
Showing posts from January, 2003

What do I think?

sent in response to: Why the Interest? I think there are Christians who believe foolish things, I also find flawed logic among atheists. After visiting your site weekly for the last five months I find that your beliefs consistently strengthen my own because what inspires you is objectively true. I glean valuable insight from those inspirations. Worldview is simply how we understand the nature of true things. Reality itself will accommodate neither my understanding of it or yours. Personal worldview is literally the keystone that shapes every other belief we hold by faith throughout our lives, yet most people will die defending someone else’s. Theism is not what brings havoc to one’s mind, an inconsistency in our worldview ultimately will. Awareness of this changed my mindset. As a fundamentalist I once grounded my beliefs in the knowledge of other people. My point of view was unyielding because it relied on clear, fixed boundaries to protect my faith. Clarence Darrow was correct; ...


I was surfing the web, and I came across your Ex-Christian web site and read your testimony and stuff. I read some of the comments too, people can be so rude sometimes. Anyways, I didn't e-mail you to argue with you or anything, or to give you $10 (unfortunately I was just asking for the same thing a couple of minutes ago), I just wanted to see how you're doing. You seem really interesting. I know what you mean about not being able to carry on an intelligentellegent conversation with anyone about doctrine. Although my very close friends can, most people I come across aren't studying much, and certainly cannot defend their faith. I did want you to know, though, that reading your testimony, did convict me to know more answers and try harder to have them available for my recall. I'm studying predestination as of now and it's kicking my butt so far, but luckily I'm working through it slowly. I was just curious about you and what you believe right now, or wh...

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