Power and timing

The sins of the Fathers are passed down through generations

well you guys are very good at dismissing something horrible!!! I don't think I can accept the story. Or, I can't worship God if what you say is true

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