
Showing posts from February, 2008

It's a big old world without god

From L.E.B. I was only a Christian for a few years, of my own choosing, and I am glad my parents were a-religious. They didn't brainwash us to anything except treat other people nicely. I did the same with my own kids and though sometimes I worry they don't "fit in," they all know how to think logically. I don't hold a lot of animosity toward the ‘church,’ anymore. I was a Jesus-freak back in the day, mostly Four Square Gospel -- sister Amiee's church. I am, however, still pissed off that the pastor of my home church embezzled money to buy land for himself; I worked damn hard for the tithes I faithfully donated each payday. I had already left the church by the time they found out about that, so it wasn't like I had to face him or anything. It never ceases to amaze me that the people who profess the loudest about morals or whatever are the ones who end up in sleazy sex scandals or run off with the money from the poor box or molest children. Why is that? Th...

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