
Showing posts from May, 2009

Material Needed for a Book

A letter from Trent Although I still hold to a belief in Christ, I definitely relate to the experiences described by the contributors to this site. I went through Bible College and received a master's degree in seminary before I started to realize the carnage Christianity has left in it's rear view mirror. I am writing a book in hopes of shedding light on these detestable practices and would love to include some of your real life experiences. I don't honestly know if it's a conflict of interest to for ex-Christians to help a fed-up Christian write a book scolding most Christians but figured it's worth a shot :) !!! If you would be game to help, please send me your experiences at trenttc11 AT gmail DOT com Thanks

Religious Disenchantment Narratives and the Arts

Image via Wikipedia My name is Philip Francis, a doctoral student at Harvard Divinity School , writing a dissertation on religious disenchantment narratives and the arts. I am posting here to see if there are any readers who would be willing to contribute to my project a short memoir of their experience of leaving the Christian fold, making particular note of the role of the arts, creativity, literature, beauty, the combined work of a particular artist or aesthetic experience (most broadly conceived) in this process. This memoir could be sent to me directly at or posted on Questions about the project may also be directed to my email address. The following are some basic guidelines and starter questions, but approach the writing anyway you like. The memoir may be as short or long as you like and assume any form. It may be signed or anonymous. Others have found it useful to structure their memoir as follows: 1. The Unsettling: reflect on your...

Troubled by the beginning

Questions from Saczino Image via Wikipedia I have been an atheist for 4 months now. I have been studying evolution as the alternative to creation (Most atheists seem to ‘believe’ in evolution). However, I have been highly disappointed by what I have discovered regarding evolution, it also seems to be taken by faith. There is no scientific proof for most of the evolutionary theories. There seems to be six sections or steps to evolution 1. Cosmic evolution – the origin of matter, space and time. There is absolutely no proof what-so-ever that matter, space and time can come out of nothing. The big bang (creation of matter, the rotation and the explosion of this matter) can not be proven in any scientific lab (i.e. no tests or experiments can be done to proof the big bang). As for something being coming out of nothing is just ridiculous!!! Generally accepted theory is that: All matter was condensed in a dot, and the dot came from nothing – this is just ridiculous!!! The very 1st st...

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