What if I am right and you were wrong

Did you know that evolutions's Proofs are rapidly vanishing? The more we learn, the more it points to God the creatior of the universe.

You say you don't in God, but what if there is a God and you have to stand before him some day. What if I am right and you were wrong. What if there is a real hell?

What if I were to burn you house down with you in it, would you try to excape or stand there like an itiot? I am sure you would try to excapt. Hell is real so why do you not want to excape it.

The bible says that we are ever learning, but never come to the knowledge of the truth. Are you so smart you can't see the truth. The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom.



Anonymous said…
You say that "evolution's proofs are rapidly vanishing" explain yourself. what you have said there is "evolution is wrong" i say why and the only answer is can see there is "because". I have not seen any proof that there is a god, and if there is, he is so drunk he can't see 2 feet infront of his (or her for that matter) face. However the proof of evolution keeps piling on, see yourself as an example, it's quite clear that your arguement was constructed by a monkey...Stop trying to save my soul and think about the suffering your actions as a "christian" and the actions of the church that acts on your behalf causes.
Anonymous said…
ah, good points, good points. but it really all boils down to a "what if I'M right and YOU'RE wrong?"

then you've wasted a lifetime worshipping your nonexistant god and i've lived mine to the fullest, believing in whatever i may have chosen over false dieties.

why would such a generous god who loves all of his children condemn us to hell just because we didn't decide to believe in him? answer: i don't know. there's so much proof that he's not real nowadays that it's almost impossible to believe. there's evolution (which has evidence that, i can assure you, is NOT rapidly diminishing,) there's
killers, people living on the streets, innocent civilians with deadly diseases, etc. why would a god who loves his children do that?

and that's the honest truth, it really is.

you just have to accept that you can't change someone else's beliefs. see, i don't think that my mediocre comment will make you an atheist, so you can't expect your message to make me believe. it's a beautiful world, so why don't you step outside and smell the flowers? a couple of people with different beliefs shouldn't bring you down, especially if you're such a devout, accepting CHRISTIAN.

and remember, if there is a god, then it would certainly be HIS job to send atheists into eternal damnation, NOT YOURS.

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